55,784 部电影

2024 年 08 月 23 日

艾力(標斯卡斯格 飾)在復康中心遇上雪莉(FKA Twigs 飾),兩人情投意合,決定雙雙逃走,過著甜蜜的熱戀生活。一日,歹徙闖入寓所把兩人殺害,死前目擊雪莉被殘害的艾力,卻獲得神秘力量重生。為拯救愛人,他決意犧牲自己,化身成不死身復仇戰神,在冥界和人間遊走,向摧毀他得來不易的人生的兇手展開瘋狂復仇,用鮮血為自己救贖。


2024 年 09 月 13 日

With his wife out sick, a struggling father brings home a lifelike AI, only to have his self-aware new help want everything her new family has to offer... Like the affection of her owner and she'll kill to get it.



2024 年 05 月 31 日


2024 年 09 月 20 日

幻想過一個進化的自己嗎?天生尤物,也不敵歲月殘酷。荷里活明星退到電視台任健美操小姐,節目竟面臨腰斬。孤注一擲接受革命性療程,天賜駐顏之術的代價,是與魔鬼進行轉身契約:要獲得更年輕更美麗的自己,條件只有一個:每星期與新我輪換。在年老色衰與花容青春之間的天秤,人性的內在醜惡必使其傾斜失控。將《血色攞命花》(42 屆)的女性復仇全面升級,導演歌拉莉花潔對現今女體消費的病態價值觀瘋狂鞭撻,反噬嗜血與好色這類型片的兩大法寶,創造body horror 新經典。瑪嘉烈戈利如何顛倒眾生,都不及狄美摩亞放盡得令人「大開眼戒」。

2024 年 08 月 02 日

華納兄弟影片呈獻、暑假燒腦力作《圈套》(TRAP),故事滿佈奇情和推理元素,為觀眾帶來前所未有的懸疑新體驗。爸爸古柏(佐斯夏利)暨十幾歲女兒懷莉,在萬人空巷演奏場地裡,參加一場氣氛濃烈、粉絲無數的演唱會。節目期間,夏利意識到自己正處於一個黑暗邪惡的「圈套」之中,最驚人的是,主謀極有可能是他自己⋯⋯ 禮切沙也馬蘭自編自導,幕前陣容包括《奧本海默》《珍珠港》佐斯夏利及導演女兒「音樂新星」 Saleka Shyamalan等。

2024 年 08 月 02 日

Reluctantly, 17-year-old Gretchen leaves her American home to live with her father, who has just moved into a resort in the German Alps with his new family. Arriving at their future residence, they are greeted by Mr. König, her father’s boss, who takes an inexplicable interest in Gretchen’s mute half-sister Alma. Something doesn’t seem right in this tranquil vacation paradise.

2024 年 09 月 13 日


2024 年 06 月 21 日

A troubled actor begins to unravel while shooting a supernatural horror film, leading his estranged daughter to wonder if he's slipping back into his past addictions or if there's something more sinister at play.

2024 年 05 月 31 日

Desperate Cinderella summons her fairy godmother from an ancient flesh-bound book, seeking revenge on her evil stepmother and stepsisters who abuse and torment her daily.

2024 年 08 月 16 日


「夜半鬼做SHOW」一直是全國失眠者信賴之選,然而自從 Jack 摯愛的妻子不幸過世後,節目的收視率便急速下滑。Jack 迫切希望扭轉這種局面,於是策劃了一個前所未有的萬聖節特別節目,他卻不知自己即將釋放出全美各地家庭中的邪惡。

2024 年 08 月 16 日

When a ruthless serial killer terrorizes a small Southern town, everyone becomes a suspect -- including local authorities. As the body count rises and the dark mystery deepens, the chief detective becomes haunted by the horrors of his past.

2023 年 10 月 13 日

A detective begins to investigate a series of mysterious murders that are connected to a demonic book that brings dolls to life. As the body count begins to rise, the detective soon learns the curse of the demonic Friday and must find a way to stop it before any others disappear.

2024 年 09 月 03 日

A young restorer travels to a small village to restore a medieval painting to its former glory. She will put her life in danger due to a curse attached to the painting.

2024 年 08 月 06 日

It's Alex's 21st Birthday, but she's stuck at the amusement arcade on a late shift so her friends decide to surprise her, but a masked killer dressed as Mickey Mouse decides to play a game of his own with them which she must survive.

2024 年 08 月 30 日

Curtis Pike and his family are selected to test a new home device: a digital assistant called AIA. AIA observes the family's behaviors and begins to anticipate their needs. And she can – and will – make sure nothing – and no one – gets in her family's way.

2024 年 06 月 05 日




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