23 elokuvaa

26 huhtikuu 1996

New Yorkin katujen pikkukonna Chris Dubois päätyy 1920-luvulla monien seikkailujen jälkeen Kaukoidän Tiibetiin. Siellä järjestetään cup-muotoinen turnaus, jossa maailman vaarallisimmat taistelijat ottavat toisiaan hengiltä.

9 syyskuu 1989

Kurt Sloanen Eric-veli halvaantuu julman thainyrkkeilymestarin käsittelyssä. Kurt vannoo kostoa ja lähtee harjoittelemaan Thaimaan viidakkoon vanhan mestarin opein. Edessä on ottelu, jossa on panoksena elämä ja kuolema.

10 elokuu 2018

Brittimies Billy Moore kohtaa ihmisyyden synkimmät puolet pahamaineisessa Klong Prem -vankilassa. Vuosien päihteidenkäytön ja katuelämän myötä nuoruuden nyrkkeilysaavutukset ovat enää muisto vain. Billy kuitenkin päättää tarttua nyrkkeilyhanskoihin, jottei vajoaisi vankilahierarkian pohjasakkaan. A PRAYER BEFORE DAWN on uskomaton tositarina brittinyrkkeilijästä, joka taisteli itsensä vapaaksi yhdestä Thaimaan julmimmista vankiloista.

A seasoned cop and his rookie partner are a pair of mismatched partners in this Hong Kong action-comedy in the style of 'Lethal Weapon'. The wacky twosome are up in arms as they try to solve the murder of a heroin trafficker.

Kuuluisan thaimaalaisen potkunyrkkeilijän elämästä kertova draama.

20 kesäkuu 1997

Ken O'Hara is a "Mindhunter" - a serial killer specialist enlisted to find the mass murderer intent on killing the strongest fighters in New York City. Trying to catch this cunning and clever killer is the hardest assignment Ken has ever had. Now, the moon is rising again and he must use all of his resources to hunt down the murderer....or he may be the next to die.

30 kesäkuu 1992

Two LA cops, Julie and Jay, must return Marsalas to Africa to stand trial as the chief state witness against international villain Alex Gatelee. Gatelee, into everything from gold smuggling to female slave trade, hijacks the party. In a vicious shoot out Julie and Jay overcome Gatelee's men. Gatelee then has Julie kidnapped from one of his nightclubs. He tries to use Julie as bait to get Jay to hand over Marsalas in exchange for Julie...

12 lokakuu 1993

Kickboxing champ Rick Quinn decides to retire from the ring, but his main adversary, Denard, wants him to fight again and murders Quinn's wife. Quinn suspects Denard, but can't do anything. Three month later, Quinn is jailed after a drunken bar brawl; a rich man named Le Braque bails him out and asks him to fight for him.

21 elokuu 1991

Brick Bardo is on a mission to find out which one of the world's greatest kickboxers killed his brother. Five years ago, one of the four champs was fixing fights and set up his brother in the fight that took his life. Now Bardo must take on the gang in the ring for an all-out kickboxing fight to the finish.

After an unsanctioned match between a Chinese martial arts student and a Thai boxer results in disgrace for the Chinese, they determine to train and salvage their master’s reputation.

Chandu is very passionate about kickboxing and his life revolves around his mother and his girlfriend. His life is shattered when his dying mother asks him to meet his estranged father Raghuveer.

You’ll need an agility ladder for this workout, which uses fast footwork and dynamic total-body movements to improve speed, enhance coordination, and torch calories. Level: Advanced. Works Well For: MMA Training, Cardio Bodyweight Training. Equipment Needed: Agility Ladder. Part of the Core De Force Deluxe series.

11 heinäkuu 2013
9 joulukuu 1995

The film follows a young couple living in Philadelphia area working to pursue their dreams. Cynthia Andrews is an aspiring actress who has been in a comfortable celibate relationship for three years with a faith oriented semi-pro kickboxer named Jay Durant. While Cynthia is pursing her dreams of acting, she is diagnosed with a life threatening disease and told she needs a kidney change or she was not going to survive. The process of finding a donor and managing her acting dreams and the thoughts of her not getting married and raising a family of her own become a burden. She begins feeling like all hope is lost, and her dream of becoming that actress and mother she always wanted to be was not happening as time was ticking. The film touches on the relevance of faith, hope and true love.

Jillian Michaels Kickbox FastFix is a total body workout that will fix your physique fast!! These quick-paced workouts will blast off the fat while toning your entire body. Never kickboxed before? Don't worry! This tutorial helps you get familiar with the moves so you can perfect your form before you begin exercising.

This workout lives up to its name with nine rounds of kicks and knee strikes that will work your legs, butt, and core like never before. Level: Advanced. Works Well For: MMA Training, Cardio Bodyweight Training. Equipment Needed: Agility Ladder.

1 marraskuu 2016

A total-body burner that uses explosive power and interval training to help sculpt lean muscle and build next-level endurance.

1 marraskuu 2016

Using explosive and defensive-style movements, this fast-paced cardio-conditioning workout will help you carve a tight, lean body.

6 huhtikuu 2020

This sweat-drenching boxing program delivers a maximum cardio burn by combining technique, repetition, and intensity for an incredible TOTAL-body workout. Step into the ring with Super Trainer Joel Freeman as he gives you a taste of his latest program with 10 rounds of boxing, strength training, agility work, and core conditioning that will leave you sweaty, breathless, and ready for more. Works Well For: Strength Training, Cardio. Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Resistance Loops, Towel, Yoga Mat (Optional).

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