103 elokuvaa

2 kesäkuu 2005

Parhaat päivänsä nähnyt nyrkkeilijä saa Yhdysvaltain lamavuosina tilaisuuden suureen otteluun ja nousee kansansankariksi.

9 syyskuu 2022

A Danish family visits a Dutch family they met on a holiday. What was supposed to be an idyllic weekend slowly starts unraveling as the Danes try to stay polite in the face of unpleasantness.

18 toukokuu 2007

In the Nazi-occupied Netherlands during World War II, a Jewish singer infiltrates the regional Gestapo headquarters for the Dutch resistance.

Toisen maailmansodan loppupuolella liittoutuneet päättävät vallata saksalaisilta Alankomaiden tärkeimmät sillat, jotta liittoutuneet pääsevät etenemään natsi-Saksaan. Tarkoituksena on pudottaa Alankomaihin tuhansia laskuvarjosotilaita, jotka saavat hyökkäyksessä tukea brittiläiseltä XXX armeijakunnalta. Tiukka aikataulu on kunnianhimoisen suunnitelman kulmakivi, mutta joukkojen tielle ilmaantuu yllättäviä hidasteita.

1600-luvun alun Alankomaihin sijoittuvassa romanttisessa draamaelokuvassa taidemaalari rakastuu nuoreen naimisissa olevaan naiseen, jonka muotokuvaa hänet on palkattu maalaamaan. Saadakseen yhteisen tulevaisuuden rakastavaiset päättävät kokeilla onneaan tulppaanikauppiaina, sillä maata sekoittavan tulppaanihuuman ansiosta alalla voi vaurastua.

24 tammikuu 2018

Antwerp, Belgium. The lives of four small-time drug dealers spin out of control when they steal a shipment of cocaine, triggering a full out war between an Amsterdam drug lord and a ruthless Colombian cartel.

Erik Lanshofin ja viiden hänen läheisimmän ystävänsä elämä kulkee erilaisia polkuja, kun Saksan armeija tunkeutuu Alankomaihin vuonna 1940: taistelua ja vastarintaa, pelkoa ja alistumista, yhteistyötä ja maanpetosta.

31 joulukuu 2008

During World War II in the freezing winter of 1944-45 the western Netherlands are in the grip of a famine. Many people move east to provide for their families. Fourteen year old Michiel can't wait to join the Dutch resistance, to the dismay of his father, who, as mayor, works to prevent escalations in the village.

A black comedy set in the 1960s in a small Netherlands community, populated by a cast of eccentrics, all of whom hold a range of sexual obsessions and frustrated desires.

21 heinäkuu 2022

Betriek lives at the edge of a peat bog in the North of the Netherlands. When she and her family are attacked by a random stranger one night, Betriek sets out to find an explanation. The more she digs, the more she becomes convinced that she is being hunted by something ancient.

Timanttivaras ja pikkunäpistelijä tapaavat toisensa, kun kunnianhimoinen poliisi haluaa sulan hattuunsa ennen eläköitymistä.

1888: a luthier, Vedder, has to step aside when his home, opposite the recently completed Central Station in Amsterdam, must yield for the planned Victoria Hotel. His cousin Anijs, pharmacist in the Northern provinces of the Netherlands, has gotten into a fix after illegal medical practices, and is looking for a way out. For himself and his wife Martha, but also for a colony of poor peat cutters whom he promises a future in the United States. Committed - or is it pride? - the two of them think up a scheme from which they all will fully benefit. With tragic consequences.

28 syyskuu 2006

Edgar works as a waiter in 'Het Westen', a restaurant. He is married and has a lover. His neighbors terrorize him with loud music and garbage. One day after he is mistreated by some customers he is sick of it all and goes to talk to his creator, the scenario writer.

Alcoholic and low budget stuntman Ron Goossens has to get The Netherlands' most successful actrice between the sheets in order to save his own marriage. Will he succeed? A new outrageous comedy from the writers/directors of New Kids Turbo, New Kids Nitro and Bros Before Hos.

17 syyskuu 2009

A fictional story within the historical context of the disastrous flood that engulfed the Dutch coastal province of Zeeland in 1953. When their farmhouse is destroyed by the flood, teenage mother Julia gets separated from her baby boy, whom she kept hidden in a box. She is saved from drowning by a young air force lieutenant, who agrees to go help looking for Julia's little son.

A political comedy about an illegal Moroccan who makes it to President of the Netherlands. As we follow his unlikely rise and self-sought fall, Joes learns that it's easy to win the support of the people, but to rule them is a whole other story.

23 lokakuu 2008

Vox Populi is a black comedy about an experienced politician suffering from a midlife crisis. When he comes into contact with the common-man's logic of his new in-laws, this has a far-reaching effect on both his political and his personal life.

11 lokakuu 2023

Yeon-gyu, a teenage boy who wants to escape his hometown where violence is commonly enacted among neighbors. He only hopes to have a peaceful life with his mother. However, the world never allows him to have a dream nor hope for life.

31 tammikuu 2008

A man convicted of killing his own father and sister escapes from a long-stay criminal hospital to track down his estranged mother, whom he believes can prove his innocence.

13 toukokuu 2007

Hannah, the headstrong rebel of seven siblings, tries to avoid the preparations for her parent's wedding anniversary, but her charming brand-new lover Victor sort of drags her along, and soon proves an ideal son-in-law, which arouses mixed feelings in her. The sister in law who for years tries to fit in but always felt ignored gets a fit because Victor is immediately invited to chip in and join the anniversary river cruise, so they take over the organization from her. Yet when he confides in her the bunch is miserable at communicating, she claims he can't judge after just one evening and seems suddenly uncertain whether to stay with Victor who proves quite patient and understanding...

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