702 de filme seriale

Serialul, un prequel al producției „Teoria Big Bang”, îl urmărește pe Sheldon Cooper când merge la liceu și încearcă să-și găsească locul în lumea din jurul lui, iar familia și prietenii încearcă să facă față intelectului său unic.

16 decembrie 2015

Acțiunea serialului Magicienii se desfășoară în New York, unde există oameni care fac magie, cumva la vedere, iar apoi apare Universitatea Brakebill, care este ascunsă într-o zonă ce poate fi numită Triunghiul Bermudelor din nordul statului New York. Un loc foarte magic. Este un fel de universitate de top, plină de studenți foarte serioși, dar este magică și diferită de orice loc pe care l-ați văzut.

17 decembrie 1989

Cu locația în Springfield, orașul tipic american, povestea se concentrează pe aventurile ridicole ale familiei Simpson; Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa și Maggie, dar și pe o distribuție de alte câteva sute de personaje.

De la început, seria a devenit un simbol cultural, atrăgând sute de vedete care și-au făcut apariția ca invitați. Serialul și-a făcut un nume prin satira fără frică asupra politicii, mediei și vieții americane în general.

Povestea incepe cu descoperirea cadavrului Laurei pe malul unui lac, "infasurat in plastic". Ca urmare a desfasurarii anchetei, fiecare locuitor al orasului este expus treptat cercetarii atente si adesea incomode a agentului Cooper si a autoritatilor locale, dezvaluindu-se latura intunecata a vietii multor personaje.

Asemenea multor altor creatii marca Lynch (in special filmul "Blue Velvet"), "Twin Peaks" exploreaza contrastul intre aparentele respectabile ale vietii citadine si aspectele putrede, ascunse ale vietii. Serialul se aseamana cu restul operei lui Lynch prin faptul ca este greu de plasat intr-un anumit gen cinematografic: din punct de vedere stilistic, serialul imprumuta tonul tulburator si premisele supranaturale ale filmelor horror, oferind simultan o parodie a telenovelelor americane, prin prezentarea melodramaticã a activitatilor dubioase ale personajelor.

Twin Peaks a fost si inca e un serial cult care a reusit sa stranga foarte multi fani in toata lumea. In ciuda succesului sau imens, serialul a fost destul de prost inteles, multi fiind atrasi de ciudateniile din el, si mai putin de mesajul sau. Intradevar, TP este un serial bizar prin personajele, intamplarile si locatiile sale, dar el trebuie privit intr-o alta cheie. Lynch, unul din creatorii acestui serial, care a regizat cateva episoade si a scirs majoritatea lor, a crescut intr-o perioada in care in State conceptul de "Americana" lua tot mai mult contur. E vorba de cultura de masa americana, impinzita de lucruri cat se poate de superficiale, de care americanii se simteau aproape si se puteau identifica. Elemente din aceasta cultura erau muzica jazz, basseball, restaurantele de tip diner, sau Superman, eroul impecabil. Era o cultura in masa omniprezenta in serialele adolescentei lui Lynch. In acele seriale despre suburbiile oraselor, viata era linistita, nu exista crima, moarte, insubordonare. Totul era fad, lipsit de viata, un ideal marxist. Twin Peaks porneste de la aceleasi premise: un orasel linistit, unde toata lumea cunoaste pe toata lumea, unde viata isi urmeaza cursul linistit fara conflicte. Insa TP merge mai adanc de atat. Oamenii aici se cunosc si nu prea, fiecare avand o agenda ascunsa, sau un trecut de care nu a mandru. Iar mica societate din TP nu e deloc ideala: regina balului este gasita ucisa, dupa mai multe contacte sexuale, si in organism i se gaseste cocaina. Exact opusul conceptului "Americana". Primul sezon se remarca prin umorul sau si inteligenta ironiilor, al doilea e mai slab, ciudat si greu de inteles. Oricum, unul din serialele care vor ramane in istorie pentru ca a apropiat televiziunea mai mult de arta cinematografica.

26 ianuarie 2017

Riverdale este un oras aparent linistit, unde toti se cunosc intre ei. Dar lucrurile sunt date peste cap in momentul in care un membru al echipei de fotbal a liceului este gasit mort in rau. Din acest punct, toata lumea pare suspecta si toti par sa aiba secrete care nu vor sa fie aflate. Serialul urmareste viata lui Archie, Veronica, Betty si a prietenilor lor, care exploreaza intunericul si ciudatenia orasului Riverdale si incearca sa descopere ce s-a intamplat.

