Jauna imigrantė Selma gyvena ir dirba Amerikoje. Moterį slegia liūdna neišvengiamybė – dėl retos akių ligos ji po truputį praranda regėjimą. Jeigu vieniša mama nespės sutaupyti pakankamai pinigų operacijai, jos sūnelį ištiks toks pats likimas. Selma nepasiduoda. Kai reikalai tampa nepakeliamai sunkūs, moteris prisimena didžiausią savo aistrą – muziką. Ji matė visus klasikinius Holivudo miuziklus, ji gali pakartoti kiekvieną gražiausią eilutę, ji gali sušokti kiekvieną nuostabiausią šokį… Populiaraus miuziklo fragmentas, daina bei šokis pakyla iš savo išgrynintos erdvės ir nusileidžia moters išmonėje. Melodija, tonas, garsas ar instrumentas dabar įgauna tikro gyvenimo atspalvį. Muzikos garsai – gyvenimo triukšme. Auksas – kasdienybės purve. Selma aistringai džiaugiasi kiekviena savo kasdienybės smulkmena. Mažais ir simpatingais dalykais, kurių kiti net nepastebi. Ji tiesiog įsimylėjusi gyvenimą!

Įsivaizduokite absoliučiai nerealią situaciją, kad po II-ojo pasaulinio karo vis dėlto liko nepasidavusių ir fiurerio filosofiją aktyviai praktikuojančių nacių, o JAV prezidento rinkimus Barackas Obama pralaimėjo skandalingajai Aliaskos gubernatorei Sarah Palin, kuri valdo šalį pagal savanaudiškos diktatūros įstatymus ir kosminės politikos programą. Kardinaliai keista padėtis mums nežinant tęsėsi iki 2018 metų, kai žvaigždžių šviesoje išaiškėja bauginanti tiesa. 1945 metais grupelė atokioje Antarktidos pilyje tūnojusių anarchistiškiausių nacių mokslininkų paslaptingai paspruko nuo aljanso radarų ir raketomis išskrido į kosmoso platybes. Tamsiojoje mėnulio pusėje Hitlerio patikėtiniai pastatė slaptąją karinę bazę kodiniu pavadinimu "Juodoji saulė", kurioje buvo konstruojamas super duper kosminės armados laivas. Būtent taip naciai ketina numalšinti žmonių pasipriešinimą, kad Žemėje viešpatautų Ketvirtojo Reicho jėginga ir viską griaunanti valdžia.

In a time of social change and unrest, war and poverty, a young working class woman, Maria, wins a camera in a lottery. The decision to keep it alters her whole life.

2006 spalio 13

Thousands of years ago in ancient China, a man fights against his destiny. He wants another chance to be reunited with his loved one and he gets that chance, in a far away place and a far away time, in modern Finland.

2010 gruodžio 10

One morning just before Christmas, Leena receives a phone call from a hospital in her childhood hometown telling her that her mother is dying. This news takes her on a journey to face her mother for the first time in her adult life. Leena has fought all her life to let go of her grief over her lost and dark childhood. She is now forced to deal with her past to be able to move on.

2007 vasario 23

Juha is 38 years old and has three small children and a depressed wife. He sees himself as strong and believes a man should provide for his family. But one day Juha is fired from his job. Ashamed, he weaves a web of lies to hide the fact from his family. With the help of his friend Olli, Juha begins prostituting himself to support his wife and children. With this he makes in two hours what it took him two days to earn before. The shame and deception mushroom, but the pay from the new profession seems to offset the downside.

2013 vasario 22

8-Ball tells the story of single mother Pike who, having just been released from prison, is trying to start her life anew. When her former boyfriend Lalli comes back from abroad, it opens a window into a past that Pike wants to put behind her.

The daughter of two famous writers, Helena upholds her late father's reputation, reciting his poems on various occasions and cherishing the memory of the legend. Relations with her mother have deteriorated since she moved to Sweden. Helena blames her mother for abandoning her father. Helena and her mother meet again as Helena's mental health deteriorates and in order to cope, she must face reality through her mother's memoirs. Helena becomes intensely involved in the story and relives it by imagining herself in her mother's place.

Johan Falk hasn't been working for over a year since he resigned from the police. Most of all he wants to move out to the countryside, but fate has a different thought.

2001 kovo 2

K and Eetu are the best friends. They work together as bike couriers in the center of Helsinki, and training tightly every night to reach success of bicycle racing. However, life will change once and for all when a charming and resolute student girl Oona is coming to work in same courier company.

When her sister is mugged and raped, Oili, a young female forensic dentist, meets a group of abused women who have taken matters to their own hands to make the living in fear and just letting it happen stop.

Longtime couple Venla and Antero come to a serious impasse. After years with Antero, Venla wants to start a family, but her boyfriend, worried that parenthood will stifle his speed-skating career, secretly gets a vasectomy. Determined to have a child, Venla seeks help from a female fertility doctor, a decision that breeds new possibilities for the prospective mother when she falls in love with the doctor.

2003 kovo 14

A cleaning woman decides to sue the state for illegal discharge.

Little Esa is a talented floor ball player who is worshiped by his father. After a well-played game, Esa accidentally bumps into Elvis. The singer instantly becomes Esa's one and only idol.

2005 rugsėjo 25

25-year-old Karri is stuck with his life: days at a job as a guard at a shopping mall, nights out with his friends. Then Karri meets Caasha, a Somali girl about his age.

About photographer Inka and her loved ones on a journey to the fountains of love. Inka leaves her betrothed Jonah at the dinner table and leaves their shared home in a bang, not knowing why yet.

2000 balandžio 21


2011 rugsėjo 23

Linda is a young psychology student, who wants to help his boyfriend Riku, who has fallen into a state of psychosis by taking him to a mystical cave, where human subconscious and memories start to live their own life. Linda soon realises that she can't help Riku, before she has faced her own most painful traumas.

A romantic comedy about 30-year-old Leo and a 40-year-old, pregnant single mother of three, Maarit.

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