
When eccentric candy man Willy Wonka promises a lifetime supply of sweets and a tour of his chocolate factory to five lucky kids, penniless Charlie Bucket seeks the golden ticket that will make him a winner.

2035年のシカゴ。ロボットは人間の日常生活に欠かせない存在となっており、人間とロボットの共存は、3原則によって守られていた。 一. ロボットは、人間に危害を加えてはならない。 一. ロボットは、人間から与えられた命令に服従しなければならない。 一. ロボットは、前掲第一条及び第二条に反する恐れのない限り、自己を守らなければならない。ある日、ロボット開発の権威である科学者が謎の死を遂げる。その死にロボットの関与を疑ったスプーナー刑事は、ロボット心理学者カルヴィン博士の協力のもと、その謎を究明していく。そして、想像を絶する恐ろしくも巨大な陰謀に巻き込まれていくのであった・・・・・・。

Three generations of a French family open up about their sexual experiences and desires after young Romain is caught masturbating in his biology class.

サンフランシスコで母親と2人で暮らすミアは冴えない女子高生。人前に立つことも運動も苦手で、地味で野暮ったい彼女をまともに相手にしてくれるのは親友のリリーとその兄のマイケルのみ。それでも消防署をリフォームした個性的な家で、奔放な画家の母と共に自由且つ幸せに暮らしていた。 そんなある日、ミアは、自分の亡き父フィリップが、ヨーロッパにあるジェノヴィア(架空の国、スペインとフランスの間にある小国の設定)の女王クラリスの息子であり、女王の孫である自分が唯一の王位継承者であることを知らされる。突然のことに、ミアは、事実を隠し続けて来た母にも、自分を王女としてジェノヴィアに連れて行こうとする祖母にも反発する。それでも、王位継承とは別に、王女としてのお披露目となる舞踏会に出席するために「プリンセス教育」を受けることを、ミアはしぶしぶ承諾するしかなかった。

A young boy named Luke and his grandmother go on vacation only to discover their hotel is hosting an international witch convention, where the Grand High Witch is unveiling her master plan to turn all children into mice. Will Luke fall victim to the witches' plot before he can stop them?



When his wealthy grandfather finally dies, Jason Stevens fully expects to benefit when it comes to the reading of the will. But instead of a sizable inheritance, Jason receives a test, a series of tasks he must complete before he can get any money.


A headstrong Chinese-American woman returns to China when her beloved grandmother is given a terminal diagnosis. Billi struggles with her family's decision to keep grandma in the dark about her own illness as they all stage an impromptu wedding to see grandma one last time.


In 1980, Queens, New York, a young Jewish boy befriends a rebellious African-American classmate to the disapproval of his privileged family and begins to reckon with growing up in a world of inequality and prejudice.

"A Touch of Spice" is a story about Fanis, a young Greek boy growing up in Istanbul, whose grandfather, a culinary philosopher and mentor, teaches him that both food and life require a little salt to give them flavor. They both require... A Touch of Spice. Fanis grows up to become an excellent cook and uses his cooking skills to spice up the lives of those around him. 35 years later he leaves Athens and travels back to his birthplace of Istanbul to reunite with his grandfather and his first love. He travels back only to realize that he forgot to put a little bit of spice in his own life.

Self-described misanthrope Elle Reid has her protective bubble burst when her 18-year-old granddaughter, Sage, shows up needing help. The two of them go on a day-long journey that causes Elle to come to terms with her past and Sage to confront her future.


Rebellious, uncontrollable teenager, Rachel is hauled off by her dysfunctional mother to spend the summer with her estranged grandmother, Georgia. Her journey will lead all three women to revelations of buried family secrets and an understanding that - regardless what happens - the ties that bind can never be broken.



Stoic and heartbroken, Einar Gilkyson quietly lives in the rugged Wyoming ranchlands alongside his only trusted friend, Mitch Bradley. One day, the woman he blames for the death of his only son arrives at his door broke, desperate and with a granddaughter he's never known. But even as buried anger and accusations resurface, the way is opened for unexpected connection, adventure and forgiveness.



A dashing Mississippi river gambler wins the affections of the daughter of the owner of the Show Boat.



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