44 elokuvaa

Jules Winnfield ja Vincent Vega ovat palkkamurhaajia, jotka ovat hakemassa työnantajaltaan, mafiapomo Marsellus Wallacelta varastettua salkkua. Butch Coolidge on ikääntyvä nyrkkeilijä, jolle Wallace maksaa seuraavan ottelun häviämisestä. Näiden ilmeisesti toisiinsa liittymättömien ihmisten elämät punoutuvat yhteen muodostaen sarjan hauskoja, outoja ja aiheettomia tapahtumia.

7 heinäkuu 1978

Danny ja Sandy viettivät kesän yhdessä mutta eivät kuvitelleet tapaavansa toisiaan enää sen jälkeen. Yllätys onkin suuri, kun he huomaavat olevansa samassa koulussa. Voiko koulun pahiksen Dannyn ja kiltin Sandyn rakkaus kestää ympäristön paineet?

8 elokuu 2014

Tarina sijoittuu säihkyvään Las Vegasiin, missä ryhmät tanssivat toisiaan vastaan voittaakseen kilpailun, joka voi määritellä heidän tulevaisuutensa ja unelmansa. Sean Asa tapaa kauniin Andie Westin ja yhdessä heidän on nyt pantava kaikki taitonsa peliin.

Hilpeä ja lämminhenkinen komedia viidestä pariskunnasta, jotka valmistautuvat vanhemmuuteen. Jännityksen ja yllätysten keskellä heille alkaa valjeta universaali totuus: vaikka mitä tekisi, elämä ei aina vastaa odotuksia.?

19 kesäkuu 2020

After failing to make it on Broadway, April returns to her hometown and reluctantly begins training a misfit group of young dancers for a competition.

12 huhtikuu 1985

Janey is new in town, and soon meets Lynne, who shares her passion for dancing in general, and "Dance TV" in particular. When a competition is announced to find a new Dance TV regular couple, Janey and Lynne are determined to audition. The only problem is that Janey's father doesn't approve of that kind of thing.

12 helmikuu 1993

Brave new steps put Scott's career in jeopardy. With a new partner and determination, can he still succeed?

27 helmikuu 2004

In pre-revolution Cuba, Katey Miller is about to defy everyone's expectations. Instead of a parent-approved suitor, Katey is drawn to the sexy waiter, Javier, who spends his nights dancing in Havana's nightclubs. As she secretly learns to dance with Javier, she learns the meanings of love, sensuality and independence.

21 elokuu 1998

Young Cuban Rafael just buried his mother, and comes to Houston to meet his father John for the first time. The difficult part is that John doesn't know he is Rafael's father. John runs a dance studio, and everyone prepares for the World Open Dance championship in Las Vegas. It soon becomes clear Rafael is a very good dancer, and Ruby is the biggest hope for the studio at the championship.

7 elokuu 2020

Nerokas mutta kömpelö lukiolaistyttö päättää päästä isänsä opinahjoon muokkaamalla itsestään ja sekalaisesta ryhmästä tanssimestareita.

20 maaliskuu 2018

When a bubbly American hip hop dancer goes to India with her family for a wedding, she is impressed by a new dance style and falls in love with the man who introduced her to it.

24 syyskuu 2021

Two dancers at an elite ballet academy in Paris must compete for a contract to join the highly coveted Opéra National de Paris as they confront their competitive nature, sexual awakenings and how far they would go to win.

1 kesäkuu 2012

A young businessman hires an instructor to turn a group of misfit kids into a team on the underground dance competition circuit.

19 toukokuu 1978

It's Friday and everyone is going to the hot new disco. The Commodores are scheduled to play if Floyd shows up with the instruments and Nicole dreams of becoming a disco star. Other characters are there to win the dance contest, or to put a little excitement into a fifth anniversary.

24 tammikuu 2020

Two rival dance groups from India and Pakistan who are always competing against each other, join forces when it comes to competing at an international dance competition.

23 tammikuu 1932

Amidst a backdrop of growing violence and intimidation, independent cab drivers struggling against a consolidated juggernaut rally around hot-tempered Matt Nolan. Nolan is determined to keep competition alive on the streets, even if it means losing the woman he loves.

5 lokakuu 2000

A mute female dancer who wows audiences in club competitions but can't get Broadway jobs because of her handicap, develops a "voice" when a young scientist invents a device that allows her to make music via her dance movements.

11 huhtikuu 2006

The stunning Dreya Weber stars as a former top gymnast who discovers love and a new life path when she teams up with a dancer (played by former L.A. Lakers cheerleader Addie Yungmee) for an ambitious Las Vegas aerial act show.

An expert dancer Munna who idolizes the king of pop, reluctantly tutors a gangster until their developing bond gets disrupted by their common romantic interest towards the same woman.

28 syyskuu 1984

A disco owner lures a New York breakdancer away from his rapping and dancing friends.

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