70 filmų

Dvi merginos pateko į iš kalėjimo pasprukusių žiauruolių gaujos spąstus. Išprievartavę, nukankinę ir nužudę vieną auką chuliganai suranda prieglobstį artimiausiuose namuose, nežinodami, kad jie priklauso nukentėjusios merginos tėvams. Kai pastarieji išsiaiškina žudikų asmenybes, negaišdami nei minutės laiko pareiškimams policijai, nusprendžia surengti asmeninį teismą ir negailestingai atkeršyti išgamoms.

2023 gruodžio 19

Lalo is a teenager tormented by the recent death of his dad, and being forced to move to an old house with his grandmother Elena. After taking his dad's old wristwatch, the ghost of a young girl begins to haunt him. Now, Lalo's life is in danger as he tries to unfold the mysterious ghost who keeps frightening him, hoping to stop her from dragging him for good.

When a homeless Romani boy is arrested at the Danish border for possession of a missing public servant's passport, police inspector Carl Mørck and Department Q are tasked with finding the connection.

2002 rugsėjo 6

Ben Cronin has it all: the admiration of his many friends, a terrific girlfriend, and he's on the fast-track to an athletic scholarship. Ben's rock-solid, promising future and romance are turned upside-down with the arrival of Madison Bell. Madison, the new girl in town, quickly sets her sights on the impressionable Ben. While their first few meetings are innocent enough, the obsessive and seductive Madison wants more ... much more.

1968 gegužės 15

Well-off ad man Ned Merrill is visiting a friend when he notices the abundance of backyard pools that populate their upscale suburb. Ned suddenly decides that he'd like to travel the eight miles back to his own home by simply swimming across every pool in town. Soon, Ned's journey becomes harrowing; at each house, he is somehow confronted with a reminder of his romantic, domestic and economic failures.

1944 birželio 27

After breaking up with her fiancé, a gym teacher returns to work at a women's college, but a legal loophole allows him to enroll as one of her students.

After almost 10 years of marriage, attractive Zoe discovers that her marriage lacks passion and surprise, and is seduced by the possibility of finding those sensations already forgotten in her husband's brother. From this premise a series of events lead these three characters to a dangerous game of revenges, secrets and passions. Two brothers and one woman: the triangle is outlined in a disquieting way. It is a bomb that triggers family secrets, the contained rage of desire and the unmanageable power of love. An exciting story that subjugates the viewer from beginning to end. Even though Zoe/Sonia has been married to Ignacio/Ishan for about a decade, they are unable to have children. She wants to be intimate but he prefers to be ready for intimacy on Saturdays only, and she gets physically drawn to his artistic brother, Gonzalo/Rohan. Then things get complicated for her after she tests positive for motherhood and finds that her husband may be gay.

Įsimylėjęs ir apie būsimą šeimyninę laimę svajojantis jaunuolis Romanas (aktorius Jefimas Petruninas) vieną vakarą išeina pasivaikščioti į mišką. Klajodamas nepažįstamais takais, vaikinas prieina ežerą, o ant jo kranto sutinka keistą merginą, kuri sušnabžda jam žodžius „Tu mane myli“ ir pradingsta. Nors Romanas turi mylimą sužadėtinę Mariną (Viktorija Agalakova), jis niekaip negali pamiršti paslaptingos nepažįstamosios. Negana to, jo gyvenime ima dėtis iš pradžių keisti, o vėliau vis labiau bauginantys dalykai: nemiga, haliucinacijos ir, kas svarbiausia, jis niekaip negali nustoti galvoti apie miške sutiktą moterį. Marina jaučia Romano susvetimėjimą, tačiau nieko negali padaryti.

1999 spalio 8

Already suffering fiscal and emotional bankruptcy after a car crash shatters his life, young Van finds himself in a vacuum when his buddies go off to college and he stays behind to look after his disabled, alcoholic father. Lacking an outlet for his rage, Van starts to run with two local punks and drifts into a life of crime. Then he meets Doug, who seems to have everything Van desires ... but Doug has demons of his own.

2004 liepos 21

A young man aspiring for recognition of his talents battles against his estranged father's sentiment towards him as the father deals with his own demons.

1997 gegužės 13

Terrorists attempt to disrupt the Atlanta Olympics by kidnapping the U.S. women's swim team. If their demands are not met, the team will be executed. Only janitor Jack Bryant, a former Olympic gymnast champion of Tae Kwon Do felled by injuries and alcoholism knows of their real plans. And only he, with the guidance of former terrorist-fighter Leo, can stop them.

2020 rugsėjo 18

While young and in her prime, Nadia decides to retire from pro swimming after the Olympic Games; to escape a rigid life of sacrifice. After her very last race, Nadia drifts into nights of excess punctuated by episodes of self-doubt. But even this transitional numbness cannot conceal her true inner quest: defining her identity outside the world of elite sports.

2022 vasario 18

A prodigious 15-year-old swimmer with the world at his feet self-destructs after his father is released from prison. Inside of the pool, he lives a life of rigorous perfectionism and outside of it, his existence is lonely and hollow.

A high school kid develops an addiction to Internet porn so intense that it begins to destroy his life and tear his family apart.

2012 kovo 29

Through his work at a morgue, an incarcerated young man trying to build a new life starts to come to terms with the crime he committed.

After falling pregnant to Perth, her boyfriend's best friend, Ice commits suicide. She returns to haunt Perth while Tan seeks out the person who made her kill herself for his own revenge.

A psycho scientist sent in to inoculate the luscious young student bodies against a new virus makes a little error in judgment, resulting in a not-so-little flesh-eating zombie problem. Now, with most of the school and all of the teachers running amuck, eating each other, having rabid sex and juggling, it's up to Aki and her new found allies on the Girls Swim Team to take care of business.

Erez, a rising star in the Israeli swimming scene, arrives at a godforsaken training camp held in a boarding school. The winner of the competition held there wins one ticket to the Olympics. There he meets Nevo, beautiful, gifted, who awakens subconscious desires in him. However, their swimming coach does not believe in friendships between competitors. Warned to stay away from Nevo, Erez is still too attracted to him. In between practices, he attempts to act upon his feelings…

Two twin brothers are living on a different sides of Berlin Wall after being separated after birth.

2018 balandžio 14

An anxious and ungainly teenage boy struggles against bullies, puberty, and his fears of mortality when his parents send him to a summer water polo camp.

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