25 部电影

1994 年 12 月 16 日


1991 年 11 月 15 日

強暴犯麥斯(勞勃狄尼洛)在入獄14年後終於出獄了,而他出獄後的第一件事,便是找當年為他辯護的律師山姆鮑登(尼克諾特)算帳。 因為麥斯相信山姆當初扣押了能讓他脫罪的證據,才會令他蒙受無謂的牢獄之災,如今,挾帶著14年來的仇恨和計畫,他準備讓鮑登一家人--包括山姆之妻(潔西卡蘭芝)和他女兒(茱麗葉路易絲)--付出慘痛的代價!

縱橫棒球界數十年的著名球探蓋斯羅貝爾(克林伊斯威特飾),擁有不看電腦分析數據,聽到球員揮棒與球進入手套的聲音就可知道球員程度的能力,他判定球員價值的依據甚至會觀察他們的父母親,因為他相信只有正直勇敢的人才有資格站在神聖的棒球舞台。 隨著年事漸高,蓋斯的視力退化造成生活諸多不便,球團裡又有善用電腦的同事想取代他,亞特蘭大勇士隊的決策者們也開始質疑他的判斷力,尤其他又將面臨新的棒球選秀季節即將展開。不服老的他一開始不願向女兒低頭開口救援,只因他不知如何面對私人情感的領域。蓋斯的女兒米琪(艾美亞當斯飾)與他從來就不親近,因為他自妻子過世後就不是盡責的單親爸爸,米琪認為他最愛的只有棒球,即使在難得的父女相處時光中,他也很容易因棒球比賽而分心。 蓋斯在腹背受敵的狀態下,長期不在身邊的女兒米琪決定不顧自己事業的風險,暫時拋下律師工作挽救父親的事業,毅然與父親前往北卡羅萊納州展開發掘新球星的旅程。兩人更因這趟旅程有了嶄新發現,不但揭露隱藏過去的真相,更改變了他們的未來,而這趟選秀之旅,也成為這對父女必須正視彼此關係的一趟療癒旅程。

2010 年 04 月 27 日

Deputy Sheriff Lou Ford is a pillar of the community in his small west Texas town, patient and apparently thoughtful. Some people think he is a little slow and maybe boring, but that is the worst they say about him. But then nobody knows about what Lou calls his "sickness": He is a brilliant, but disturbed sociopathic sadist.

2011 年 11 月 23 日

《變蠅人 1986》導演大衛柯能堡 執導,將心理大師佛洛伊德撲朔迷離的生平軼事搬上銀幕,《贖罪》綺拉奈特莉、《魔戒三部曲》維果莫天森主演。 女主角莎賓娜(綺拉奈特莉飾)因飽受精神問題所苦而求助於精神科醫師兼心理學家榮格,進而與榮格(麥可法斯賓達飾)的導師佛洛伊德(維果莫天森飾)相識。莎賓娜的出現不僅為榮格及佛洛伊德帶來了許多學術上的啟發,甚至促使榮格最後與佛洛伊德分道揚鑣,而這三人之間,亦發展出一段複雜交織的難解情愫。

1971 年 05 月 26 日

An aging Texas cattle man who has outlived his time swings into action when outlaws kidnap his grandson.

1933 年 11 月 12 日

Rufus T. Firefly is named president/dictator of bankrupt Freedonia and declares war on neighboring Sylvania over the love of wealthy Mrs. Teasdale.

1999 年 12 月 15 日

After their production "Princess Ida" meets with less-than-stunning reviews, the relationship between Gilbert and Sullivan is strained to breaking. Their friends and associates attempt to get the two to work together again, which opens the way to "The Mikado," one of the duo's greatest successes.

1987 年 06 月 19 日


1987 年 06 月 09 日

Mourning the accidental death of his wife and having just moved to New York with his young son, laconic police psychologist Cal Jamison is reluctantly drawn into a series of grisly, ritualistic murders involving the immolation of two youths.

Two contract killers cross paths in the middle of the same job and realize they are childhood friends. Together they take a break from killing and visit the small island they once called home. After reflecting on their past lives they decided to team up and use their talents in killing for good... much to the upset of the crime syndicates.

1925 年 01 月 05 日

主角(愛米爾強寧斯 飾)是旅館的看門人,一直以來他都為這份體面的工作感到自豪。當他下班後穿著神氣的制服,回到自己所居住的貧民區時,鄰居們都會向他投來羨慕的眼光。新的一天開始了,如常上班的他卻被告知老闆要辭退他,因為年紀太大,但念在他工作多年的份上,老闆把他調去打掃廁所,還要收回他的金邊制服,他一下子從神氣十足的看門人變成了低三下四的廁所清潔工,不能接受這個事實的他,準備在夜裡潛入旅館偷回制服…

Alberto Medina is a very famous composer and is on a field trip when his car runs out of gas and goes downhill. While looking for help, he finds the Valverdes' house and is welcome by Emilia, the mother of the family, who is known for giving shelter to tramps. The rest of the family disagrees, because the last one disappointed her. In a story of family situations, funny moments and jealousy, Alberto ends up earning everyone's respect and has a special connection with the oldest daughter, the beautiful Susana, and they fall in love.

1957 年 08 月 17 日

In this wacky military spoof, Lemmon plays a terminally bored Army private waging a war of wits as he tries to throw a party under the nose of his obnoxious commanding officer.

2023 年 03 月 15 日

A 1960s period thriller centring around a gang of ex-airforce servicemen who now run a nefarious smuggling operation.

1932 年 05 月 10 日

Prizefighter Jimmy Nolan, facing an opportunity to get a championship fight, is knocked out when he sustains what is apparently a permanent injury to his arm. From there, Nolan's path leads downhill. He is drawn into a romance with a nightclub entertainer, then is framed on a theft charge by a jealous suitor. After his prison term, Nolan makes a spectacular comeback in a fight which proves his courage and integrity, while disproving the fallacy about the old sports adage that "they never come back."

1968 年 01 月 01 日

Hermitage, defined by Bene as "a rehearsal for lenses", beyond any literal rendition - its narrative trace comes from one of his anti-novels, Credito Italiano V.E.R.D.I - displays his immediate attitude to thinking a cinematic language completely based on actor's movements and actions, and more specifically, on his presence and his schemes. Camouflaged or naked, still or moving, his body seems to play and be played at the same time, shifted by objective and subjective tensions, both metaphorically and visually speaking.

2012 年 10 月 04 日

Tutajos is an excellent student whose parents decide to reward his academic achievements with a vacation to the countryside. Robbed of his gadgets and easy city-lifestyle, Tutajos finds himself completely out of his element – until a goodhearted ranger named Matula teaches him how to get back to nature. As Tutajos’ best friend Bütyök joins him on his vacation, the two boys learn the joys of camping, hunting, and living off of the land.

2021 年 01 月 01 日

Lola's dream of escaping her father's Sunnyside motel seems closer to reality when a young stranger checks in.

Due to a broken getaway car, three Russian jewel thieves are forced to take shelter in an empty Viennese coffee house. They knock out the waiter and call their fourth accomplice. Ten minutes until the new car arrives! Unfortunately two policemen enter the cafe and take a seat. As the only people present, the villains are mistaken for waiters - with fatal consequences.



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