50 филмова

19. децембар 1986.

У средишту радње је војник Крис Тејлор (чију улогу тумачи Чарли Шин) који пристиже у Вијетнам зато што мисли како су сиромашни приморани ићи у рат, док се богати увек успеју извући. Испочетка залуђен овом идејом, након низа догађаја, који укључују крваве битке у којима његова јединица доживљава велике губитке, те уласка у село, који кулминира неоправданим убијањима цивила, Крис постепено спознаје да рат није оно чиме га је он сматрао. Све то га наводи да се полако психички трансформише у свог омраженог заповедника наредника Барнса (Том Беренџер), па му на крају, хладнокрвно сасипа рафал у прса. Филм се завршава његовим раним напуштањем службе, док се на екрану појављује посвета „Посвећено свима који су своје животе изгубили у Вијетнамском рату“.

Emanuelle returns to Kenya, trying to get an interview with a foreign gangster who's taken refuge in the African countryside while still operating an international criminal network.

Пар година након смрти његове жене и детета. Макс је постао отуђени номад, који лута кроз огољена пространства Аустралије. У њима се не дешава ништа сем међусобних ратова локалних племена. Након једне борбе, Макс доспева у племе које води Папагало. Његов народ смештен је у рафинерији, и иако Макс прво жели да им узме драгоцено гориво, он им се придружује у борби против супарничког племена…

Joe Buck is a wide-eyed hustler from Texas hoping to score big with wealthy New York City women; he finds a companion in Enrico "Ratso" Rizzo, an ailing swindler with a bum leg and a quixotic fantasy of escaping to Florida.

16. октобар 2005.

A wealthy Los Angeles teen and her superficial friends wants to break out of suburbia and experience Southern California's "gangsta" lifestyle. But problems arise when the preppies get in over their heads and provoke the wrath of a violent Latino gang. Suddenly, their role-playing seems a little too real.

01. јун 1980.

A woman is gang-raped in a horse's stable, and even though the rapists are caught and imprisoned, she is harassed many moons later by ghastly visions of her tormentors, while her husband philanders and every little thing frightens her out of her wits.

23. децембар 2022.

Група жена у изолованој менонитској заједници бори се са помирењем своје стварности са својом вером након низа сексуалних напада које су починили мушкарци из колоније.

18. јун 1999.

When the body of Army Capt. Elisabeth Campbell is found on a Georgia military base, two investigators, Warrant Officers Paul Brenner and Sara Sunhill, are ordered to solve her murder. What they uncover is anything but clear-cut. Unseemly details emerge about Campbell's life, leading to allegations of a possible military coverup of her death and the involvement of her father, Lt. Gen. Joseph Campbell.

Through key testimonies, this documentary looks at a gang rape that took place during the 2016 San Fermín festival and sparked protests worldwide.

27. октобар 1972.

A report reaches the US Army Cavalry that the Apache leader Ulzana has left his reservation with a band of followers. A compassionate young officer, Lieutenant DeBuin, is given a small company to find him and bring him back; accompanying the troop is McIntosh, an experienced scout, and Ke-Ni-Tay, an Apache guide. Ulzana massacres, rapes and loots across the countryside; and as DeBuin encounters the remains of his victims, he is compelled to learn from McIntosh and to confront his own naivity and hidden prejudices.

Laura Kendall, also known as Emanuelle, arrives at a remote prison with a long, fictional rap sheet that will allow her to go undercover to report on the cruelties behind bars.

22. септембар 2017.

A shoe-smith Arun Sachdeva (Sanjay) is shattered when he discovers that his daughter, Bhoomi (Aditi) has been raped by Dhauli (Sharad) and his gang of three. The father and daughter grieve for a bit before planning revenge.

28. март 1980.

A bunch of delinquent women are shipped to an island prison run by the sadistic warden Carla. Forced into situations of sexual perversion and violence and torture, the prisoners band together to try to overthrow Carla and escape the island.

12. август 1976.

Nico Palmieri is a police inspector who battles a criminal gang terrorizing a sleepy Italian town, extorting cash from the local merchants. With the threat of violence, no one dares to act, except for a restaurant owner who is forced by Palmieri to tell the truth.

26. децембар 1977.

Libbie is assigned to her paper's sexual advice column, "Dear Collete". She is taking over the job of Harry a crusty old journalist who shows her the pro's and cons of the job while running on a tight deadline to get the column finished for the morning's paper. During the course of the evening they reply to a wide variety of sexual experiences submitted by the readers, some these include, sex in a threesome at a drive-in theatre, sex in a gymnasium, and sex in a library where the "Silence Please" sign gives the male librarian an advantage over the female readers.

01. мај 1997.

In New South Wales, Jared surfs with his mates and has a first girl. He hosts a beach party for his older pal, Ricko, and witnesses four of his mates gang-rape a 15 year old. He does nothing, and the next day, she's found murdered. At school, the boys and the girls react: the girls with anger at the perpetrators, the boys with jeering at the dead girl's morality. The students' parents have their own responses. Jared retreats into angry silence, disgusted that he did nothing to help the dead girl. Meanwhile, his mother wants to talk to him about her impending cancer surgery, the police want to know what he saw, and his friend Ricko wants an alibi. Jared's cracking under the pressure.

02. фебруар 2018.

Director Srinivas Raju’s world of Dandupalya, as seen in the first two films of the series, will finally come to an end. The third film in the series will mark the end of the franchise, which has received a great deal of critical acclaim in both Kannada and Telugu.

A woman, attended by two midwives, is giving birth in a small village in India. When the child's cry rings, the father bangs on a steel plate to attract the attention of all the villagers, ...

01. март 1967.

A police captain is caught between businesses operating on the Los Angeles Sunset Strip who don't like the punks hanging out, and his belief in allowing the kids their rights. But when his daughter gets involved with an unruly bunch, his attitude starts to change.

11. мај 1973.

One night a textile worker is sexually assaulted by five deviants. The young lady tries to cope with the aftermath of this dramatic event but her life is ruined. Like a shattered vase, the pieces can be put back together but it'll never be the same. Cheng get's a job as a bar girl. She meets the club's owner who was a former kung-fu fighter until he was crippled. Cheng uses her position as a B-girl to go after the losers who raped her, She soon learns from a sleazy doctor that she has contracted a dark V.D. called Viet-Nam Rose. Crushed, she begs Lo Lieh to teach her kung-fu. At first he refuses until he learns her secret. Furious, Lo Lieh teaches her his deadly fight techniques (such as a groin crunching blow).

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