106 laidų

“Anarchijos vaikai” yra mažame Amerikos miestelyje įsikūrusi motociklininkų grupuotė, kurios nariai didžiąją dalį pajamų gauna iš neteisėtos prekybos ginklais. Grupuotės vadovas tvarką palaiko remdamasis žiaurumu, o jo sūnėnas ir antras pagal svarbą grupuotės narys bando šią tvarką pakeisti. Neišvengiamai kyla konfliktas, galintis pakeisti ne tik jų santykius, bet ir visą grupuotę.

Twelve-year-old Gon Freecss one day discovers that the father he had always been told was dead was alive. His Father, Ging, is a Hunter — a member of society's elite with a license to go anywhere or do almost anything. Gon, determined to follow in his father's footsteps, decides to take the Hunter Examination and eventually find his father to prove himself as a Hunter in his own right. But on the way, he learns that there is more to becoming a Hunter than previously thought, and the challenges that he must face are considered the toughest in the world.

2002 birželio 2

„Blakė“ – amerikiečių policinė drama, kurios veiksmas vyksta Baltimorėje. Pareigūnai, pasitelkę įvairią pasiklausymo įrangą ir slaptas kameras, tiria organizuoto nusikalstamumo grupuočių, platinančių narkotikus, juodus darbelius ir pluša, kad nusikaltėliai būtų nuteisti. Be viso to, detektyvams tenka susidurti su korupcija ir politiniais motyvais savo pačių gretose.

Seriale pasakojama apie Niudžersio mafijozą Tonį Soprano, kuris nuolatos slapta konsultuojasi su psichiatre. Tonis serga depresija, nes jam sunkiai sekasi suvaldyti mafijos šeimą ir susitvarkyti savo asmeninį gyvenimą. Reikalai mafijozo šeimoje pakrikę: nesutarimai su žmona, bręstanti duktė, kvaištelėjusi jo motina...Taigi kasdien Toniui tenka stengtis būti pavyzdingu šeimos tėvu ir mafijos krikštatėviu...

Hui Chun-sum is an elite OCTB officer. He is fearless and competent. His boss thinks highly of him, and his colleagues really admire him. But his ultimate dream is to join SDU. Another elite OCTB officer Shum Wai-lik has a shrewd mind and extensive experience. Although the duo have different approaches, but they are like-minded and ideally complement each other. Police suffer heavy casualties as they are ambushed by thugs. To catch the culprit, Chun-sum forgets his dream and stays with OCTB. Moreover, Chun-sum and Wai-lik are faced with successive nasty cases that are tortuous, surreptitious, tricky and baffling. The duo use reverse thinking, psychological game theory and meticulous analysis to decipher the criminals’ thoughts and motives. No crook can escape the long arm of the law!

The Ganglar have stolen the Lupin Collection, treasures left behind by the famous phantom thief, Arsène Lupin. Phantom thieves are fighting to take back what was lost. Police are fighting to protect the peace.

1992 rugsėjo 5

Vowing to avenge the murder of his parents, Bruce Wayne devotes his life to wiping out crime in Gotham City as the masked vigilante "Batman".

2021 balandžio 1

The detectives of the Organized Crime Control Bureau work to dismantle New York City's most vicious and violent illegal enterprises.

„Naktinio miesto valdžia“ pasakoja istoriją apie Džeimsą „Vaiduoklį“ Seint Patriką, turtingą Niujorko naktinio klubo savininką, kopiantį į miesto elitą. Jis trokšta sukurti imperiją, paversti klubą į aukso kasyklą, tačiau yra viena problema. Vaiduoklis gyvena dvigubą gyvenimą. Kai jis nevadovauja klubui, jis tampa pačio pelningiausio narkotikų tinklo Niujorke karaliumi su didelę klientūrą. Jo santuokai, šeimai ir verslui netiesiogiai iškyla grėsmė, kai jis panori palikti narkotikų verslą ir tapti tokiu verslininku, kuriuo taip troško būti.

2008 vasario 13

Underbelly is an Australian television true crime-drama series, each series is a stand alone story based on real-life events.

In the future when technological enhancements and robotics are a way of life, Major Motoko Kusanagi and Section 9 take care of the jobs that are too difficult for the police. Section 9 employs hackers, sharpshooters, detectives and cyborgs all in an effort to thwart cyber criminals and their plans to attack the innocent.

Valdančioji McLusky šeima sprendžia sisteminio rasizmo, korupcijos ir nelygybės temas Kingstaune, Mičigano valstijoje, kur įkalinimo verslas yra vienintelė klestinti industrija.

Pablo is a man with a natural ability for business. Early in his life, Pablo is introduced to the business of cocaine and the power it yields. A young life of crime lands Pablo in and out of jail as he builds his criminal empire. Pablo expands his power through politics but it is not long before his conflicts as a Congressman and a drug lord collide. Pablo has his enemies executed, but not before the United States activates its own war on the Medellin cartel.

Set in the aftermath of Jax Teller’s death, Ezekiel "EZ" Reyes is fresh out of prison and a prospect in the Mayans M.C. charter on the Cali/Mexi border. Now, EZ must carve out his new identity in a town where he was once the golden boy with the American Dream in his grasp.

2014 gegužės 6

Italų kriminalinis serialas apie Neapolio mafiją, sukurtas pagal Roberto Saviano romaną. Istorija pasakoja apie per eilę metų susiformavusią italų mafijos korporaciją, gąsdinusią ir gąsdinančią iki šiol tiek eilinius Neapolio gyventojus, tiek korupcijų klanuose skendinčias įvairias valdžios institucijas.

1959 balandžio 16

The Lawless Years is an American crime drama series that aired on NBC from April 16 1959, to September 22, 1961. The series is the first of its kind set set during the Roaring 20s, having predated ABC's far more successful The Untouchables by six months. The series stars James Gregory and Robert Karnes.

1961 rugsėjo 19

A former underworld lawyer goes to work for the Federal Government, determined to bring 100 top criminals to justice.

2017 kovo 16

A group of up-and-coming hustlers stumble upon a truckload of stolen gold bullion and are suddenly thrust into the high-stakes world of organized crime.

1987 rugsėjo 16

Vinnie Terranova does time in a New Jersey penitentiary to set up his undercover role as an agent for the OCB (Organized Crime Bureau) of the United States. His roots in a traditional Italian city neighborhood form the underlying dramatic base throughout the series, bringing him into conflict with his conservative mother and other family members while acting undercover as syndicate enforcer.

An adaptation of Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather and The Godfather: Part II, re-edited in chronological order with additional footage not seen in the first two films added.

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