38 Filme

22. Oktober 2021

Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people. As malevolent forces explode into conflict over the planet's exclusive supply of the most precious resource in existence-a commodity capable of unlocking humanity's greatest potential-only those who can conquer their fear will survive.

23. Mai 1980

Die Hausmeistertätigkeit in einem leeren Hotel außerhalb der Saison bekommt Jack Torrance nicht: Er wird wahnsinnig und terrorisiert seine Frau und seinen kleinen Sohn.

17. März 2000

After a teenager has a terrifying vision of him and his friends dying in a plane crash, he prevents the accident only to have Death hunt them down, one by one.

Demons that once almost destroyed the world, are revived by someone. To prevent the world from being destroyed, the demon has to be sealed and the only one who can do it is the shrine maiden Shion from the country of demons, who has two powers; one is sealing demons and the other is predicting the deaths of humans. This time Naruto's mission is to guard Shion, but she predicts Naruto's death. The only way to escape it, is to get away from Shion, which would leave her unguarded, then the demon, whose only goal is to kill Shion will do so, thus meaning the end of the world. Naruto decides to challenge this "prediction of death."

12. August 2011

In this fifth installment, Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man’s premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister agenda.

Jesse Walsh moves with his family into the home of the lone survivor from a series of attacks by dream-stalking monster, Freddy Krueger. There, he is bedeviled by nightmares and inexplicably violent impulses.

31. Januar 2003

When Kimberly has a violent premonition of a highway pileup she blocks the freeway, keeping a few others meant to die, safe...Or are they? The survivors mysteriously start dying and it's up to Kimberly to stop it before she's next.

Nick O’Bannon besucht mit seiner Freundin Lori und den gemeinsamen Freunden Hunt und Janet ein NASCAR-Autorennen. Plötzlich wird Nick von einer mysteriösen Vorahnung gepackt. Er bricht in Panik aus und glaubt, dass ein Unfall auf der Rennstrecke eine Kettenreaktion auslösen wird, die in einer Katastrophe endet. Obwohl sein Anhang Nick für verrückt erklärt, kann er seine Leute gerade noch rechtzeitig dazu bewegen, aus dem Stadion zu fliehen. Als dann tatsächlich alles so eintritt, wie Nick es beschrieben hat, ist die Verwunderung groß.

10. Februar 2006

A student's premonition of a deadly rollercoaster ride saves her life and a lucky few, but not from death itself – which seeks out those who escaped their fate.

25. Januar 2002

Reporter John Klein is plunged into a world of impossible terror and unthinkable chaos when fate draws him to a sleepy West Virginia town whose residents are being visited by a great winged shape that sows hideous nightmares and fevered visions.

16. Dezember 2016

Zwei FBI-Agenten bitten einen hellseherischen Arzt um Hilfe, um einem Serienmörder das Handwerk zu legen, der es auf todkranke Patienten abgesehen hat.

21. Oktober 1983

Johnny Smith is a schoolteacher with his whole life ahead of him but, after leaving his fiancee's home one night, is involved in a car crash which leaves him in a coma for 5 years. When he wakes, he discovers he has an ability to see into the past, present and future life of anyone with whom he comes into physical contact.

22. Dezember 2000

Annie Wilson, young widow and mother of three, makes her living foretelling others' futures⁠—though her own has become cloudier than even she can see. Threatened by a client's violent husband and plagued by visions of a missing local woman, Annie finds herself pulled into a thicket of lies and deception in which her extraordinary gift may ultimately get her killed.

30. Juni 2017

Two planes almost collide after a blinding flash of light paralyzes air traffic controller Dylan Branson for a few seconds. Suspended from his job, Dylan starts to notice an ominous pattern of sounds and events that repeats itself in exactly the same manner every day, ending precisely at 2:22 p.m. Also drawn into a complex relationship with a woman, Dylan must figure out a way to break the power of the past and take control of time itself.

30. September 2011

Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself.

9. Dezember 1973

While grieving a terrible loss, a married couple meet two mysterious sisters, one of whom gives them a message sent from the afterlife.

6. Juli 1989

A student and her photographer boyfriend visit an island off of Massachusetts to research a hotel supposedly haunted by a witch.

6. April 1984

A young man, armed with a magical bow and arrows, embarks on a mystical journey through a mystical land to rid it of all evil and joins forces with an outlaw to take down an evil witch bent on claiming the magic bow for evil.

6. Oktober 1978

Australian lawyer David Burton agrees with reluctance to defend a group of Aboriginal people charged with murdering one of their own. He suspects the victim was targeted for violating a tribal taboo, but the defendants deny any tribal association. Burton, plagued by apocalyptic visions of water, slowly realizes danger may come from his own involvement with the Aboriginal people and their prophecies.

10. Juni 2006

The story follows Danika, a woman whose fears for her children are manifested in premonitions of death and disaster.

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