16 filmų

1980 gegužės 23

Novelistas Jackas Torrance`as tampa Overlook viešbučio prižiūrėtoju aukštai vienišuose Kolorado kalnuose. Būdamas šeimos žmogumi, jis kartu su savimi pasiima ir žmoną bei sūnų. Pradeda dėtis keisti dalykai, kai sūnus Danny`s pamato baisius paveisklus varomus jėga, vadinama "švytėjimu". Tai labai paveikia Jack`o psichiką. Praradęs kūrybinį įkvėpimą ir medžiojamas viešbučio demonų, jis patiria psichologinį lūžį. Įvykiai pakrypsta į dar blogesnę pusę.

Filme lygiagrečiai vaizduojami vienišos, be perstojo žiūrinčios televizorių našlės Saros Goldfarb, jos sūnaus Hario, šio draugės Marion ir narkotikų prekeivio Tyrone gyvenimai. Po to, kai sužino, kad dalyvaus TV žaidime, Sara pradeda vartoti dietines tabletes, nes bijo, kad jai netiks laimėta raudona suknia. Tuo pat metu Harris ir jo draugai vartoja kokainą ir heroiną. Narkotinėms medžiagoms užvaldant protą, kūną ir, galų gale, sielą, visų jų gyvenimas pradeda spirale ristis atgal...

The stage emulates life and compresses it, setting free skills learned over lifetimes in brief but dazzling displays for the amusement and judgment of others. For the performers, it is the ultimate risk, and some will rise while others must fall. Nowhere is this truer than at the Seisho Music Academy, where music, dance and real weapons all come into play in the creation of the next great Star. Karen and Hikari’s destinies have been linked since a childhood promise, but their journeys here have taken very different paths. Now, after Hikari leaves, Karen must discover who she is without her opposite, while Hikari must rediscover her own course. Nor are they the only girls who must reassess and change if they want to achieve their dreams, as the dance, magic, and swordplay continue!


2013 gegužės 6

In a surreal meeting filled with countless individuals from a variety of backgrounds, nine people recount how sex and sexuality have been used to exert control over their lives. Regardless of race, sexual orientation, nationality, social class, religion, or gender, all are equally shattered and all are equally victims. Those that recount their experiences show that the power / sex dynamic can come in many forms. Whether the power is taken away by physical or psychological means, and regardless of whether it is perpetrated by an individual, institution, or society, the results are equally devastating.

2020 rugpjūčio 15

After a catastrophic global war, a young filmmaker awakens in the carnage and seeks refuge in the only other survivor: an eccentric, ideologically opposed figure of the United States military. Together, they brave the toxic landscape in search of safety... and answers.

While trying to expose corruption and greed, television reporter Edison Carter discovers that his employer, Network 23, has created a new form of subliminal advertising (termed "blip-verts") that can be fatal to certain viewers.

2016 sausio 8

A teenage orphan and delinquent rebels against her evil family during a global virus outbreak.

2020 rugpjūčio 9

A delusional man in a modern day city dresses, acts like, and has the mindset of a cowboy.

2023 birželio 19

An average company employee is thrust into a delirious night after a mugging and faces a world of lost souls that he had not considered before.

2023 birželio 27

A comedy short mocumentary about student filmmaking. Twatter follows the exploits of Writer/Director Quentin Tarantino (No Relation) as he attempts to create his masterpiece.

1987 sausio 1

Krešimir Zimonić's take on the underlying nature of a hard-fought soccer game.

2020 gruodžio 9

A performative criminal is unable to find a valuable bag; instead, he finds a suspicious man who may be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

2019 rugpjūčio 28

Postmodernism also has to be seen as a system, one that is acknowledged, one with which one can create houses, locomotives, films, everything... That has nothing to do with art. That is just a parlour game. - Vlado Kristl

2023 spalio 12

Irén, the museum hall guard, is happy to work amongst the great works of classical paintings. But one day, she finds herself confronted with a new, abstract painting. The incomprehensible work has a profound effect on her and will not let her rest. The next workday, she makes an unexpected move.

A summary of the first 15 years of Blob, a collage of television programmes aired every evening on the Italian television network Rai Tre since 1989.

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