53 部电影

1981 年 04 月 10 日

A surreal adaptation of Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur", chronicling Arthur Pendragon's conception, his rise to the throne, the search by his Knights of the Round Table for the Holy Grail, and ultimately his death.

2004 年 07 月 07 日

亞瑟原本對羅馬帝國忠心效命, 致力拓展英倫半島的疆土,在一次拯救遭挾持羅馬貴族的自殺行動中,卻發現貴族長期迫害信仰不同的基督徒的殘酷事實,也意外結識奇女子:桂尼薇亞。 亞瑟受到基督徒信奉人皆生而平等而非宿命天定的理念打動,轉而加入巫師梅林的陣營,率領著精實的圓桌武士,幫助英倫人反抗暴虐荒淫的羅馬帝國以及蠻夷異族的攻擊,帶來睽違已久的和平,並因為而深受愛戴成為亞瑟王,大英帝國的時代於焉興起,是一部敘述愛情、榮譽、勇氣及毀滅重生的不朽傳奇故事。

亞瑟的父親烏瑟王在他年幼時即慘遭殺害,叔叔沃帝根(裘德洛 飾)篡奪了王位,亞瑟不僅被剝奪了王位繼承權,他甚至不知道自己的出身背景與皇家血統,失去父母的他獨自一人流落街頭,在弱肉強食的街頭中長大,也因此深刻體認了暴政下人民的痛苦。 國王沃帝根用極強大的力量壓制人民,只因石中劍的預言讓他的心理感到強烈的不安。而就在亞瑟奮力拔起石中劍的那一刻,他的人生從此出現轉折,重大天命加諸在他身上,王者天生,儘管那不是他企求而來的權力,但是亞瑟與沃帝根之間終需一戰。

1963 年 12 月 25 日

中古世紀時代,沒有國王帶領的英格蘭一片混亂,此時,一把神秘的「石中劍」出現在教堂庭園中,石頭上更寫著:誰能將劍從石頭中拔出,誰就是英格蘭王。這件事迅速傳開來,許多可能的國王人選都來挑戰拔出石中劍,希望能登上國王寶座,然而,他們全都失敗了。 多年之後,一個來自鄉下的11歲侍從華特,遇見了偉大的魔術師梅林,華特﹝本名亞瑟﹞的正直與善良讓梅林決定收他作為自己的徒弟,並帶領他走向此生真正的使命,華特一邊認真學習梅林所教導的事物,一邊努力做完所有無趣雜務,不久,華特受派陪伴無能的繼兄凱前往在倫敦舉辦的大典,在典禮之中將會決定英格蘭的新國王,但匆忙之中,華特不小心忘了帶凱的武器,卻也意外發現教堂庭園中的那把石中劍,更輕易的就將劍從石頭中拔出,難道他就是英格蘭真正的國王嗎?!

1995 年 07 月 07 日

The timeless tale of King Arthur and the legend of Camelot are retold in this passionate period drama. Arthur is reluctant to hand the crown to Lancelot, and Guinevere is torn between her loyalty to her husband and her growing love for his rival. But Lancelot must balance his loyalty to the throne with the rewards of true love.

1996 年 05 月 31 日

In an ancient time when majestic fire-breathers soared through the skies, a knight named Bowen comes face to face and heart to heart with the last dragon on Earth, Draco. Taking up arms to suppress a tyrant king, Bowen soon realizes his task will be harder than he'd imagined: If he kills the king, Draco will die as well.

1975年,泰利吉蘭與英國著名喜劇表演團體Monty Python合作拍攝的經典惡稿名片。故事內容講述的正是著名的亞瑟王與圓桌武士,及其探尋聖盃的故事。 亞瑟王與圓桌武士尋找聖盃傳奇過程的七○年代Kuso版,向來惡搞歐亞歷史文化的喜劇團體「蒙地蟒蛇」,不僅嘲弄亞瑟王拔石中劍像痞子混混,更編造圓桌武士蘭斯洛特、崔斯坦、魔法師梅林如詐騙集團,大不列顛傳奇英雄一一變成搞笑演員,甚至還跑到現代殺人造成軍警大混戰。本片還曾被重編成音樂劇,拿下百老匯東尼獎。

2021 年 07 月 30 日


1998 年 05 月 15 日

During the times of King Arthur, Kayley is a brave girl who dreams of following her late father as a Knight of the Round Table. The evil Ruber wants to invade Camelot and take the throne of King Arthur, and Kayley has to stop him.


1997 年 07 月 24 日

An Arthurian legend of young Prince Valiant, son of the King of Scandia. After the King is exiled by an evil leader, the Prince travels to Camelot to secure the aid of King Arthur in helping restore his family to power and prevent a plot by the Black Knight.

Following the end of the acclaimed tv series, King Arthur will oppose Lancelot's army to get the throne back after his flee to Rome.

1967 年 10 月 25 日

The plot of his illegitimate son Mordred to gain the throne, and Guinevere's growing attachment to Sir Lancelot, threatens to topple King Arthur and destroy his "round table" of knights.

2010 年 11 月 12 日

Elaine "Ellie" Harrison has just moved from Minnesota to Annapolis, Maryland while her parents take a year-long sabbatical to continue their medieval studies in nearby Washington D.C. Her new high school, Avalon High, seems like a typical high school with the stereotypical students: Lance the jock, Jennifer the cheerleader, Marco, the bad boy/desperado, and Will, the senior class president, quarterback, and all around good guy. But not everyone at Avalon High is who they appear to be, not even Ellie herself. Eventually, it becomes apparent that Avalon High is a situation where the ancient Arthurian legend is repeating itself.

1995 年 08 月 11 日

A Southern California kid named Calvin Fuller is magically transported to the medieval kingdom of Camelot through a crack in the ground caused by an earthquake. Once there, he learns he was summoned by the wizard Merlin, who needs Calvin to save Camelot. Using dazzling modern inventions, can Calvin help King Arthur retain his crown and thwart the evil Lord Belasco?

Having failed in their quest for the Holy Grail, the knights of the Round Table return to Camelot, their number reduced to a mere handful. Seeing a rift developing between Lancelot and Mordred, Arthur urges his knights to bury their differences and become friends. However, the king is unaware that Lancelot is having an affair with his queen, Guinevere. Lancelot is torn between his duty to his king and his love for the queen, whilst Mordred is determined to use his infidelity to destroy him.

Gawain was a squire in King Arthur's court when the Green Knight burst in and offered to play a game with a brave knight. Gawain journeys across the land, learning about life, saving damsels, and solving the Green Knight's riddle.

1994 年 05 月 07 日

As border wars break out in Camelot, the young princess Guinevere is taken to live in safety with the High Priestess L'Fei. When King Arthur claims the crown, Guinevere is promised to him and she must leave her true love, Prince Lancelot in order to unite the land. In a tale of honor, loyalty and the price of war, Guinevere is forced to choose between the only man she has ever loved and her duty to her kingdom.

1995 年 10 月 04 日

On the brink of a big deal with mogul Lucky Claybert, Gumby and his band The Clayboys must do battle with the villainous Blockheads, who have kidnapped their loyal canine Lowbelly.

2000 年 12 月 22 日

When Merlin cast a positive spell to protect the knights of the Round Table, he used ancient magic drawing on the power of Stonehenge, and the knights were put into a sort of suspended animation. The evil Morgana and her son Mordred were banished into another world for 1500 years, but a 20th-century scientist finds a gateway, and the dark lord has a vicious scheme to enslave King Arthur's world.



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