24 filmų

Teroristų organizacijai vadovauja žiaurusis generolas Baisonas. Jis laiko paėmęs įkaitais niekuo dėtų civilių ir reikalauja iš vyriausybės 20 milijardų dolerių. Jei negaus, po 3 dienų sunaikins niekuo dėtus žmones ir pradės žiaurų karą.Į pagalbą nukentėjusiesiems atskuba karininkas Viljamas Gailas. Net kai vyriausybė sutinka įvykdyti visus teroristų reikalavimus, karininkas nepaskelbia taikos, nepaleidžia armijos ir sugeba įtikinti visus kovotojus iki paskutinės minutės keršyti už nekaltų žmonių mirtis ir įkaitų kančias. Padedamas draugų, Gailas nugali nedorėlį, slaptoji teroristų bazė susprogdinama…

Didžioji praeito amžiaus 30-ųjų depresija Amerikoje. Klajodamas po šalį uždarbio paieškose, Čeinis atsiduria Naujajame Orleane. Čia jis vienam vadybininkui pasisiūlo išbandyti jį nelegaliose gatvės kovose. Pergalė po pergalės pradeda Čeiniui nešti neblogus pinigus. Netrukus jis susipažįsta su Liusi, tačiau ji puikiai supranta, kad Čeinis jau ne pirmos jaunystės ir šis jo užsiėmimas ilgai pinigų nebeneš.

2009 balandžio 24

Kova be taisyklių. Dėl pinigų, garbės ir paties gyvenimo. Jaunas vaikinas iš provincijos – Šonas Makarturas (aktorius Channingas Tatumas) – bėgdamas nuo savo praeities, atvyksta į Niujorką. Bėgti yra nuo ko – šeimos tragedija, su kuria nesugebėjęs susitaikyti tėvas atitolo nuo sūnaus ir vaikiną paliko be artimųjų palaikymo ir supratimo. Šonas užsiima suklastotų prekių pardavinėjimu gatvėse, tačiau tai jam nelabai sekasi – pirkėjų nedaug, o pinigų nuolat trūksta. Vieną dieną Šonas sutinka iš pirmo žvilgsnio ganėtinai paslaptingą vyrą, vardu Harvis Bordenas (akt. Terrence‘as Howardas). Netrukus paaiškėja, kad vyro paslaptingumas slepia jo visuomenėje nepriimtiną veiklą: Harvis yra nelegalių gatvės kovų vadybininkas. Vieno atsitiktinio incidento gatvėje metu Harvis patyrusia akimi iš karto įžvelgia, kad Šonas – puikus kandidatas į gatvės kovotojus, ir atskleidžia jam savo paslaptį, įvesdamas vaikiną į pogrindinių kovų pasaulį.

Bison, the ruthless leader of the international terrorist organization Shadowlaw, has been desperately searching for the greatest fighter on the planet for years. He finds it in Ryu, a young wanderer who never stays in one place long enough for Bison to find him. He does, however, get a fix on Ken Masters, an American martial arts champion who studied with Ryu as a child under the same master. Meanwhile, Major Guile of the United States Army is forced to team up with Chun Li from China in hopes of apprehending Bison and putting a stop his international ring of crime.

When a teenager, Chun-Li witnesses the kidnapping of her father by wealthy crime lord M. Bison. When she grows up, she goes on a quest for vengeance and becomes the famous crime-fighter of the Street Fighter universe.

Increasingly disturbed by the dark energies building within him, Ryu is confronted by Shun, a boy claiming to be the brother he never knew. But before Ryu can consider whether Shun's timely appearance might be more than coincidental, Shun is kidnapped by Shadowlaw. To recover Shun, Ryu must undertake the ultimate journey of self-discovery and learn to control the power threatening to consume him.

2006 spalio 5

A young man learns the fighting techniques of Sanda from a coach. The two become best friends as the young man prepares to enter an underground tournament, competing against some of the top fighters of the world.

When Ryu returns to pay homage to his deceased mentor, Gouken, he is tormented by disturbing memories of his master's killer (Gouki). In a quest to become a true martial arts master, he sets out to hone his street fighting skills and deliver himself from the haunting legacy of the dark hadou.

In the year 2043, an evil crime lord is trying to take over the world. Only one government official stands in his way, and plans to send him to prison, so The General and his minions Kent, Thai King, and Toyota travel to the year 1993 to kill the official before he has a chance to get into office. During a battle with The General's minions, the Future Cops Lung, Broom Man, Ti Man, and Ah-Sing hear of their evil plan and devise a plan of their own to travel back in time to protect the official.

Takuma Tsurugi takes on the government, the police, the mafia and an international ring of kidnappers who aim to dispossess a beautiful young heiress of her millions.

When Koryu's childhood friend Shurei is abducted by gangsters, the desperate young woman recruits a female martial artist and a tough-as-nails stranger to join her for a dangerous rescue mission.

1941 rugpjūčio 1

The East Side Kids discover that one of their own, Danny, is torn between staying and school and becoming a boxer, and is getting mixed up with gangsters.

Chun-Li, Guile and Cammy must track down Juri, a new fighter who seeks to kill all other world warriors in a quest for ultimate power.

2022 gruodžio 31

Here Comes A New Challenger details the origins of the gaming phenomena that is Street Fighter II and how it impacted the lives of kids and teenagers worldwide. It explores not just the tournament aspect of the series, but what made it special to players who didn't have the opportunity to play it in the arcades but in the comfort of their own home. Bedrooms and living rooms became the arcade as children challenged their friends to become champions of the playground.

Martial arts teacher Ah Wei (Bruce Li) discovers a hidden stash of Vietnamese gold while scuba diving with his friends and divides it up between them. The gang who stole and stashed the gold track Wei and his friends down one by one, in order to get back what they believe to be their property. Wei must use his Kung Fu skills to defend himself, and the people he cares about, in this brutal and thrilling martial arts noir.

2010 gegužės 2

Ryu wakes up from a nightmare facing his nemesis, Akuma. While walking in the forest, he is followed by a mysterious warrior revealed to be Ken Masters, Ryu's old friend and sparring partner.

2012 liepos 26

Yue Feng (Yue Song) is a young thug with exceptional streetfighting abilities. He will stop at nothing to defeat all challengers - until, in an tragic accident, he kills a fellow competitor and is sent to prison. Eight years later, Yue Feng emerges a changed man. He no longer fights, and is looking for a new life of peace and fulfillment. But it's brutal on the streets, and redemption doesn't come easy. His brotherhood is destroyed, family members murdered, and a loved one humiliated - a deadly chain reaction that leaves him no choice but to unleash his power in the name of justice.

A documentary about German gangs in Kiel in the early 90s.

2011 liepos 31

A documentary that dismantles the myths and lore surrounding one of Street Fighter's most commonly overlooked principal characters.

2011 gegužės 3

We will be following the progress of US Street Fighter champion Justin Wong and UK champion Ryan Hart as they spend their final month of preperation for the games, travelling to and participating in the tournament. We have unique access to the lifestyle of the pro-gamer, along with a glimpse at a growing cultural phenomenon that has grown almost ten-fold year on year.

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