33 فیلم

آوریل 24, 2019

A look into the career and impact of "classical liberal" talk show host Dave Rubin

اکتبر 19, 1939

Naive and idealistic Jefferson Smith, leader of the Boy Rangers, is appointed to the United States Senate by the puppet governor of his state. He soon discovers, upon going to Washington, many shortcomings of the political process as his earnest goal of a national boys' camp leads to a conflict with the state political boss.

ژوئن 19, 2020

In this collection of interviews with some of America's most conservative black pundits, white director Justin Malone presents his vision of being black in America. Featuring politicians, lobbyists, ministers, some unqualified random people (even an alleged sex pest), the film explores their choice to navigate the world as one of America's most self-resenting identities: the American Black Conservative. In this propaganda film from Director Justin Malone and Executive Producer Larry Elder, Uncle Tom evangelizes victim-blaming, selfishness, and their lack of empathy. Uncle Tom shows us a biased perspective of American History from this political ”movement.”

سپتامبر 9, 2022

David's comfortable world is turned upside down when his birth mother Melissa unexpectedly reaches out, longing to meet the eighteen year old son she's only held once.

مه 25, 1967

In this film based on a Neil Simon play, newlyweds Corie, a free spirit, and Paul Bratter, an uptight lawyer, share a sixth-floor apartment in Greenwich Village. Soon after their marriage, Corie tries to find a companion for mother, Ethel, who is now alone, and sets up Ethel with neighbor Victor. Inappropriate behavior on a double date causes conflict, and the young couple considers divorce.

دسامبر 25, 2006

奧斯卡得主 Judi Dench 和 Cate Blanchett 在這部性感、時尚的驚悚片中展現了極其精彩的演技,並獲得奧斯卡提名。Judi Dench 飾演的芭芭拉歌佛是一個用鐵腕統治課堂的老師,但在課堂之外卻過著絕望、孤獨的生活。直到她遇到光彩照人的新美術老師舒芭哈特(Blanchett 飾)。芭芭拉一開始因為結識到志趣相投的人而感到欣喜若狂,但當她發現舒芭和一個學生的戀情時,她的嫉妒和憤怒一發不可收拾。

مارس 8, 1996

A gay cabaret owner and his drag queen companion agree to put up a false straight front so that their son can introduce them to his fiancée's conservative moralistic parents.

1953 年時,衛斯理學院的女學生成功與否,全看能否嫁個如意郎君,直到一名教授到來,並矢言顛覆現狀。

A documentary analyzing the furore which so-called "video nasties" caused in Britain during the 1980s.

Vasilis is a poor conservative man who works in a company and tends to buy the lottery very often - but with no luck. His life will turn upside down when his younger sister turns out to be an anarchist and gets involved with a leftist rebellious man he already knows and hates. Eventually, in an ironic twist of faith, the two of them will earn millions and gain the exact lifestyle they used to fight against and Vasilis will lose his mind.

مه 24, 2018

Antonio Decoud is a conservative family man who is forced by destiny to face an unexpected situation that shakes him to the core, scrambling up his life and his priorities, pushing him to forget his beliefs and his way of understanding life and follow the most basic instinct: the animal instinct.

مارس 24, 1995

Father Greg Pilkington is torn between his call as a conservative Catholic priest and his secret life as a homosexual with a gay lover, frowned upon by the Church. Upon hearing the confession of a young girl of her incestuous father, Greg enters an intensely emotional spiritual struggle deciding between choosing morals over religion and one life over another.

اکتبر 31, 2010

A comedy about a conservative Southern mom who discovers that her only son is gay. Determined that he won’t go through life alone and miserable, she sets out to find him the perfect husband!

ژوئیه 16, 2004

Alim is a gay man living in London to escape the domineering eye of his conservative Muslim mother, Nuru, back in Canada. Alim keeps his homosexuality secret from his mother, so when she comes for a surprise visit, he and his boyfriend, Giles, must put on a straight facade to hide the truth.

When a big TV crusader Melvin P. Thorpe threatens to expose the Chicken Ranch to public scandal and close it down, Miss Mona doesn't go down without a fight.

آوریل 2, 2021

Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Dr. Mildred Jefferson square off in a national battle in this untold conspiracy that led to the most famous and controversial court case in history.

نوامبر 1, 2018

A comedy about a religious mother who is determined to stop her gay son's wedding. But her plans go awry when she accidentally befriends his fiancé and begins dispensing relationship advice.

اکتبر 20, 2022

Frustrated by the liberal left and what he deems the destruction of the country he risked his life for, reclusive veteran Quint North (Schneider) is ordered by the court to keep his distance from the local high school with the American flag on the back of his El Camino or face a fine and jail time. In an ultimate exhibition of patriotism, he sets forth a series of events that just may get him killed in his own front yard.

مه 8, 2004

The gay son of a conservative senator who is also the poster boy for his father's re-election unknowingly befriends a gay activist bent on destroying the hypocritical campaign.

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