45 Filme

  • PL

Two apartment house dwellers, although unrelated, share the same name. One is an older man with an appreciation for and love of classical music, while the other is a younger man addicted to swing music. The niece of the older man arrives for a visit and gets into the wrong apartment. Complications arise.

6. Mai 1927

A wild young girl runs away from her parents' house to support herself and attracts the attentions of a married man, who is prepared to abandon his wife and child for her.

Pola is a beautiful but poor girl, a locksmith's daughter. Unexpectedly, she's successful as a stage dancer. After her success, she breaks with her fiancé and becomes the lover of a rich admirer. However, the fiancé does not accept her departure.

Directed by Zbigniew Gniazdowski and Aleksander Hertz.

5. November 1926
5. Oktober 1915

A silent film directed by Jan Pawłowski.

30. Januar 1918
21. November 1916

A lost film starring Pola Negri

17. September 1936

Stefcia Rudecka starts working as a governess in an aristocratic house. Waldemar, the young heir, falls in love with her but his well-off family is not eager to accept the woman he loves.

1. Januar 1922
1. Mai 1917

A silent film directed by Aleksander Hertz.

29. Oktober 1918
6. Januar 1913
1. Februar 1918
7. September 1918
11. Mai 1920
24. März 1928
31. Oktober 1923
20. Dezember 1917

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