48 部电影

2022 年 03 月 11 日

An American priest working in Mexico is considered a saint by many local parishioners. However, due to a botched exorcism, he carries a secret that’s eating him alive until he gets an opportunity to face his demon one final time.

2016 年 12 月 02 日

單親媽媽駭然發現11歲兒子甘馬倫突然性情大變,把自己幽閉在家中房內,對著一具死狀恐怖的屍體,呢喃著不知名的古老語言。 神職人員束手無策,遂向因車禍導致半身不遂的科學家薛夫岩巴博士(阿朗艾格 飾)出手。 自車禍後,岩巴博士慣以酒精麻醉失去摯愛親人、下半生困於輪椅上的痛苦; 他不信鬼神之說,以科學角度鑽研靈異現象,在高科技維生系統及兩名助手協助下,岩巴能夠潛入受害者潛意識, 令詭秘靈體現出真身,從根源解決問題。 岩巴博士一如以往啟動程式,進入甘馬倫的潛意識,試圖喚醒他,卻瞬間被前所未有的恐怖力量攻擊,過去家破人亡的精神創傷更一併來襲! 身心受重創的岩巴意識到要救人,必先讓詭異「魔童」進入自己的大腦,在自己的潛意識中決一死戰!

自一連串駭人又匪夷所思的兇殺案發生後,紐約市人心惶惶,恐慌蔓延整個城市。警探Ralph Sarchie (艾力賓拿 飾) 雖然有自身的煩惱,仍決定親自調查這些接踵而來、無法解釋的兇殺案。自問是無神論者的他,面對神父(艾格華米拉茲 飾)的邪靈附體之說只覺得故弄玄虛,然而隨著調查時靈異事件不斷的發生,更令Ralph妻女陷入生命危險,Ralph不得不放下以前的觀點,與神父聯手對兇手進行一場驅魔儀式,卻發現邪靈的最終目標竟是自己……

2015 年 08 月 24 日

In this chilling story based on real life events a family experience terrifying supernatural occurrences when their son acquires a vintage doll called Robert.

1995 年 03 月 03 日

When an accident involving a folding machine at an old laundry happens, detective John Hunton investigates. While he tries to solve the mystery, Bill Gartley, the owner, wants to find new victims for his machine.

1984 年 09 月 14 日

Aerobics instructor Christie Ryder becomes possessed by the spirit of an evil ninja when she comes to his aid after he was shot down.

2018 年 07 月 13 日

In the autumn of 1960, Father Thomas Riley and Father John Thornton were sent by the Vatican to investigate a miraculous event in an Irish home for 'fallen women', only to uncover something much more horrific.

2018 年 08 月 17 日

Kit, a troubled girl, is sent to the exclusive Blackwood boarding school, where she discovers that only four other female students have been admitted to learn the four pillars of knowledge under the ominous wing of the mysterious headmistress Madame Duret.


2019 年 03 月 21 日

Luz, a young cabdriver, drags herself into the brightly lit entrance of a run-down police station. A demonic entity follows her, determined to finally be close to the woman it loves.

2010 年 12 月 29 日

Fifteen-year-old Emma Evans is like any other teenage girl; she thinks that her parents don't understand her. She longs for independence and a life free of family ties and responsibilities and she is prepared to do anything to achieve it. But one day she will be forced to face up to the consequences of her actions.Life seems to be carrying on as normal, until one day Emma starts experiencing frightening fits. Her parents are convinced that her problems are either medical or psychological, but when doctors' tests are unable to draw any conclusions, the family is forced to look elsewhere for answers.It all started off as a bit of fun, Emma never really believed it, but the truth is there is something dark and sinister within her, and it won't take long to surface.

2007 年 10 月 17 日

Mary Elizabeth goes to bed alone one night, still a twenty one year old virgin, and wakes up the next morning pregnant. Possessed by the demon fetus growing within her womb, Mary Elizabeth obeys her homicidal cravings to kill, for the sake of her unborn spawn. Mary Elizabeth's dark transformation is controlled by her unborn demon child's deadly evil cravings.

2018 年 12 月 07 日

A struggling actor gets a holiday season job as a Christmas character in a plush suit to promote the hottest toy of the year, Pooka; he slowly develops two personalities—one when he's in the suit and one that's outside it.

1982 年 06 月 04 日


2016 年 02 月 02 日

When a Priest discovers his wife is deathly ill, he decides to go against his faith and use his knowledge of exorcisms to possess her in order to save her life.

2018 年 12 月 01 日

A ghost hunter investigates an evil spirit dwelling within a young man who reportedly became possessed after playing with a Ouija board.

2015 年 09 月 09 日

A bridegroom is possessed by an unquiet spirit in the midst of his own wedding celebration, in this clever take on the Jewish legend of the dybbuk.

2010 年 01 月 25 日

One night at a secluded farmhouse deep in the Northern California woods, a small group of hardened young bikers and their girlfriends are tormented when one of the girls becomes savagely possessed and a gang of "Rockabillies" seemingly from the 1950's descends upon them to collect what is growing inside her.

In the summer of 1859, a widowed physician reluctantly agrees to take a recently freed slave and her mysterious Caucasian daughter on a five-day journey through the bloody West to find a distant town's Faith Healer. The woman believes her daughter is possessed. The doctor believes she simply carries The Sickness. Either way the fact remains that every living thing the girl touches mysteriously dies.

1989 年 01 月 01 日

A group of unlikely companions receive a radio call leading to a deserted house with a grisly past.

2015 年 05 月 22 日

Two friends are playing with an old Polaroid camera they found in the closet.



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