5 Filme

  • Omnifilm Entertainment
  • Vancouver, British Columbia
  • CA
  • Webseite
15. Februar 2019

Everyday teen hero Kim Possible and her best friend Ron Stoppable embark on their freshman year of high school, all while saving the world from evil villains. While Kim and Ron have always been one step ahead of their opponents, navigating the social hierarchy of high school is more challenging than the action-hero ever imagined. With Drakken and Shego lurking in the wings, Kim must rely on her family and Team Possible—Ron, tech-genius Wade, new friend Athena, and Rufus, a Naked mole-rat.

This compelling documentary explores Canadian film culture and tries to discover what defines Canadian film through interviews with notable filmmakers.

19. Juli 2022

Wildlife cinematographer Phil Timpany, who has spent much of his life studying and filming grizzlies, is on a mission to prove that once we understand them, people and bears can peacefully coexist.

1. Januar 2021

Deep in Canada's remote Yukon, a dramatic coming of age story unfolds involving an adolescent grizzly named Sophie. Wildlife filmmaker Phil Timpany has chronicled her all her life. Now he's capturing her first steps into adulthood--and motherhood--and the many challenges threatening both her and her rambunctious cubs. Witness Sophie's journey as she learns the ropes, trying to balance her own needs with feeding and protecting her young. More than half of all grizzly cubs die in their first year, so Sophie has little room for error.

15. Januar 2021

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