7,244 部剧集

2021 年 08 月 16 日

《Na Lovu》是一档基于全球流行节目模式《The Chase》授权改编的捷克游戏类节目。这是一档紧张刺激的智力竞赛节目,四位参赛者需展示他们的智慧,与狡猾无情的答题高手“Lovec”(猎手)对决,后者一心要阻止他们赢得现金奖励。

1998 年 08 月 23 日


1987 年 12 月 13 日

Le Juste Prix is a French adaptation of the American game show The Price Is Right that airs on TF1. It first premiered in 1988 and ran until the original version was canceled in 2001. In 2002 a brief sequel, Le Juste Euro, ran on France 2 and was hosted by Patrice Laffont, it only ran for two episodes. On July 27, 2009 a new version of Le Juste Prix premiered on TF1. The current version is hosted by Vincent Lagaf with Gerard Vivès as announcer.

2023 年 01 月 09 日

Abandoned by his wife, Martin is lying to his daughter not to be upset. But as Hanka grows, these lies become unbearable. Martin meets Nada unexpectedly, asked her to be a rent-a-mother and all lives are completely changed.

2024 年 02 月 19 日

Paz Roble, a kind, hard-working and honest woman from whom her husband, Fermín, takes her newborn daughter. Fermín has a large debt with some lenders and to pay it he decides to sell his daughter to Mauro Nicoliti. This plagiarism is orchestrated by Geneva, Mauro's adoptive sister. She lost her first-born daughter in childbirth and does everything to replace her dead daughter and keep her husband's fortune. On the other hand, Esteban Villa de Cortés loses his wife and becomes a widower with his three children. Elvira Moncada, Esteban's mother-in-law, holds him responsible for the death of her daughter. After a series of unexpected events, Esteban and Paz meet in the neighborhood where she lives with her family. The chemistry and great understanding that exists between them makes it inevitable that they will fall in love.

2024 年 01 月 15 日

Paula, a woman who, upon finding out that she suffers from an illness, for which she has 6 to 8 months to live, rethinks her existence and abandons her job as a businesswoman to spend this time with her 3 children. Upon arriving at the town there will be a confrontation between Lorenzo and Pepe's family, a good man with noble feelings who has just asked his wife for a divorce, a selfish woman who is unfaithful to him with Rafa, his own brother. Although the relationship between them begins in a less than cordial manner, Paula and Pepe cannot help but feel attraction for each other. Paula's illness, family secrets from the past, the problems that her children will face, combined with the intrigues of Malena, Pepe's wife, and Rolando, Paula's suitor who, together with Natalia, her partner and supposed best friend, will cause all kinds of conflicts to prevent the union of Paula and Pepe

2007 年 08 月 17 日

飞哥与小佛每天都能够创造出奇迹似的酷玩意儿,像是在后院造云霄飞车、盖大峡谷,甚至发明复制机器人。但拥有无比想像力的飞哥小佛却有个爱告密的姐姐 - 凯蒂丝!凯蒂丝总是想要向妈妈证明弟弟们每天都在做惊人的事情,但往往无法成功…而飞哥小佛的宠物鸭嘴兽泰瑞,人人都说:“它只是只鸭嘴兽,它什么都不会。”但其实它是一个动物特务,常常为了打击邪恶去撂倒一个疯狂的人类博士。


《King of the Hill 》是美国动画情景喜剧,由 Mike Judge和Greg Daniels导演和编剧。于1997年1月12日至2010年5月6日在福克斯FOX电视台发行。一共十三季,259集。


它试图用保持现实的方法,在日常生活中的常规和世俗方面寻求幽默,并对一些时事和社会现象进行调侃,但相较于《恶搞之家/Family Guy》和《南方公园/South Park》等其他长寿动画,出发点更加实际及老成。

这个节目成为福克斯历史上最长的系列节目之一(位于《辛普森一家/The Simpsons》与《恶搞之家/Family Guy》之后,在动画系列节目中长度排第三位),并且是历史上持续时间第二长的动画情景喜剧。

2007年被“ 时代”杂志评选为有史以来100大电视节目之一。King of the Hill 赢得了两个艾美奖,并获得七项提名。

1993 年 09 月 16 日


2013 年 04 月 23 日

Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg return in all-new, comedic adventures. They may be super heroes who save the world every day ... but somebody still has to do the laundry!


