239 Serien

Der Wilde Westen war gestern, doch das Goldfieber ist zurück. Mit einem festen Ziel vor Augen, nehmen die Männer in der Wildnis Alaskas ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand: Auf einem abgeschiedenen Claim wollen sie nach Gold schürfen. Die Hoffnung auf Reichtum, Ruhm und faustgroße Nuggets treibt sie dabei zu Höchstleistungen an. Doch was sich nach der wildromantischen Verwirklichung eines Kindheitstraums anhört, ist knüppelharte Arbeit gepaart mit hohem Risiko: Wildlebende Bären, extreme Witterung und herbe Enttäuschungen warten auf die Schatzsucher in einer gottverlassenen Gegend.

Nach dem Tod ihres Vaters müssen zwei Brüder das Bestattungsinstitut der Familie retten.

20. September 2010
8. September 1981

The misadventures of two wheeler dealer brothers Del Boy and Rodney Trotter of 'Trotters Independent Traders PLC' who scrape their living by selling dodgy goods believing that next year they will be millionaires.

A competent secretary and a narcissistic boss fall in love while uncovering a traumatic past that causes them to question whether their feelings are real or the result of a shared trauma.

15. April 2021

Take a glimpse into global star Mark Wahlberg's life as he juggles the demands of a rigorous film schedule coupled with an ever-growing network of diverse businesses including his clothing line, his gym studio, his restaurant chain; and his production company. Along the way, viewers will learn powerful business and life lessons as he navigates the numerous challenges of a global pandemic, all while trying to maintain and expand his vast portfolio.

4. Januar 2005

Budding entrepreneurs get three minutes to pitch their business ideas to five multi-millionaires willing to invest their own cash.

16. April 2002

Allie Henshall and Gavin Ferraday are partners in love and business. They own Henshall Ferraday hair salon, where Allie's sisters Darcey and Sydney work alongside them. As Allie and Gavin consider taking over a vacant property across the road, they are rocked by the news that a rival hairdresser has bought it. To make matters worse, Allie discovers that the new salon, Blade Runner, is run by her ex, Finn, and his wife, Mia Bevan. Finn fathered the child Allie claimed to have aborted. He left her when he found out she was pregnant, but he's back in town to try and woo Allie.


28. Oktober 2019

The staff in charge of catering to the desires of a department store's top clientele try to keep their not-so-luxurious personal lives afloat.

30. Juni 2008

Ako si Kim Samsoon, or simply Kim Samsoon, was a romantic comedy Philippine drama that was aired on GMA Network, a remake of a popular and award-winning Korean drama that originally aired on MBC TV on Summer 2005. The series was part of the network's 58th Anniversary celebration.

Re-telling the story of My Lovely Sam Soon, dubbed as the Korean Bridget Jones, the series began airing on June 30, 2008, replacing Babangon Ako't Dudurugin Kita, and ended on October 10, 2008. The title role, previously played by Kim Sun Ah, was played by Regine Velasquez. This show marked the last television directing of Khryss Adalia who died due to colon cancer on October 13, 2008 after the finale week and the show was cancelled due to low ratings.

It was re-aired on GMA Life TV from December 20, 2010 to April 1, 2011. It currently airs on KIKU-TV in Honolulu, Hawaii since October 21, 2012. Ako si Kim Samsoon is also currently airing via Fox Filipino which premiered on May 28, 2013.

9. August 2009

Wer seinen amerikanischen Traum leben möchte, muss in dieser Show erst ein Bad im Haifischbecken überstehen: Milliardär Mark Cuban, Immobilienmogul Barbara Corcoran, QVC-Queen Lori Greiner, Technologie-Guru Robert Herjavec, Markenexperte Daymond John und Risikokapitalgeber Kevin O'Leary sind nämlich die potenziellen Investoren, die über die Zukunft der Kandidaten entscheiden. Kann ein Magnet-System für Männerhemden zum Kassenschlager werden? Sollten Mütter ihre Kinder in eine Tanz-Company schicken? Wird der ultimative Shrimp-Burger die Massen anlocken? Und ist die "Copa de Vino" wirklich 600.000 Dollar wert? Die Experten riechen sofort, welche Business-Idee einschlagen kann und welche baden geht.

