A comedy about a 26 year-old Ranjan Dutt (Anjan Dutt) who is selected by a 57-year-old great filmmaker Kunal Sen (Mrinal Sen) and their friendship.

16. Oktober 2015

The curtain rises on a small coalfield town. Plagued with a series of unexplained troubles that broke out suddenly, owner of a coalmine seeks the help of Byomkesh Bakshi to sort things out for him. When Byomkesh arrives with his trusted confidante Ajit, they discover to their complete dismay a maze of crimes woven around a violent murder that had little to do with the job that they were entrusted with. A mesmerizing mosaic of criminal characters, a sordid saga of lecherous lust, the thriller unfolds the complex layers of the human mind.

19. Dezember 2014

Byomkesh is called upon for help by police to solve the murder mystery of a wealthy old man Benimadhab and his servant Meghraj. He and Ajit finds the case submerged in crooked intentions of family members.

13. April 2018

Aami Ashbo Phirey is a musical that is about four different stories that are all connected by a violent incident. A young, unknown and unheard singer and songwriter accidentally enters the stories through virtual media and changes their lives for the better. The film re-asserts that art can surpass all differences, violence, intolerance and give them a chance to redeem oneself.

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