21 Filme

6. November 1963

Alev seems like your average, sweet eight-year-old girl. When her rival at school dies in mysterious circumstances at the school picnic her mother starts to suspect that Alev was responsible.

8. Mai 1968

The story of Abbase Sultan, who ruled the country in the Abbasid Caliph.

1. Januar 1960

Azmi is a lawyer from Istanbul. Drakula of Romania has assumed a new title. Azmi travels to Romania for legal matters. He is warned of Drakula but Azmi is a strong believer of goodness. This Turkish-made film sticks fairly close to the original plot of Bram Stoker's novel.

1. Januar 1965
1. Januar 1967
1. Januar 1951
1. Januar 1967

Russian giaour destroy the whole town and kill the entire Muslim people and Seyh Samil imposes duty to Haci Murad to fight against the whole giaour.

1. Januar 1965
1. Januar 1968

No description

1. Januar 1958

A sequel to an equally un-notable Turkish actioner

1. Januar 1971
1. März 1973
15. Januar 1970

A night club singer decides to join a troubled boxing champion evading police investigation. The trust chains are broken between the two the night the champion gets in a fist fight single-handedly before his wife is murdered.

Zihni becomes permanently disabled because of car accident. Zihni's brother and sister chase to Zihni's wealth. In such a case Cahide is at loose end. She loves Dr. Kadri but she can't leave from her husband.

6. Oktober 1950

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