Yuji Itadori is a boy with tremendous physical strength, though he lives a completely ordinary high school life. One day, to save a classmate who has been attacked by curses, he eats the finger of Ryomen Sukuna, taking the curse into his own soul. From then on, he shares one body with Ryomen Sukuna. Guided by the most powerful of sorcerers, Satoru Gojo, Itadori is admitted to Tokyo Jujutsu High School, an organization that fights the curses... and thus begins the heroic tale of a boy who became a curse to exorcise a curse, a life from which he could never turn back.

In the magic realm, magic is everything—everyone can use it, and one’s social status is determined by their skill level. Deep in the forest, oblivious to the ways of the world, lives Mash. Thanks to his daily training, he’s become a fitness god, but he harbors a secret that could turn his life upside down—he can’t use magic! When he’s found out, rather than his life being over, he’s unexpectedly enrolled in magic school, where he must beat the competition!

Bogații familiei Banks își văd viața dată peste cap când șmecherașul Will, ruda lor din Philadelphia, se mută cu ei în vila din Bel-Air.

18 iulie 2013

The future-fantasy world of Remnant is filled with ravenous monsters, treacherous terrain, and more villains than you can shake a sniper-scythe at. Fortunately, Beacon Academy is training Huntsmen and Huntresses to battle the evils of the world, and Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are ready for their first day of class.

The coming of age events and everyday life-lessons of Cory Matthews, a Philadelphian who grows up from a young boy to a married man.

19 februarie 2017

The tale of three mothers of first graders whose apparently perfect lives unravel to the point of murder.

9 ianuarie 2011

Violent delinquent Oga encounters a baby one day, which crawls onto his back and immediately forms an attachment to him. Though he doesn't know it yet, this baby is named Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV, or "Baby Beel" for short—the son of the Demon Lord!

4 iulie 2016

One day, Naho Takamiya receives a letter written to herself from ten years in the future. As Naho reads on, the letter recites the exact events of the day, including the transfer of a new student into her class named Kakeru Naruse. The Naho from ten years later repeatedly states that she has many regrets, and she wants to fix these by making sure the Naho from the past can make the right decisions—especially regarding Kakeru. What's more shocking is that she discovers that ten years later, Kakeru will no longer be with them. Future Naho asks her to watch over him closely.

After swearing off music due to an incident at the middle school regional brass band competition, euphonist Kumiko Oumae enters high school hoping for a fresh start. As fate would have it, she ends up being surrounded by people with an interest in the high school brass band. Kumiko finds the motivation she needs to make music once more with the help of her bandmates, some of whom are new like novice tubist Hazuki Katou; veteran contrabassist Sapphire Kawashima; and band vice president and fellow euphonist Asuka Tanaka. Others are old friends, like Kumiko's childhood friend and hornist-turned-trombonist Shuuichi Tsukamoto, and trumpeter and bandmate from middle school, Reina Kousaka.

However, in the band itself, chaos reigns supreme. Despite their intention to qualify for the national band competition, as they currently are, just competing in the local festival will be a challenge—unless the new band advisor Noboru Taki does something about it.

C'est pas sorcier is a French educational television program that originally aired from November 5, 1994 to present.

The whacky adventures of Ned Bigby and his best pals Moze and Cookie at James K. Polk Middle School, as "every-kid" Ned shatters the fourth wall to share tips and tricks on navigating middle school or junior high hurdles. Ned's not super cool, and he has no superpowers. He is, however, witty, well-groomed, upbeat and self-aware. Moreover, with more than a little help from his two best friends, he's equipped to conquer middle school minefields. From crushing bullies to crushes, from off- the-wall, mean and cool teachers to pop quizzes, elections and detentions, Ned knows that nothing, including the seventh grade, is as bad as it seems, and friendship matters most.

Aspiring singer Tori Vega navigates life while attending a performing arts high school called Hollywood Arts.

Kiyotaka Ayanokoji has just enrolled at Tokyo Koudo Ikusei Senior High School, where it's said that 100% of students go on to college or find employment. But he ends up in Class 1-D, which is full of all the school's problem children.

What's more, every month, the school awards students points with a cash value of 100,000 yen, and the classes employ a laissez-faire policy in which talking, sleeping, and even sabotage are permitted during class.

One month later, Ayanokoji, Horikita, and the students of Class D learn the truth of the system in place within their school...

22 august 2016

What is happening in the class? Who are friends, who are enemies - and who has had a mishap? The pupils have yet another day ahead of them.

In a world where beasts of all kinds coexist, a gentle wolf awakens to his own predatory urges as his school deals with a murder within its midst.

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