19 filmų

2012 birželio 16

Two high school students become stranded on a tropical island and must rely on each other for survival. They learn more about themselves and each other while falling in love.

XIX a. vidurys. Po vyro mirties, Sara, kartu su metų dukra Lili, grįžta iš Taičio į San Franciską. Tačiau laive įsisiautėjusi šiltinė dar labiau pakeičia Saros gyvenimą. Vienintelis būdas išsigelbėti – palikti mirtiną ligą nešantį laivą.

Moteris su dukra ir dar vienu laive buvusiu vienišu berniuku įsodinama į gelbėjimo valtį ir paleidžiama į atvirą vandenyną. Vienintelis likimo pasiųstas šansas – negyvenama sala. Sara, kupina nepalaužiamo ryžto ir išradingumo, sugebėjo išgyventi ir įsikurti. Ji augino ir mokė vaikus, kol pneumonija pakirto ir jos gyvybę.

Vaikai liko vieni su daugybe neatsakytų klausimų apie lyčių skirtumus, vyro ir moters tarpusavio santykius ir meilės jausmą. Po daugelio metų atplaukęs laivas, sudrumsčia jų ramybę ir skausmingai keičia iki šiol turėtą pasaulio įsivaizdavimą.

Naujoji Adomo ir Ievos istorija prasideda nuo laivo katastrofos, po kurios išsigelbėja du vaikai. Jie atsiduria negyvenamoje saloje. Čia išlikimas priklauso nuo gamtos malonės ir nuo jų pačių. Bėga metai ir vaikai tampa jaunuoliais. Mergina užauga pasakiškai graži, o vaikinas - tvirtas ir stiprus. Augdami dviese jie nesigėdija nuogumo, lenktyniauja bėgiodami smėliu ir ilsisi medžių paunksmėje. Netrukus paaugliai pajaučia meilę ir geismą vienas kitam. Ar meilės lizdeliu tapusi sala nesugriaus jaunuolių svajonių? Kokie priešai užklys į šį rojaus kampelį?

1961 gruodžio 20

During the US Civil War, Union POWs escape in a balloon and end up stranded on a South Pacific island, inhabited by giant plants and animals. They must use their ingenuity to survive the dangers, and to devise a way to return home. Sequel to '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' .

2007 sausio 21

On a Caribbean cruise, Jenny is marooned on a beach with her rock and roll idol. Deliriously in love with the idea of time alone with him, she manages to hide the fact that they're a stone's throw away from their resort.

2011 liepos 6

Two contempo Frenchmen of Antillean descent visit their ancestor's time as well as their land in the slavery-themed French era.

1968 gruodžio 19

During World War II, a shot-down American pilot and a marooned Japanese navy captain find themselves stranded on the same small uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean.

1989 kovo 30

Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked and he finds himself all alone on a tropical island. With a few tools he manages to rescue from the wreck he has to learn to support himself until help arrives.

1957 vasario 10

A group of scientists travel to a remote island to study the effects of nuclear weapons tests, only to get stranded when their airplane mysteriously explodes. The team soon discovers that the tests have given rise to crabs mutated into intelligent, impervious, telepathic giants intent on increasing their numbers by breeding, then travelling to populated areas to feed, and which do not intend to be stopped by their discoverers.

When a decaying Russian satellite crashes on the island, the Professor uses a key component for a barometer. With that device, he learns that a massive wave is going to swamp the island. In desperation, the castaways lash their huts together into one structure in order to have any chance to ride the disaster out.

1960 rugpjūčio 5

Harold Gern, a shady businessman from New York, is spending a holiday in Puerto Rico with his attractive wife Evelyn. They are joined by Martin Joyce, Harold's lawyer, who has come to discuss the latest indictment. Harold invites him along on a boat trip during which all three try out some newly bought scuba diving equipment. When they resurface, they find out that the world has changed forever.

1934 gruodžio 14

A captain's daughter become marooned on an island after the ship is taken over by a mutinous crew.

1952 rugsėjo 12

During World War II, an American bomber pilot is rescued after drifting at sea aboard a raft. After being administered truth serum, he tells the doctor a story of how he and the three survivors of his plane crash washed up on an island that was inhabited by a tribe of beautiful primitive cave-women, dinosaurs and a group of savage cavemen who are bent on abducting the women for breeding purposes.

1951 sausio 5

Shipwreck survivors land on an uncharted island inhabited by prehistoric beasts.

1954 liepos 16

Duncan Craig signs on a whaling ship, partly because his own business deal has fallen through, partly to help Judie Nordhall find her father. Rumor has it that her father may have been murdered by Erik Bland, son of her father's partner and her one-time lover. Duncan and Erik find themselves on rival whaleboats and, ultimately, on an ice floe.

1940 gegužės 16

Two men searching for black pearls are marooned on an island when their crew mutinies. There they run into a beautiful girl who had been washed up on the island in her childhood. They must fight angry natives and a typhoon in order to survive.

1963 gruodžio 1

A soldier stranded on a desert island is captured by a tribe of sadistic women who torture and mutilate the men who oppose them. The 46min version is the only one available at the moment

1919 gegužės 29

The inventor of a space sphere flies to the moon and is marooned by a crooked financier.

Professor Bonehead gets shipwrecked, strands on a tropical island and meets cannibals.

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