5. Januar 1962

Steptoe and Son is a British sitcom written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson about a father and son played by Wilfred Brambell and Harry H. Corbett who deal in selling used items. They live on Oil Drum Lane, a fictional street in Shepherd's Bush, London. Four series were broadcast by the BBC from 1962 to 1965, followed by a second run from 1970 to 1974. Its theme tune, "Old Ned", was composed by Ron Grainer. The series was voted 15th in a 2004 BBC poll to find Britain's Best Sitcom. It was remade in the US as Sanford and Son, in Sweden as Albert & Herbert and in the Netherlands as Stiefbeen en zoon. In 1972 a movie adaptation of the series, Steptoe and Son, was released in cinemas, with a second Steptoe and Son Ride Again in 1973.

30. November 2016

Die Geschichte von Incorporated ist in der dystopischen Welt des Jahres 2074 angesiedelt. Die meisten Länder der Erde sind bankrott und in eine tiefe Krise gestürzt. Darüber hinaus macht der Klimawandel der Erdbevölkerung zu schaffen und sämtliche Regierungsinstanzen haben versagt, woraufhin sich multinationale Konzerne nach und nach die Kontrolle über die entscheidenden Regler der Macht verschafft haben. Wenngleich die Regierungen nach wie vor intakt sind, haben sie keine richtige Entscheidungsgewalt mehr. Die großen Unternehmen steuern den Lauf der Dinge in den sicheren Green Zones. Der Rest der Menschheit, der in den gefährlichen Red Zones zu überleben versucht, ist dem Untergang geweiht. Obwohl sich der Geschäftsmann Ben Larson in dieser Welt bisher ganz gut zurechtgefunden hat, muss er eines Tages erschrocken feststellen, dass nichts so ist, wie es scheint.

21. April 2017

Sophia Marlowe führt in San Francisco ein unstetes Leben zwischen Party und Jobwechsel. Ihre beste Freundin Annie ist dabei immer an ihrer Seite. Die junge Frau verliebt sich in den Bandmanager Shane, mit dem sie auch eine Beziehung eingeht. Eines Tages verkauft Sophia eine Vintage-Lederjacke über eBay, und sie entdeckt dabei das Potential dieses sehr lukrativen Geschäftsfeldes. Sie kündigt ihren Job als Empfangsdame einer Kunstuniversität, um sich ganz ihrer Verkaufsplattform Nasty Gal Vintage zu widmen, mit allen Vor- und Nachteilen für ihr Privatleben.

Saichi Nagase is the number one salesperson at a real estate agency whose biggest fault is being overly honest and unable to lie.

3. Oktober 2006

Canadian version of the reality show in which budding entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of venture capitalists in the hopes of securing business financing.

As soon as Zhu Yun started college life, the world was completely turned upside down by the intrusion of "bad boy" Li Xun. He was regarded by Zhu Yun as a rich, ignorant and incompetent son, but his real identity was actually a special admissions student who was admitted by the school, and a rare programming genius. After several confrontations, the two have some appreciation for each other. The senior Fang Zhijing made things difficult for Zhu Yun many times, Li Xun took action to protect Zhu Yun, and invited her to join the preparation team he set up to win a major programming competition on behalf of the school.

21. August 2008

The straight-talking, perfectly coifed Tabatha Coffey lends her sound advice and styling expertise to help desperate salon owners turn their struggling businesses around.

Kim Mi So (Sekretärin Kim) arbeitet für Le Young Joon, den Vize-Präsidenten und Erben eines großen Unternehmens. 9 Jahre lang war sie seine treue Sekretärin. Doch eines Tages kündigt sie. Einfach so. Kim Mi So versteht die Welt nicht mehr.

Having suffered a fiasco in the hotel business and saying goodbye to the Eleon Hotel, Eleanor retreats to Tuscany. Everything changes when the ex-fiance Dmitry Nagiyev, who is guilty of her bankruptcy, begins construction of the grandiose Resort complex in Sochi. To take revenge on the showman for all the insults, Eleanor buys a hotel that Nagiyev has his eye on, hires her ex-husband, chef Viktor Barinov, their daughter Katya and manager Mikhail Dzhekovich.

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