63 部电影

2024 年 04 月 26 日

男孩(比爾史柯斯嘉 飾)天生聾啞,但擁有豐富的想像力,某天,他的家人遭到統治這個國度的暴君希爾達(芬姬詹森 飾)殺害,男孩因此逃到叢林內,接受一位神秘薩滿的訓練,壓抑自己幼稚的想像力,化身為無堅不摧的殺人機器,只為了替家人復仇……

2024 年 03 月 15 日

在經歷一連串超自然事件後,居住在洛杉磯的一個富裕家庭請來年輕的女巫花林(金高銀 飾),和法師奉吉(李到晛 飾)拯救家中的新生兒。當他們一抵達目的地,花林便感應到祖先的陰影籠罩著這個家庭,即「墳墓的召喚」。花林向一流的風水師尚德(崔岷植 飾)與葬儀師永根(柳海真 飾)尋求幫助,四人在某個偏僻的村莊發現了墳墓,在不知道後果的情況下,他們挖開墳墓,卻意外釋放了埋藏在地下的邪惡力量……

1994 年 06 月 24 日

在廣闊的非洲草原上,動物們聚集在獅王木法沙(Mufasa)的榮耀石下,迎接新王子誕生。狒狒拉飛奇(Rafiki)高舉起木法沙與莎拉碧(Sarabi)的兒子——辛巴(Simba),動物們紛紛向其致意,全國一片歡騰的景象,只有木法沙的弟弟刀疤(Scar)對此很不滿意,甚至沒有出席這場儀式。 時光飛逝,年幼的辛巴在成長,他對世界好奇而充滿幻想,而刀疤始終都想篡奪兄長的王位,他鼓勵辛巴去大象墓地探險證實自己的勇氣,然後指示一群土狼手下乘機襲擊。但沒想到木法沙及時出現,趕走了土狼。 在辛巴的眼裡,爸爸木法沙是如此勇敢和偉大,他也一直夢想成為和他父親一樣優秀的獅子。而不死心的刀疤又想出了一個陰謀計劃,他將好奇的辛巴引到一個峽谷,然後讓土狼們驚動一大群牛羚讓他們穿越峽谷,又向木法沙報告了辛巴遇到的這個危險。救子心切的木法沙不顧一切衝進飛奔的羚羊群中救出了辛巴,但自己也被撞傷,當他盡最後力量即將爬上懸崖時,等待他的卻是刀疤的邪惡笑容……刀疤將木法沙推落谷底,任其被踐踏致死。

2016 年 05 月 20 日


2021 年 10 月 06 日


The Freeling family move in with Diane's mother in an effort to escape the trauma and aftermath of Carol Anne's abduction by the Beast. But the Beast is not to be put off so easily and appears in a ghostly apparition as the Reverend Kane, a religeous zealot responsible for the deaths of his many followers. His goal is simple - he wants the angelic Carol Anne.

2023 年 11 月 09 日

Irma falls in love with Galang, her cousin who already has a wife and children. Irma is very obsessed and wants to be the only woman in Galang's life. Irma comes to the shaman to send black magic to Galang's wife. Since then terror and mystical disturbances, possession and death have occurred in Galang's house. However, the threat also targeted Irma herself.

1978 年 10 月 06 日

Australian lawyer David Burton agrees with reluctance to defend a group of Aboriginal people charged with murdering one of their own. He suspects the victim was targeted for violating a tribal taboo, but the defendants deny any tribal association. Burton, plagued by apocalyptic visions of water, slowly realizes danger may come from his own involvement with the Aboriginal people and their prophecies.

2005 年 10 月 07 日

An orphan girl taught magic by her sick grandma must find work in seedy Bangkok, where she encounters a number of unsavory characters. She uses the magical skills her grandmother taught her to her advantage and to increasingly horrific consequences.

