73 部电影

卅幾歲的杜威 (積伯克飾演),自命是樂與怒信徒,擅玩重搖滾結他。可惜,杜威的狂熱不受同儕認同,他夾Band時越位搶咪之餘,更大玩台上笨豬Jump台下,結果Band友齊齊踢他出局。




Cheese-loving eccentric Wallace and his cunning canine pal, Gromit, investigate a mystery in Nick Park's animated adventure, in which the lovable inventor and his intrepid pup run a business ridding the town of garden pests. Using only humane methods that turn their home into a halfway house for evicted vermin, the pair stumble upon a mystery involving a voracious vegetarian monster that threatens to ruin the annual veggie-growing contest.

Ash and friends (this time accompanied by newcomer Dawn) arrive at an idyllic village on their way to their next Pokemon contest, where chaos will soon erupt with the prophecy of two Pokemon Gods (Dialga and Palkia) and the arrival of a mysterious, seemingly deadly Pokemon named Darkrai, which has the power to distort space and time.

2019 年 02 月 10 日


1950 年 07 月 12 日

Lin McAdam rides into town on the trail of Dutch Henry Brown, only to find himself in a shooting competition against him. McAdam wins the prize, a one-in-a-thousand Winchester rifle, but Dutch steals it and leaves town. McAdam follows, intent on settling his old quarrel, while the rifle keeps changing hands and touching a number of lives.

1992 年 09 月 28 日

When an office full of Chicago real estate salesmen is given the news that all but the top two will be fired at the end of the week, the atmosphere begins to heat up. Shelley Levene, who has a sick daughter, does everything in his power to get better leads from his boss, John Williamson, but to no avail. When his coworker Dave Moss comes up with a plan to steal the leads, things get complicated for the tough-talking salesmen.

1982 年 01 月 21 日

清朝末年,洋人入侵,大廈將傾。大內太監總管程公公程如虎(元奎 飾)眼見大勢已去,趁宮中混亂之際,率領手下一群禁衛軍,以保護國寶為名,將一批宮廷珍藏之古物押離禁宮,輾轉至廣東境內之龍山鎮,利用當地首富王員外與外國人稔熟的關係,將一件件國寶偷賣給洋人,以圖暴利。副總管於海反對將國寶出售,當即與程鬧至不歡而散。這天,龍山鎮的富家公子、武藝高強的龍少爺(成龍 飾)與朋友外出遊玩之際,無意中來到了一處堆滿寶藏的地方。看守的人發現了驚奇不已的龍少爺,一路追殺過來。幸好當地王員外暗中相救,龍少爺才躲過一劫。原來此處是程公公的私藏國寶之地,機關重重。同時,一直反對程公公所作所為的副總管於海趁亂偷出了一些國寶,程公公得知後大怒,派人四處追殺於海。某次在岳王廟中,正遇程手下多人欲擒拿於海,龍少爺拔刀相助,反而給王員外也惹來了殺身之禍。程公公知道龍少爺將於海藏在王員外府內,以為王員外和於海勾結,下令剿殺於海與王員外。龍少爺為救人展開了一場生死之戰,決定挑戰程公公這個老奸巨猾的賣國賊 ······

2004 年 01 月 23 日

A small-town girl wins a date with a Hollywood star through a contest. When the date goes better than expected, a love triangle forms between the girl, the celebrity, and the girl's best friend.

2018 年 01 月 26 日

A young autistic woman runs away from her caregiver in order to boldly go and deliver her 500-page Star Trek script to a writing competition in Hollywood. On an adventure full of laughter and tears, Wendy follows the guiding spirit of Mr. Spock on her journey into the unknown.

1993 年 01 月 13 日

A ten year old boy gets tired of life with abusive parents and cashes in his piggy bank and steals a Mustang. He rides off into a surreal America playing "Motorama," a game sponsored by Chimera Gas Company. He has various encounters with different people, and eventually reaches the Chimera Gas Company where he finds they are not playing by the rules of the game.

2005 年 09 月 28 日

A Midwestern housewife supports her large family by entering contests for ad slogans sponsored by consumer product companies, while dealing with abuse from her alcoholic husband. Based on a true story.

1979 年 12 月 21 日

An eccentric games inventor dies and leaves behind an inheritance worth hundreds of millions of dollars - which will only be given to the person or team, amongst his family and hired help, who wins a madcap scavenger hunt.

2013 年 02 月 08 日

Desperate to help her ailing brother, a young woman agrees to compete in a deadly game of "Would You Rather" hosted by a sadistic aristocrat.

1933 年 02 月 10 日

The children of Iowa farmers find love, with mixed results, at the state fair.

1992 年 09 月 30 日

A romantic comedy set in the Southern California beach scene. Down on his luck, Scotty McKay becomes the master of a very lonely genie, who brings him wealth, power and true love. Miracles can happen!

1991 年 02 月 09 日

Rin Jyoshima lost her father to death-by-gambling; years later, she's grown up in the Kosugi household and has fallen victim to gambling herself.

1964 年 01 月 31 日

Roger Willoughby is a renowned fishing expert, who, unbeknownst to his friends, co-workers, or boss, has never cast a line in his life. One day, he crosses paths with Abigail Paige, a sweetly annoying girl who has just badgered his boss into signing Roger up for an annual fishing tournament.

2015 年 07 月 02 日

What happens when six lucky strangers, three handsome young guys and three beautiful sexy young women, from all over the world, win a random contest-- an all expenses paid trip to an amazing beach house in glamorous Malibu, California, thanks to a big Internet company--only to discover they have to share it with each other.

1940 年 10 月 25 日

An office clerk loves entering contests in the hopes of someday winning a fortune and marrying the girl he loves. His latest attempt is the Maxford House Coffee Slogan Contest. As a joke, some of his co-workers put together a fake telegram which says that he won the $25,000 grand prize.

1951 年 10 月 25 日

Marjory Clark wins a competition in her Midland town and finds herself in a Festival of Britain procession as Lady Godiva - though not in the buff. This leads by way of a suspect beauty competition to the show-business world of London. But it could be a slippery slope for simple home-town Marge.



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