61 Filme

31. Oktober 2014

When Lou Bloom, desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story. Aiding him in his effort is Nina, a TV-news veteran.

20. September 2013

Als seine kleine Tochter und deren Freundin verschwinden, gerät ein verzweifelter Vater mit dem verantwortlichen Kommissar aneinander und nimmt die Dinge selbst in die Hand.

2. März 2007

A cartoonist teams up with an ace reporter and a law enforcement officer to track down an elusive serial killer.

28. März 2014

John "Breacher" Wharton leads an elite DEA task force that takes on the world's deadliest drug cartels. When the team successfully executes a high-stakes raid on a cartel safe house, they think their work is done – until, one-by-one, the team members mysteriously start to be eliminated. As the body count rises, everyone is a suspect.

29. Januar 2021

Deke ist der Sheriff von Kern County in Kalifornien, doch er ist ziemlich ausgebrannt und hat seinen Beruf über. Doch als ein Serienkiller sein Unwesen treibt, muss er sich noch einmal aufraffen. Ihm zur Seite steht ein junger Detective aus Los Angeles, der dem alten Provinzcop zuerst skeptisch begegnet. Schnell ist der Jungspund aber beeindruckt von der Spürnase des alten Hasen und dessen Auge für die kleinsten Details. Doch die Partnerschaft wird schnell auf eine harte Probe gestellt, weil Deke Regeln eher eigenwillig auslegt. Und zudem hat der alte Polizist noch ein dunkles Geheimnis in seiner Vergangenheit, welches ihn plagt...

16. Dezember 2016

Zwei FBI-Agenten bitten einen hellseherischen Arzt um Hilfe, um einem Serienmörder das Handwerk zu legen, der es auf todkranke Patienten abgesehen hat.

5. November 1999

Rookie cop, Amelia Donaghy reluctantly teams with Lincoln Rhyme – formerly the department's top homicide detective but now paralyzed as a result of a spinal injury – to catch a grisly serial killer dubbed 'The Bone Collector'. The murderer's special signature is to leave tantalizing clues based on the grim remains of his crimes.

Ein Verteidigungsanwalt, der aus seinem Lincoln praktiziert, ergattert einen brisanten Fall von öffentlichem Interesse. Schon bald geraten seine Familie und er in Gefahr.

18. Januar 2008

A single mother and her slacker sister find an unexpected way to turn their lives around in the off-beat dramatic comedy. In order to raise the tuition to send her young son to private school the mom starts an unusual business – a biohazard removal/crime scene clean-up service.

23. Mai 2006

After the mysterious death of scientist, Dr. Devin Villiers, Det. Frank Turner and his partner are assigned to protect Villiers' colleague, who revealed that a veteran soldier was subjected to an experiment with the objective of creating the ultimate national security weapon... an undetectable soldier. The experiment failed – with disastrous side effects.

When a ruptured water main creates an enormous sinkhole right in front of Bob's Burgers, it blocks the entrance indefinitely and ruins the Belchers’ plans for a successful summer. While Bob and Linda struggle to keep the business afloat, the kids try to solve a mystery that could save their family's restaurant. As the dangers mount, these underdogs help each other find hope and fight to get back behind the counter, where they belong.

6. Februar 2009

A recently widowed detective still grieving over his wife's death discovers a shocking connection between himself and the suspects in a serial killing spree linked to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

9. Dezember 2016

A reporter unearths an urban legend about a home being constructed from rooms where horrific tragedies have occurred.

9. Mai 2013

The savage murders of three young children sparks a controversial trial of three teenagers accused of killing the kids as part of a satanic ritual.

23. Februar 1996

Seattle medical examiner David Krane is obsessed with solving his wife's murder. A possible solution presents itself in an experimental "memory" serum designed by a neurobiology professor, which has the ability to transfer memories from one person to another, but with potentially fatal consequences.

16. Mai 2009

Two cops portrayed by Michelin Men chase an armed Ronald McDonald through the streets of a fictionalized, stylized city.


5. Februar 1988

An obsessive, insubordinate homicide cop is convinced a serial killer is loose in the Hollywood area and disobeys orders in order to catch him.

9. Oktober 2020

A stressed-out police officer struggles not to give in to the paranoia that grips his small mountain town as bodies turn up after each full moon.

16. Oktober 2020

A good-natured man has an unexpected deadly confrontation. Instincts kick in to clean up the mess caused in the name of self-defense but does one really get away free after killing someone?

28. Oktober 2014

When a detective is called in to investigate the roadside execution of his partner, he discovers at the crime scene a data card from a video camera. The card contains footage shot by two runaway teenagers who are making a documentary about the drug related death of a sibling. The detective retraces the teen's journey and soon begins to uncover a trail of the dead that leads all the way back to police headquarters.

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