2007 年 03 月 15 日

為了在亂世中生存,女扮男裝四處流浪的小偷多羅羅,在一個偶然的機會下,巧遇結識了百鬼丸。百鬼丸是一名奔走各地、四處討伐魔神的流浪者。多羅羅目睹百鬼丸砍殺一名魔神後,身體開始出現劇烈的疼痛,不一會兒腳上的義肢便隨之脫落,並且從原來的地方長出了新的雙腿。面對眼前這幅難以置信的光景,就連小流氓看見也不自主地打起哆嗦。但是,多羅羅一點也不害怕,因為她的目光,全被百鬼丸那把超炫的斬妖除魔刀深深吸引。 二十年前,壽海醫生在河邊拾回一名棄嬰。這名棄嬰竟然沒有五官和手足,乍看之下彷彿是一個肉塊。但是,壽海卻感受到這名棄嬰擁有強烈的生存意志。原來這名棄嬰能透過對方的手心,將自己的想法傳遞出去。壽海使出渾身解數,為這名棄嬰做了暫時替代的義肢。這時候,壽海發現棄嬰身邊竟然出現了各種不同的魔神。為了讓棄嬰不受魔神侵犯,壽海決定在棄嬰的手部裝上刀子,並且替棄嬰取了和斬妖除魔的刀相同的名字---百鬼丸。 在壽海的嚴厲管教下,百鬼丸終於長大成人。壽海臨終前,告訴百鬼丸自己並非親生父親一事,並且交待百鬼丸,為了保住當初製作器官的秘密,自己過世後一定要把這棟房子燒掉。 百鬼丸面對化為灰燼的房子,想到自己從此將要孤獨度日,內心感概萬分。這時候,腦裡突然傳出一個聲音「想取回器官的話,就用左手的斬妖除魔刀,討伐四十八隻魔神!」 多羅羅是一名自幼失去雙親的孤兒,聽完百鬼丸的遭遇後,深感兩人之間似乎有一種不可思議的奇妙緣分,但也萌生出想得到百鬼丸手上斬妖除魔刀的念頭。多羅羅於是決定隨百鬼丸一起踏上討伐魔神之旅。兩人在討伐魔神的路上,遇見了賽眼與其妻子,一行人攜手共度了多次危機,並且誕生出堅定的友誼。

2021 年 07 月 02 日


1978 年 04 月 28 日

A psychic's girlfriend finds out that a lump on her back is a growing reincarnation of a 400 year-old demonic Native American spirit.

The passionate relationship between two men with unusual consequences. The film is divided in two parts. The first half charts the modest attraction between two men in the sunny, relaxing countryside and the second half charts the confusion and terror of an unknown menace lurking deep within the jungle shadows.

Two black magic shamans clash when their clients have them casting various love spells, leading to death and misfortune.

2013 年 03 月 01 日

Somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa, Komona a 14-year-old girl tells her unborn child growing inside her the story of her life since she has been at war. Everything started when she was abducted by the rebel army at the age of 12.

2008 年 04 月 08 日

In the arctic, as Saiva is being born, a shaman declares that she is evil and will bring harm to all who become involved with her. Saiva is cast out of her tribe of herders and grows up to live a nomadic existence with Anja, a young woman she adopts as an infant. Then Loki, an injured and starving soldier, stumbles into their isolated lives. The women nurse him back to health, but treachery, violence and doom await them all.

1997 年 05 月 30 日

After accidentally committing a crime, a magician's assistant flees to Mexico in search of a Mayan shaman and the magical potion she is rumoured to possess. But upon arrival she is trailed by a handsome private eye.

2023 年 09 月 21 日

HAO has retrocognitive ability, an ability to see past events. With his ability, Hao helps SARI, a vocational school student, who was kidnapped by ‘Pocong Gundul’ - a evil pocong figure with a bald head. Together with his best friend RIDA, Hao manages to save Sari, but Hao's actions ignites anger from the Pocong Gundul. Terror after terror threatens Hao's life. With his ability, he travels into Pocong Gundul's past and finds out that in his past, he was a black shaman named WALISDI. An evil man who performs a dangerous ancient ritual, a ritual that turns him into ‘Pocong Gundul’. If Hao does not do anything, Pocong Gundul will roam around and take more victims. Hao must do his best to stop Pocong Gundul's evil plan, even though his life is at stake.

2004 年 10 月 20 日

An African narrator tells the story of earth history, the birth of the universe and evolution of life. Beautiful imagery makes this movie documentary complete.

2016 年 10 月 27 日

BJ Yagwang and PD Park broadcast a live stream themed around horror on AfreecaTV. They look for more provocative and fearful material for their program. One day, they receive a video which contains a female high school student disappearing. In the video, right before she disappears, the female school student was calling a ghost and playing hide-and-(go-)seek alone. While broadcasting live on AfreecaTV, BJ Yagwang goes to the abandoned building where the female school student went missing.



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