181 部剧集

2007 年 04 月 01 日


2013 年 05 月 20 日

Paloma is a willful woman whose newborn baby is kidnapped by her own brother, Félix, who plans to become sole heir to the family’s fortune. Bruno is an honest man who, during the same night, loses his wife and son in childbirth and miraculously finds Paloma’s child in a dumpster. Destiny will unite their lives in a plot of secrets, revelations, and disputes, with the unpredictable consequences of lives based on a dangerous and surprising network of lies.

2015 年 04 月 04 日


2015 年 08 月 10 日

A young Filipina woman agrees to marry an American citizen so she can stay in the US and fulfill her American dream, leading to unexpected results.

A man's budding romance with a beautiful woman is sabotaged by his evil twin, but they get another chance at love when they're reunited years later.

2008 年 11 月 05 日

Los exitosos Pells is a 2008-2009 Argentine telenovela, produced by Underground Producciones and Endemol, and aired by Telefe. It started being aired on November 5, 2008, replacing Vidas Robadas at 10:30PM. After a pair of schedule changes, it returned to 10:30PM until its end on July 15, 2009.

The story is about a successful couple of TV hosts from a news channel, Martín Pells and Sol Casenave. In the first episode Martín Pells falls into a coma, and the CEO of the channel hires an underground actor, Gonzalo Echague, who happens to be extremely similar to Pells, to replace him. Such replacement is done not only for the TV but also with friends and relatives, in order that nobody suspects the absence of the real Pells. Gonzalo, acting as Martin, discovers that Martin and Sol had broken up long ago and were only acting as a happy couple for the television cameras. In reality, Sol had another lover which she hid from the public, and Martin had a homosexual relationship with the son of the CEO of the channel. Nevertheless, Gonzalo falls in love with Sol, and the main storyline of the soap opera involves his attempts to build a relationship with her.

2012 年 01 月 26 日

Male and female farmers take fate into their own hands in order to find true love. They open their homes to three candidates with whom they share the daily chores and activities. Over time, connections are made, chemistry develops and loving relationships will hopefully take root!

《土豆星2013QR3》(韩语:감자별 2013QR3)为韩国tvN自2013年9月23日起播出的情境喜剧,由《High Kick系列》金炳旭导演与李英哲作家四度合作打造,剧名模仿了天文学界对新发现小行星的命名方式。讲述2013年某天“土豆星”突然飞落至地球,卢氏一家因此展开一系列横冲直撞的故事。

2013 年 09 月 24 日

Tells the story of Feride, an orphaned young girl who is forced to attend a boarding school. While she visits her aunt during holidays, she falls in love with her cousin Kamran. Soon, their love grows to be mutual and intensifies.

2003 年 10 月 20 日

Mariana de la Noche is a Mexican telenovela from 2003. Written by Delia Fiallo and produced by Salvador Mejia, it starred Angélica Rivera, Jorge Salinas, Alejandra Barros and César Évora.

1986 年 03 月 26 日

贫穷的落榜生五代裕作住在一所名叫“一刻馆”的破旧公寓中复习备考。公寓中还住着长舌的家族主妇一濑太太、奸猾刻薄的神秘人物四谷以及泼辣开放的酒廊小姐朱美,他们日夜胡闹,令五代叫苦不迭。新来的年轻漂亮的管理员音无响子为五代带来了阳光。然而,五代优柔寡断的性格,响子对亡夫的思念再加上情敌和房客们有意无意的破坏,令他们的爱情之路一波三折。经历了数不清的误会和挫折之后,二人终于能够走到一起。婚后的五代和响子手牵手回到了他们初次相遇并将一直生活下去的地方—— 一刻馆。

2002 年 01 月 08 日

Un Paso Adelante was a Spanish TV drama similar to the American 1980’s TV series Fame. It was originally broadcast on Spanish channel Antena 3 from 2002 to 2005. It has also been a huge success in Spanish-speaking countries, in Germany, Italy, Serbia, Montenegro and in France. It began airing on Séries+ in Canada in 2011.

2015 年 05 月 11 日

郑雨珍是一位雄心勃勃的医生。 恋爱失败后,他不再相信真爱。 他认为婚姻只是生意。 同时,李海秀担任助理厨师。 她梦想着嫁给合适的男人并拥有一个家庭。 然后,吴镇爱上了海秀,他与爱与野心发生冲突。

  讲述了出人头地的有理想的急诊室内科医生郑宇镇(在熙 饰),与野花般坚强、深知世界险恶的自由记者李惠秀(姜星 饰),及快餐连锁企业老板的女儿(前女友,郑慧仁 饰)守护亲情、爱情的曲折故事。

2013 年 03 月 18 日

Danni Lowinski is a hairdresser in need of money who decides to become a lawyer.



2012 年 10 月 22 日

A moving tale of courage and resilience in the struggle for freedom – this is the role that life has cast for headstrong Morena in Brave Woman. Raised in a poor neighborhood in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, this tough and humble woman will spare no effort to protect her family and gain her independence.

2015 年 04 月 13 日



2009 年 04 月 05 日





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