1984 年 09 月 20 日

The Cosby Show is an American television situation comedy starring Bill Cosby, which aired for eight seasons on NBC from September 20, 1984 until April 30, 1992. The show focuses on the Huxtable family, an upper middle-class African-American family living in Brooklyn, New York.

2005 年 06 月 01 日

  美国偶像让你的心随着歌声飘荡,急速前进让你的心随着挑战跃动,这样你就满足了么?美国偶像稳坐收视第一的宝座让其他的节目望而却步,可这场星随舞动却紧随其后,挑战其霸主地位。星随舞动(Dacing with the Stars)是一款特殊的真人秀,让各路名人在节目中与专业级的舞者组成一对,在极具竞争的气氛中,他们要在狂热的现场观众和电视机前面的观众面前来一场让人沉迷的舞蹈表演。2005年6月1日第一次出现在观众眼前,随后掀起了一场风靡全国的舞蹈风!每一季节目组都邀请不同的专业舞者与名人配对,他们要在观众面前表演,每周淘汰一对,舞者和名人们要保持他们的优雅和沉着而且要在一直吸引观众的目光,这期间他们要学习精准的舞步和姿势。他们能否在比赛中始终完美搭配?星随舞动的受众群很广,可以让观众看到眼花缭乱的服装、舞蹈动作和名人之间的谈话,幕后的音乐也是由一个15人的乐队现场演奏。而这一模式被很多国家照搬到自己的电视台上。你~~~准备好和名星一起舞动了吗?

1960 年 09 月 29 日

A widower and aeronautical engineer named Steven Douglas raises three sons with the help of his father-in-law, and later the boys' great-uncle. An adopted son, a stepdaughter, wives, and another generation of sons join the loving family in later seasons.



还记得那只蓝色腹黑的大猫汤姆和身形轻巧、聪慧机敏的小老鼠杰瑞吗?自20世纪60年代诞生以来,经创始人威廉·汉纳(William Hanna)与约瑟夫·巴伯拉(Joseph Barbera),以及继任者查克·琼斯(Chuck Jones)等动画名家之手,这两个调皮捣蛋的小家伙和他们的朋友们在银幕、荧屏之上留下了无数经典搞笑的精彩瞬间。他们联袂演出,获得过七项奥斯卡大奖,成为了华纳旗下当之无愧的看家明星。在过去的半个多世纪,汤姆和杰瑞培养了一代又一代忠实影迷。进入2014年,令坚实粉丝们振奋的消息传来。汤姆和杰瑞全新制作的新番上阵,这两个活宝自然不会缺席,而大狗斯派克、黑猫等老朋友也会悉数登场。总共52部全新短片上映,久别重逢的老朋友们将为我们带来新的快乐和感动!

2015 年 01 月 18 日


2016 年 05 月 02 日

《喧闹一家亲》(The Loud House)是尼克儿童频道播出的全新动画喜剧。主人公林肯是家中唯一的男孩,且排行中间,上下各有五个姐姐五个妹妹。在这个奇葩的大家庭中求生存,是林肯将要面临的巨大挑战;他们的生活故事当然也将充满笑料。

1951 年 10 月 15 日

Cuban Bandleader Ricky Ricardo would be happy if his wife Lucy would just be a housewife. Instead she tries constantly to perform at the Tropicana where he works, and make life comically frantic in the apartment building they share with landlords Fred and Ethel Mertz, who also happen to be their best friends.



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