3 Filme

1. Mai 1993

Arrogant aristocrat Rupert Campbell-Black has high social position, women at his feet, money and fame in the world of show jumping. But Rupert has a rival - the brooding gypsy Jake Lovell, whose loathing for the "Pin Up of Penscombe" has driven him to the top of the riding world to match Rupert's skills. A bitter feud festers between the two stars, who have fought and fornicated their way round the show rings of the world, and now comes to a showdown at the Los Angeles Olympics. As rivals in love and sport, the stage is set for what becomes a compulsive blend of sex, romance, and adventure.

3. Februar 1990

Hetty is elderly, wealthy, bright and dying of cancer. Her ex-husband refuses to accept her illness while her daughter can't give her support. Then 'Crazy Jane' breezes into her life to help her face death with some dignity.

1. Januar 1936

A Colourtune by Anson Dyer

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