25 de filme artistice

Doi prieteni excesiv de tăntălăi pornesc într-o călătorie nebună de-a lungul țării pentru a înapoia o geantă plină cu bani proprietarei de drept a acesteia.

După ce a ispășit o pedeapsă de 14 ani de închisoare, un infractor sexual caută să se răzbune pe avocatul care a ajutat la închiderea sa, terorizându-i soția și fiica.

Gus Lobel este un cercetător în vârstă pentru echipa de baseball Atlanta Braves, care caută noi talente. Cu toate acestea, în ciuda sprijinului prietenului și colegului său, Pete Klein, angajatorii săi, inclusiv ambițiosul Philip Sanderson, s-au gândit să nu-i reînnoiască contractul din cauza incapacității sale de a se adapta la noile tehnologii și a fiabilității judecății sale, cu privire la unul dintre cele mai recente achiziții, Billy Clark, ale cărui rezultate sunt dezamăgitoare.

Deputy Sheriff Lou Ford is a pillar of the community in his small west Texas town, patient and apparently thoughtful. Some people think he is a little slow and maybe boring, but that is the worst they say about him. But then nobody knows about what Lou calls his "sickness": He is a brilliant, but disturbed sociopathic sadist.

În pragul primului război mondial, Zurich și Viena sunt locațiile unei povești sumbre despre descoperiri sexuale și intelectuale. Inspirat după evenimente reale, METODĂ PERICULOASĂ aruncă o privire asupra relației turbulente dintre psihanalistul fără experiență, Carl Jung, mentorul său, Sigmund Freud și Sabina Spielrein, tulburata, dar frumoasa tânără care a intervenit între cei doi. Printre ei, mai apare Otto Gross, un pacient desfrânat hotărât să forțeze limitele. Pe fondul acestei explorări a senzualității, ambiției și înșelăciunii se pregătește momentul culminant când Jung, Freud și Sabina se găsesc și se despart, schimbând pentru totdeauna chipul gândirii moderne.

Jack McCandles nu și-a văzut soția de 18 ani, dar se întoarce acasă când nepotul său este răpit de o bandă. John Fain și prietenii lui răpesc băiețelul în speranța unor bani. Dacă ar ști dinainte cu cine se vor confrunta, poate că nici nu ar fi făcut-o. La sfârșit, ei lasă în urmă nepotul rănit al lui Jack și o cerere de răscumpărare de un milion de dolari. Nimeni nu îndrăznește să confrunte temuta bandă, dar Jake, care a fost un campion al dreptății în viața sa, simte că nu poate lăsa acest lucru la voia întâmplării.

12 noiembrie 1933

Rufus T. Firefly is named president/dictator of bankrupt Freedonia and declares war on neighboring Sylvania over the love of wealthy Mrs. Teasdale.

15 decembrie 1999

După ce ultima piesă le este desființată de critica de specialitate, Gilbert și Sulivan se gândesc să desființeze trupa, frustrați fiind de lipsa de inspirație necesară pentru realizarea spectacolului The Mikado, capodopera lor.

19 iunie 1987

Two out-of-work actors -- the anxious, luckless Marwood and his acerbic, alcoholic friend, Withnail -- spend their days drifting between their squalid flat, the unemployment office and the pub. When they take a holiday "by mistake" at the country house of Withnail's flamboyantly gay uncle, Monty, they encounter the unpleasant side of the English countryside: tedium, terrifying locals and torrential rain.

9 iunie 1987

Mourning the accidental death of his wife and having just moved to New York with his young son, laconic police psychologist Cal Jamison is reluctantly drawn into a series of grisly, ritualistic murders involving the immolation of two youths.

Two contract killers cross paths in the middle of the same job and realize they are childhood friends. Together they take a break from killing and visit the small island they once called home. After reflecting on their past lives they decided to team up and use their talents in killing for good... much to the upset of the crime syndicates.

An aging doorman, after being fired from his prestigious job at a luxurious hotel is forced to face the scorn of his friends, neighbours and society.

Alberto Medina is a very famous composer and is on a field trip when his car runs out of gas and goes downhill. While looking for help, he finds the Valverdes' house and is welcome by Emilia, the mother of the family, who is known for giving shelter to tramps. The rest of the family disagrees, because the last one disappointed her. In a story of family situations, funny moments and jealousy, Alberto ends up earning everyone's respect and has a special connection with the oldest daughter, the beautiful Susana, and they fall in love.

17 august 1957

In this wacky military spoof, Lemmon plays a terminally bored Army private waging a war of wits as he tries to throw a party under the nose of his obnoxious commanding officer.

15 martie 2023

A 1960s period thriller centring around a gang of ex-airforce servicemen who now run a nefarious smuggling operation.

10 mai 1932

Prizefighter Jimmy Nolan, facing an opportunity to get a championship fight, is knocked out when he sustains what is apparently a permanent injury to his arm. From there, Nolan's path leads downhill. He is drawn into a romance with a nightclub entertainer, then is framed on a theft charge by a jealous suitor. After his prison term, Nolan makes a spectacular comeback in a fight which proves his courage and integrity, while disproving the fallacy about the old sports adage that "they never come back."

1 ianuarie 1968

Hermitage, defined by Bene as "a rehearsal for lenses", beyond any literal rendition - its narrative trace comes from one of his anti-novels, Credito Italiano V.E.R.D.I - displays his immediate attitude to thinking a cinematic language completely based on actor's movements and actions, and more specifically, on his presence and his schemes. Camouflaged or naked, still or moving, his body seems to play and be played at the same time, shifted by objective and subjective tensions, both metaphorically and visually speaking.

4 octombrie 2012

Tutajos is an excellent student whose parents decide to reward his academic achievements with a vacation to the countryside. Robbed of his gadgets and easy city-lifestyle, Tutajos finds himself completely out of his element – until a goodhearted ranger named Matula teaches him how to get back to nature. As Tutajos’ best friend Bütyök joins him on his vacation, the two boys learn the joys of camping, hunting, and living off of the land.

1 ianuarie 2021

Lola's dream of escaping her father's Sunnyside motel seems closer to reality when a young stranger checks in.

Due to a broken getaway car, three Russian jewel thieves are forced to take shelter in an empty Viennese coffee house. They knock out the waiter and call their fourth accomplice. Ten minutes until the new car arrives! Unfortunately two policemen enter the cafe and take a seat. As the only people present, the villains are mistaken for waiters - with fatal consequences.

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