54 部电影

在一個偏遠的愛爾蘭村莊,一個有者傷害他人的殺手的芬巴人(連恩·尼遜 飾演)在一生的罪惡之後被迫為救贖而戰,但他願意付出什麼代價呢?在聖人和罪人的土地上,有些罪是無法埋葬的。

2009 年 11 月 06 日

位處阿拉斯加偏遠地區的小鎮,四十年來不時有鎮民神秘消失 從60年代開始,阿拉斯加的某個城市就開始每年發生無法解釋的人口失蹤事件,儘管美國政府派出無數FBI探員前往調查,仍一無所獲…。 心理學家艾碧潔泰勒博士在強大的研究動機與好奇心驅使下,來到這裡進行詳細的訪問與追蹤,就在一次心理諮詢訪問中,艾碧潔意外地拍下了外星人綁架過地球人的證據,而這絕對將震驚全球人類的紀錄也終將讓艾碧潔博士付出慘痛代價…

影片背景是處於共產主義最後統治時期的羅馬尼亞,墮胎仍是法律明令禁止的範疇。嘉碧塔和歐蒂莉亞兩個女大學生是閨中密友,意外懷孕使得嘉碧塔必須非法墮胎。 在一家廉價旅館裡,兩個年輕的女生與執行非法墮胎的醫生Domnu' Bebe見面;然而她們能夠支付的手術費用卻無法滿足這位醫生的要求——為了讓自己的好友可以順利墮胎獲得解脫,歐蒂莉亞不得不以自己的身體當作代價,電影以一場墮胎事件開始,卻帶出兩個女孩在當時所面臨的背叛和掙扎,讓人分分秒秒都身處在欺騙和陷阱中,幾乎無法喘息……而4月,3週又2天,正是嘉碧塔從懷孕到墮胎的時間。

本片號稱有史以來最棒的羅馬尼亞片,並榮獲第六十屆坎城影展,最佳影片「金棕櫚獎」、「國際評論獎」以及「國民教育獎」三項大獎殊榮,歐洲電影獎(The European Film Awards)最佳影片和最佳導演雙料獎也,讓年僅30多歲的羅馬尼亞新銳導演克里斯汀穆基Cristian Mungiu,成了羅馬尼亞電影的國際影壇大黑馬,這部穆基第二部作品也是「羅馬尼亞三部曲」的首部曲,並將代表羅馬尼亞參賽2008奧斯卡,及獲英國電影雜誌《視與聽》(Sight and Sound)年度第一佳片獎。


2012 年 05 月 11 日

Vincent, a police officer, and his partner Manuel steal a large amount of cocaine from José Marciano, a ruthless crime lord who is quick to seek revenge, endangering Vincent's life, career and family.

2006 年 11 月 01 日

In the Chatterley country estate, monotonous days follow one after the other for Constance, trapped by her marriage and her sense of duty. During spring, deep in the heart of Wragby forest, she encounters Parkin, the estate’s gamekeeper. A tale of an encounter, a difficult apprenticeship, a slow awakening to sensuality for her, a long return to life for him. Or how love is but one with experience and transformation.

2009 年 05 月 08 日

An alcoholic becomes involved in a fellow A.A. member's plan to kidnap her young son from the boy's wealthy grandfather.

2011 年 11 月 23 日

Gerrit de Veer, a novice writer on a 16th-century Dutch merchant vessel, chronicles the daring mission to discover a trade route across the North Pole to Asia. But the heroic journey turns into tragedy when the ship gets stuck in the relentless, penetrating ice. The men are forced to spend the winter on the frozen, arctic wasteland of Nova Zembla, fighting polar bears, hunger and lethal temperatures. Their chances of making it until the following spring are virtually zero.

2001 年 05 月 31 日

Jeanne attends the birthday party of a friend of her husband. There she meets a dancer named Marie and there is instant chemistry between them. Jeanne falls for Marie and they embark on an extramarital affair.

1998 年 02 月 22 日

John Hurt stars as a scandal-hit member of parliament, dispatched to the political backwaters of the European Commission in Brussels as penance for his failures. However, once there he stumbles upon a chemical weapons outrage that points to a sinister political-industrial conspiracy.

2006 年 02 月 10 日

Africa in the sixties. The Nile perch, a ravenous predator, is introduced into Lake Victoria as a scientific experiment, causing the extinction of many native species. Its meat is exported everywhere in exchange for weapons, creating a globalized evil alliance on the lake shores. An infernal nightmare in the real world that wipes out Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

Three women head home to collect their inheritance, but they stumble upon a group of witches trying to bring their vampire leader back to life.

2009 年 11 月 05 日

During Stalin's reign of terror, Evgenia Ginzburg, a literature professor, was sent to 10 years hard labor in a gulag in Siberia. Having lost everything, and no longer wishing to live, she meets the camp doctor and begins to come back to life.

Gabriel Chevalier, 45 years old, is an ex-policeman. Unemployed, lonely and depressed,he lives like a ghost and hardly takes care of his only teenage child Juliette. One day, by pure chance, he finds a suspicious but extremely well paid job: his daily mission consists of delivering a briefcase exactly where he is told. The only rule being to never open it. These deliveries will bring him to meet weird people in strange places. Gradually, his cop instinct resurfaces...

2022 年 11 月 12 日

Claire is an MI5 agent who goes undercover as the royal nanny. She must overcome the challenges of her assignment, like resisting the charms of Prince Colin, while keeping the family safe at Christmas.

2009 年 12 月 26 日

Centers on Georg Bjarnfreðarson, an over-educated know-it-all who has just been released from jail after a ten year sentence for manslaughter, but is still a prisoner of his own past.

In a small town in the West of France, during the German Occupation, a room is requisitioned by a Wehrmacht captain, Werner von Ebrennac. The house where he now stays is inhabited by young Jeanne, who makes a living by giving piano lessons, and by her grandfather. Quite upset, the two "hosts" decide to resist the occupier by never speaking a word to him. Now Werner is a lover of France and its culture, and he tries to persuade them that a rapprochement between Germany and France would be beneficial for the two nations. Quite unexpectedly Jeanne, little by little, falls in love with Werner. At the same time, the Francophile officer loses his illusions, realizing at last that what Nazi Germany actually wants is to thrall France and to stifle its culture...

1977 年 05 月 01 日

Sixteen year old Bibi comes to her aunt Toni's boarding house where she is seduced by lesbian women.

Brothers Martin and Simon, not yet teens, are incorrigible vandals; Martin runs away from reform school, Simon from foster homes, and they always find each other in a seacoast town of Lignan, where their destructive behavior is infamous. (It may date to their mother's leaving the family.) Martin is philosophical, romantic, and poetic: he dreams of being the son of a shark; he holds tight to a book about goldfish his mother gave him. In both halting and wild ways, he tries to court Marie, a neighbor girl. Simon, with a pocketknife and an intractable will, seems more dangerous to others. What, on earth, is there for these children-becoming-men?

2014 年 11 月 12 日

A boy from a small town has never kissed a girl. One day he and his friends decide to go to the 'big city' to see if they have more luck there. In the city, the boys get much more than they bargained for.



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