• DE
28. Juni 2000

After proving himself on the field of battle in the French and Indian War, Benjamin Martin wants nothing more to do with such things, preferring the simple life of a farmer. But when his son Gabriel enlists in the army to defend their new nation, America, against the British, Benjamin reluctantly returns to his old life to protect his son.

Nach Jahren der Forschung gelingt dem Wissenschaftler Sebastian Cain endlich der große Durchbruch! Sein Auftrag vom Pentagon lautete: Eine Substanz ausfindig zu machen, die einen Menschen unsichtbar machen kann. Vor den Augen seiner Kollegen startet Cain ohne Bedenken über Nebenwirkungen einen Selbstversuch, der erfolgreich verläuft. Allerdings bringt die Fähigkeit, unsichtbar zu sein, einige Nebenwirkungen mit sich. Während er sein neues Erscheinungsbild zunächst nur für belanglose Streiche und Scherze an seinen Kollegen nutzt, entwickelt Cain schon bald wesentlich dunklere Züge. Er beginnt, seiner attraktiven Nachbarin nachzustellen und schreckt auch vor schlimmeren Dingen nicht zurück. Als seine Kollegen Linda McKay und Matthew Kensington das Experiment rückgänig machen wollen, eskaliert die Situation. Denn Cain gefällt die Unsichtbarkeit und alle grausamen Freiheiten, die sie mit sich bringt.

17. Dezember 1999

The adventures of a heroic and debonair stalwart mouse named Stuart Little with human qualities, who faces some comic misadventures while living with a human family as their child.


26. Februar 1999

A small, seemingly innocuous plastic reel of film leads surveillance specialist Tom Welles down an increasingly dark and frightening path. With the help of the streetwise Max, he relentlessly follows a bizarre trail of evidence to determine the fate of a complete stranger. As his work turns into obsession, he drifts farther and farther away from his wife, family and simple life as a small-town PI.

8. Dezember 2000

Trapped near the summit of K2, the world's second-highest mountain, Annie Garrett radios to base camp for help. Brother Peter hears Annie's message and assembles a team to save her and her group before they succumb to K2's unforgiving elements. But, as Annie lays injured in an icy cavern, the rescuers face several terrifying events that could end the rescue attempt -- and their lives.

16. Februar 2000

Three sisters - Georgia, Eve, and Maddy - do what they do best with life, love, and lunacy on the telephone lines that bind - when their curmudgeonly father, Lou, is admitted to a Los Angeles Hospital. After years of wild living, intermittent affection, and constant phoning, he is finally threatening to die.

Elmo loves his fuzzy, well-worn blue blanket more than anything in the whole world. However, when Elmo's blanket gets sucked through a colorful, swirling tunnel into Grouchland, the yuckiest place on earth, Elmo goes on an adventure to Grouchland to retrieve his prized possession.

16. September 1999

In 1944 Poland, a Jewish shop keeper named Jakob is summoned to ghetto headquarters after being caught out after curfew. While waiting for the German Kommondant, Jakob overhears a German radio broadcast about Russian troop movements. Returned to the ghetto, the shopkeeper shares his information with a friend and then rumors fly that there is a secret radio within the ghetto.

24. September 1999

A tattooed Interpol agent helps an old classmate find the kidnapped daughter of a computer software tycoon.

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