57 部电影

2005 年 05 月 06 日


1998 年 08 月 14 日

British Ministry agent John Steed, under direction from "Mother", investigates a diabolical plot by arch-villain Sir August de Wynter to rule the world with his weather control machine. Steed investigates the beautiful Doctor Mrs. Emma Peel, the only suspect, but simultaneously falls for her and joins forces with her to combat Sir August.

2005 年 09 月 14 日

The blood-soaked tale of a Norse warrior's battle against the great and murderous troll, Grendel. Heads will roll. Out of allegiance to the King Hrothgar, the much respected Lord of the Danes, Beowulf leads a troop of warriors across the sea to rid a village of the marauding monster.

1973 年 12 月 11 日

The young D'Artagnan arrives in Paris with dreams of becoming a King's musketeer. He meets and quarrels with three men, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, each of whom challenges him to a duel. D'Artagnan finds out they are musketeers and is invited to join them in their efforts to oppose Cardinal Richelieu, who wishes to increase his already considerable power over the King. D'Artagnan must also juggle affairs with the charming Constance Bonancieux and the passionate Lady De Winter, a secret agent for the Cardinal.

A story of a legendary battle, where seventeen fearless warriors defend their land against an army of thousands well-trained soldiers. In 13th-century Mongol warrior hordes and their leader, Batu Khan, control most of the known world. As the Mongols move towards Europe they invade the last Russian principality standing in their way. Little do they know, their plans are about to be ruined by a small detachment of heroic strong men led by a mysterious brave warrior. This is a story about courage, endurance and self-sacrifice for the sake of one's country. This is the story of Evpaty the Furious.

2011 年 03 月 30 日

A bravado period action film set at the end of Japan's feudal era in which a group of unemployed samurai are enlisted to bring down a sadistic lord and prevent him from ascending to the throne and plunging the country into a war-torn future.

1948 年 10 月 19 日

Athletic adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' classic adventure about the king's musketeers and their mission to protect France.

在天下失序、列強割據的戰亂時代,僧人祥庵將一名孤兒從中國帶到了日本。 孤兒名叫仔太郎,他背負著一個驚人的秘密。 與祥庵失散後,孤苦無依的仔太郎帶著愛犬飛丸前往赤池之國的萬覺寺,在途中遇見了神秘劍士“無名”。 仔太郎遭到追殺,危急時刻無名救了他一命。 從此兩人結伴同行。 性格乖僻的浪人和緊閉心扉的少年雖然磕磕碰碰不斷,但漸漸成了好朋友。

白鸞率領的追殺組織還是抓住了仔太郎,他們開始著手籌備某種儀式。 金發碧眼的劍士“羅狼”也是追殺組織中的一員,他雖然聽命行事但並不真正在意組織的目的,對他來說,尋找可以與自己匹敵的對手才是生命的意義。 羅狼與無名之間的生死對決拉開了帷幕……

2005 年 07 月 25 日

1600年間,滿清雖已入關,但中原武林仍隱藏不少反抗力量,滿清親王哆格多頒布〝禁武令〞,並派前朝降清高手風火連城(孫紅雷 飾)剿殺各地違令武林人士,而風火連城的下一個目標便是西北邊垂的武莊。武莊表面上住了一批莊稼人,實則是反清組織天地會分舵人馬。路見不平的俠醫傅青主(劉家良 飾)任認為要解武莊之危,只有帶了兩位武莊青年武元英(楊采妮 飾)和韓志邦(陸毅 飾)上天山求助。 天山萬里冰封,住了一位善於鑄劍的世外高人晦明大師。晦明有四大弟子,其中包括大師兄楚昭南(甄子丹 飾),依仗師父所傳的絕世寶劍,希望將來可在江湖上快意恩仇;二弟子楊雲聰(黎明 飾),雖武功高?卻無意再涉足凡塵。 然而,當楊雲聰冒險在雪崩危機中救了遇險的武元英,其清靜的天山生活終於被打擾了…楊雲聰雖萬般不願,但晦明已答應襄助,盡遣四大弟子隨傅青主、武元英和韓至邦下山,並把畢生修為煉成的七把寶劍分贈七人,展開「七劍下天山」的武林傳奇。

2012 年 10 月 15 日

Elijah Kane Is on a new mission for the government after being promised that the CIA will provide information about who put out a hit on his previous team. Kane and the new team have to take down a high level gang boss involved in human smuggling but under investigation uncovers a larger conspiracy involving organ trafficking.

