17 elokuvaa

5 marraskuu 2010

Lontoossa asuva muslimi Omar on kyllästynyt länsimaiseen elämänmenoon ja haluaa olla osana pyhää sotaa kaikkea turmellusta vastaan. Yhdessä ystäviensä kanssa hän muodostaa neljän leijonan terrorisolun toteuttaakseen suunnitelmansa. Ryhmällä on kuitenkin paljon enemmän intoa kuin taitoa. Itsemurharyhmäksi poppoon organisoituminen on harvinaisen epäjärjestäytynyttä. Sääntöjä keksitään sitä mukaa kun toimitaan, yksimielisyyteen ei päästä siitä, miten isku pitäisi toteuttaa. Siispä Omar ja Waj kutsuvat itsensä Pakistaniin koulutusleirille, josta ryhmälle haetaan tarkempaa fokusta toimintaan. Pettymyksekseen he saavat leiriltä äkkilähdön takaisin kotiin tuhottuaan vahingossa omien leirin yrittäessään pudottaa singolla amerikkalaisten tiedustelukoneen. Niinpä jäljelle jää suunnitella isku ja sen kohde itse, sekä valmistautua uhraamaan oma henkensä asian puolesta.

Pienessä maalaiskylässä kaikki kääntyy ylösalaisin, kun paikallinen yksineläjä kuolee ja hänen kartanonsa, Änglagårdin, perii tuntematon sukulainen Fanny. Hän hurauttaa kylään moottoripyörällään Zac-nimisen parhaan ystävänsä kanssa pukeutuneena mustaan nahkaan ja piikkeihin. Kun tämä vapaahenkinen pariskunta päättää jäädä asumaan kartanoon, paikallisten tunteet alkavat kuohua.

15 syyskuu 2006

Jesus Camp is a Christian summer camp where children hone their "prophetic gifts" and are schooled in how to "take back America for Christ". The film is a first-ever look into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become an active part of America's political future.

1 tammikuu 2007

A documentary about the making of the controversial Life of Brian and the surrounding accusations of blasphemy.

24 joulukuu 1949

Young Viscount Tony Pym wangles National Service leave on the pretext of standing as a Tory candidate for a local seat held by his family for generations. The request is a ruse to enable Pym to marry his wealthy American fiancee while she's still in England, but his masterplan backfires when he finds himself swept into an election campaign and beaten by Labour's Mr Cleghorn – who is then made a peer. In an attempt to save face, Pym decides to stand again – as a socialist. It all proves too much for the Pyms' loyal, true-blue butler, Mr Beecham...

Gay women living in the Deep South of the United States share stories of the bigotry, sexism, intimidation, and racism that confronts them in a part of the country known for its culture of Christian conservatism.

In 1940 twenty Canadian Beavers were brought to 'Tierra del Fuego' island in southern Patagonia for commercial fur production. However, beavers having no natural predators, quickly spread throughout the island, causing massive destruction of trees threatening the entire Patagonian forests rivers and species. Why wildlife conservationist are convinced that 150.000 beavers must be killed? Why some of the most recognized specialist are convinced that an eradication is not possible? Meanwhile truism is capitalizing on the situation: a man dressed as a beaver passes out flyers promoting a famous sky resort: 'Cerro Castor' - Beaver Hill. Hunters claim for subsidies, scientists are researching, rangers do what they can and restaurants tray to offer beaver meat to tourist.

20 lokakuu 2022

Frustrated by the liberal left and what he deems the destruction of the country he risked his life for, reclusive veteran Quint North (Schneider) is ordered by the court to keep his distance from the local high school with the American flag on the back of his El Camino or face a fine and jail time. In an ultimate exhibition of patriotism, he sets forth a series of events that just may get him killed in his own front yard.

23 tammikuu 2016

Saman sukupuolen rakastaminen ei sovi saamelaisyhteisöön. Sparrooabbán kuvaa sitä, millaista on kuulua vähemmistöön vähemmistön sisällä. Suvi kertoo, kuinka hänen pikkusiskonsa Kaisa haluaa tulla hyväksytyksi sellaisena kuin on. Kaisa on siskonsa tavoin saamelainen, mutta lisäksi parisuhteessa naisen kanssa ja ammatiltaan diakoni. Rajoittavia yhteisöjä on elokuvassa siis useampi kuin yksi.

18 toukokuu 2019

In the suburbs of Mumbai, a young couple tries to catch some private time in a very public place, when they're paid a visit by the moral police.

Felix, fourteen, starts a relationship with an older boy, hoping to get caught by his conservative father so he can confront him.

10 kesäkuu 2019

Documentary by Gustav Hofer and Luca Ragazzi

5 lokakuu 1960

Mr. Park raises his children by repairing charcoal pits. Although ignorant and stubborn, Mr. Park has a good heart. He is displeased, however, with his eldest daughter, Yong-sun (Jo Mi-ryeong), because of her close relationship with Jae-cheon (Hwang hae), who is a scamp in his eyes. He is also unsatisfied with his second daughter, Myeong-sun (Eom Aeng-ran), for liking Ju-sik (Bang Su-il). Only his eldest son, Yong-beom (Kim Jin-gyu), is the apple of his eye, as he approves of his son's wife, Jeom-rye (Kim Hye-jeong). When Yong-beom is sent to a foreign branch office, Mr. Park is against it at first but approves of it, as he knows what it means for his son's future. Eventually, too, he begins to approve of his two daughters' relationships.

In Idaho, right-wingers, racists and conservatives are gathering. They reject the state and want to make their own laws. Right-wing militias such as the North Idaho Militia have been active in the region for a long time. Together with the ultraconservatives, they are fighting against a multicultural America and for a new white and Christian colony, separate from the rest of the United States. But the sparsely populated countryside attracts not only radicals, but also more and more middle-class families from the cities. They are excited by the spectacular scenery and the low cost of living. And they want their children to grow up in a supposedly perfect world.

At the forests of Östergötland, where land meets sea, rests the old castle Herrborum. Here lives count Magnus Stenbock, 92, according to his own ideas about what is appropriate and what is not. Film-maker Helena Nygren is fascinated by the count and the castle, and is allowed to film on the condition that she takes the role of companion lady. Over one year, Helena returns several times to take part of count Magnus Stenbock and his servants life on castle Herrborum in Östergötland. Time stands still on the castle, and in the movie Helena wants to preserve the fairy tale feeling she gets when she steps into these ancient surroundings. The count is a strong personality with strong opinions and a great interest in history. All kinds of people come to his castle to savor the special atmosphere and follow the old fashioned rules of etiquette. Helena transforms from an observer to a lady who participates in the social games on the estate, where everything moves around its own time axis.

In this investigative biography of the outspoken and controversial Speaker, correspondent Peter J. Boyer takes an inside look at how Gingrich led the GOP to become the majority party and examines the childhood, people and events that shaped Gingrich's personality and political career.

21 tammikuu 2016

Amanda awakes from a one-night stand with woman she can't get away from quickly enough. Her gay friend Nick calls telling her his mother is paying a surprise visit, bringing her Victorian values with her. Will Amanda play along and bury her pride by pretending to be his girlfriend?

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