123 本の映画


After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt and Jenko when they go deep undercover at a local college. But when Jenko meets a kindred spirit on the football team, and Schmidt infiltrates the bohemian art major scene, they begin to question their partnership. Now they don't have to just crack the case - they have to figure out if they can have a mature relationship. If these two overgrown adolescents can grow from freshmen into real men, college might be the best thing that ever happened to them.


El Departament de Policia de Massachussets vol acabar amb el regnat del mafiós Frank Costello. Un policia novell anomenat Bill Costigan serà l'encarregat d'infiltrar-se en la banda de Costello. La seva veritable identitat només la saben els seus dos superiors. Per altra banda, Colin Sullivan és un altre policia jove que forma part de la unitat d'Investigacions Especials, un grup d'oficials d'elit que també lluiten contra Costello. Però resulta que Sullivan treballa d'informador per al mafiós i d'aquesta manera el manté sempre un pas per davant de la policia.

L'Alan, l'Stu i en Phil tornen a despertar-se en una habitació d'un hotel amb una ressaca tan forta que no recorden res de la nit anterior. Aquest cop saben que estan a Tailàndia, on han viatjat amb un altre amic, en Doug, per celebrar el casament de l'Stu amb la Lauren. El principal problema és que el germà petit de la Lauren, en Teddy, ha desaparegut.


A newly-released prison gangster is forced by the leaders of his gang to orchestrate a major crime with a brutal rival gang on the streets of Southern California.


When cops Schmidt and Jenko join the secret Jump Street unit, they use their youthful appearances to go under cover as high-school students. They trade in their guns and badges for backpacks, and set out to shut down a dangerous drug ring. But, as time goes on, Schmidt and Jenko discover that high school is nothing like it was just a few years earlier -- and, what's more, they must again confront the teenage terror and anxiety they thought they had left behind.


Phil Broker és un expolicia de narcòtics, un home de família que decideix passar desapercebut al costat de la seva filla, mudant-se a una localitat remota i aparentment tranquil·la per escapar del seu turbulent passat. No obstant això, el món de Broker es converteix en tot menys tranquil quan descobreix que el petit poble amaga un rerefons de violència i drogues. Aviat un capo sociòpata, Gator Bodine, posa en risc a Broker i a la seva filla, obligant-lo a entrar de nou en acció per salvar a la seva família i al poble.


Jack Caine is a Houston vice cop who's forgotten the rule book. His self-appointed mission is to stop the drugs trade and the number one supplier Victor Manning. Whilst involved in an undercover operation to entrap Victor Manning, his partner gets killed, and a sinister newcomer enters the scene...

Un detectiu afroamericà a Colorado Springs, a l'estat de Colorado, s'infiltra en el grup local del Ku Klux Klan i aconsegueix ascendir en les seves files.


Set in the ghettos of Paris in 2010, an undercover cop and ex-thug try to infiltrate a gang in order to defuse a neutron bomb.


Two street-wise Chicago cops have to shake off some rust after returning from a Key West vacation to pursue a drug dealer that nearly killed them in the past.


After an opponent dies mid-match, a prominent MMA champion swore never to fight again and retired to run his family's company. But when his best friend dies under suspicious circumstances, he has no choice but to step back in the ring.


Belle (Queen Latifah) és un diable de la velocitat. Anant a tota pastilla pels carrers de Nova York al seu taxi "tunejat", s'ha guanyat la reputació de ser la taxista més ràpida de la ciutat. El seu somni de ser campiona de cotxes de carreres es veu en perill quan es creua al seu camí un espídic policia, Andy (Jimmy Fallon), les habilitats secretes del qual només té comparació amb la seva total ineptitud darrere del volant. Remake de l'exitós film francès de mateix títol de Luc Besson.


Pel·lícula d’acció protagonitzada per Paul Walker, escrita per Luc Besson i produïda pels responsables de TRANSPORTER. A un Detroit distòpic, les antigues mansions de maó ara donen recer a alguns dels delinqüents més perillosos de la ciutat. En un intent desesperat per protegir als ciutadans, la policia construeix, al voltant d'aquestes mansions, un mur de contenció. Alhora, l'agent secret Damien Collier (Paul Walker) lliura una dura batalla contra la corrupció i Lino (David Belle), un ex-convicte, lluita per portar una vida honesta. Els seus camins mai haurien d'haver-se creuat, però quan el capo de la droga Tremaine (RZA) segresta a la núvia de Lino, Damien es veu obligat a acceptar la seva ajuda per intentar detenir una sinistra trama que pretén acabar amb tota la ciutat.


Tom Ludlow is a disillusioned L.A. Police Officer, rarely playing by the rules and haunted by the death of his wife. When evidence implicates him in the execution of a fellow officer, he is forced to go up against the cop culture he's been a part of his entire career, ultimately leading him to question the loyalties of everyone around him.


An undercover cop has his loyalties tested when the boss of the corporate gang he's spent years infiltrating dies.


Anys 70. Relat biogràfic sobre Frank Serpico, un policia íntegre, de principis incorruptibles que, a diferència dels seus col·legues, mai no es va deixar subornar i, precisament per això, sempre va tenir problemes amb els seus companys de professió i es va veure exposat a situacions molt perilloses .


New York city mechanic Robert Saunders is knocked unconscious at his birthday dinner by Russian thugs and wakes up to find himself locked inside the restaurant's industrial freezer. This ruthless gang demand he return the $8 million he has stolen from them. The only problem Robert has no idea what they are talking about. But as the temperature drops and the terror grows, the shocking truth begins to emerge as Robert struggles to survive.


A drug squad attempts to take down a criminal organization and they must go undercover to do so, so they begin working at a chicken restaurant, that becomes famous for its delicious chicken. Due to the unexpected popularity, the detectives find themselves in a situation they never expected.


Bruce Willis i Tracy Morgan donen vida a dos policies que armen un escàndol buscant un caríssim crom de beisbol del 1952. Pel camí, hauran de rescatar una supermodel mexicana i acabar amb una organització de narcotraficants.


Undercover cop Jim Raynor (Jason Patric) is a seasoned veteran. His partner, Kristen Cates (Jennifer Jason Leigh), is lacking in experience, but he thinks she's tough enough to work his next case with him: a deep cover assignment to bring down the notoriously hard-to-capture drug lord Gaines (Gregg Allman). While their relationship turns romantic during the assignment, they also turn into junkies, and will have to battle their own addictions if they want to bring down Gaines once and for all.



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