2008 年 02 月 09 日

諸侯割據,戰火連天的年代,燕國雪虎將軍(甄子丹飾)負責訓練飛兒公主(陳慧琳飾)武功,後來父王遭奸臣胡霸(郭曉冬飾)謀害,飛兒公主只好倉皇逃出皇宮,在逃亡的路上幸得一位武功高強的隱士段蘭泉(黎明飾)所救。 患難之下,飛兒公主與隱士二人互相仰慕漸生情愫,在隱士的幫助下,公主除掉了殺害父王的奸臣,並奪回了王位,大將軍對公主忠心不改,卻與隱士之間有陳年恩怨未了,兩個對她生命都同等重要的男人展開了對立。 矛盾的恩怨情仇與國家的立廢興亡間,公主該如何選擇?她該為了愛情拋棄了大好江山,選擇與隱士回歸山林?還是與大將軍合力安定天下呢?

2014 年 01 月 21 日

Three best friends and dedicated roleplayers take to the woods to reenact a dungeons and dragons-like scenario as a live action role-playing game. Trouble arises when a prop spellbook purchased from the internet ends up being a genuine grimoire and they unwittingly conjure up a blood-lusting succubus from hell.

2016 年 12 月 09 日

燕十三(何潤東 飾)劍法無雙,卻總被江湖中人誤認為是神劍山莊的三少爺(林更新 飾)。燕十三身患絕症,只求與三少爺決鬥,為自己正名。三少爺卻厭倦殺戮,毅然退隱江湖,流落妓院,而遇上妓院裡卑微的妓女小麗(蔣夢婕 飾)。三少爺的舊情人慕容秋荻(江一燕 飾)當年被對方悔婚,因愛生恨,血洗神劍山庄,不惜一切只為逼他出山。一場惡鬥誓所難免..

1950 年 11 月 16 日

France, 1640. Cyrano, the charismatic swordsman-poet with the absurd nose, hopelessly loves the beauteous Roxane; she, in turn, confesses to Cyrano her love for the handsome but tongue-tied Christian. The chivalrous Cyrano sets up with Christian an innocent deception, with tragic results.

2013 年 06 月 10 日

Steven Seagal reprises his role as Seattle undercover cop Elijah Kane in this action thriller from the True Justice series. Responding to fresh intel, Kane and his team have to intercept and neutralise the threat from terrorists attempting to offload nuclear bombs hidden in two smuggled suitcases. If that wasn't bad enough, Kane is convinced that 'The Ghost' is trying to lay his hands on them.

2013 年 09 月 16 日

Elijah Kane is not your average cop. As leader of an elite, undercover police unit he has dedicated his entire life to the relentless pursuit of truth and justice. And he will stop at nothing in bringing down an enemy of the law. But someone has put a price on Kane’s head and wants him and his team of crime fighters brought down. Could it be the mysterious crime boss known only as the ghost? Could it be the Russian gangsters connected to a missing suitcase of deadly nukes? Or is it a double agent informant working within the CIA? One thing’s for sure, when Elijah Kane finds out they better start saying their prayers.

Older, wiser but still a wandering loner, the blind, peace-loving masseur Ichi seeks a peaceful life in a rural village. When he's caught in the middle of a power struggle between two rival Yakuza clans, his reputation as a deadly defender of the innocent is put to the ultimate test in a series of sword-slashing showdowns.

After experiencing traumatic nightmares of a time now past, the Sorceress summons Prince Adam and Cringer to Castle Grayskull to give Adam a precious, jeweled sword and send the pair to the planet Etheria to investigate its secrets.

2012 年 02 月 13 日

Elijah Kane's (Steven Seagal) knowledge of espionage tactics reconnaissance equipment and counter terrorism comes from an education that wasn't gained in Seattle's police academy but from years of being deep undercover in the war against terrorism. Kane's history is now causing uncertainty in the team's future as Mason and Radner members of Kane's Special Investigation Unit are badly beaten by masked military-trained men. Working through the confusion that Kane's military past is causing Sarah and Juliet are after yet another serial rapist in Seattle. The SIU is put on the case only after it proves too much for Lt. Humphreys' (guest star Rachel Luttrell) Special Victims Bureau. The team's caseload continues to rise when they find the bodies of runway models killed in a fashion too disturbing for even this SIU team. Two cases are never the same and the SIU team is stretched thin by the gaining strength of Seattle's crime world in this Urban Warfare.

2012 年 06 月 25 日

Following the attack on his precinct, Kane buries his friends and sets his sights on avenging their deaths. He assembles a new team and follows the trail across the border to Vancouver.



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