22 部电影

  • US
2006 年 12 月 08 日

1990年代,飽受內戰及社會動亂之苦的獅子山共和國,命運安排讓南非籍傭兵丹尼艾奇(李奧納多狄卡皮歐 飾),與門德族漁夫索羅門梵迪(吉蒙翰蘇 飾)相遇。 索羅門被強行從家鄉帶走,前往一座採鑽場工作,而且他找到了一顆世上罕見的鑽石原石,並把它藏起來,因為他知道如果這件事被人發現,一定會惹來殺人之禍。但是他也知道這顆鑽石不但能讓他的妻女脫離貧窮,也能用來拯救他的兒子狄亞。丹尼艾奇是一名專門用鑽石交換軍火的走私販,當他在入獄期間得知索羅門把這顆稀有鑽石藏起來,就知道這是畢生難逢的大好機會,足以讓他離開非洲,脫離充滿暴力和貪污腐敗的環境。 一名充滿理想的美國女記者曼蒂鮑恩(珍妮佛康納莉 飾)前往獅子山共和國,企圖揭發鑽石公司為了利益犧牲人命的真相,她找到丹尼艾奇,希望他能幫助她調查這件事,但是她很快發現,其實丹尼艾奇才需要她的幫助。艾奇和索羅門在女記者曼蒂的協助下,企圖穿越隨時都有喪命危險的叛軍地盤。艾奇想利用索羅門找到價值連城的粉紅心?,但是索羅門卻想要找到更珍貴的東西…他的兒子。

2005 年 05 月 13 日

Office temp Charlotte Cantilini thinks she's found Mr. Right when she starts dating gorgeous surgeon Dr. Kevin Fields. But there's a problem standing in the way of everlasting bliss: Kevin's overbearing and controlling mother, Viola. Fearing she'll lose her son's affections forever, Viola decides to break up the happy couple by becoming the world's worst mother-in-law.

1999 年 03 月 05 日

保羅維迪是紐約地區一名呼風喚雨的黑手黨老大,一向走路有風的他,在一次黑幫突襲中,經過槍林彈雨而倖免於難,但他卻目睹亦師亦友的兄弟死於非命。從此之後,維迪老大常常感到呼吸困難、夜夜難眠,而更誇張的是他竟變得多愁善感、容易落淚,對情婦也興趣缺缺、雄風不再。 保羅對自己的改變感到非常恐慌,深怕別人發現,有損他的老大威嚴;此外,他更擔心兩星期後將舉行的黑手黨角頭會議中,會露出馬腳,被對手知道自己耍不了狠,而混不下去維迪老大急於找心理醫生幫他治病,恰好此時他的保鑣不小心撞上一位心理醫生索波,維迪依名片找到了索波。 於是索波很無辜地變成幫派一員,並且還被交付在兩星期內讓維迪老大恢復正常的重責大任索波想要擺脫維迪老大的糾纏,與即將步入禮堂的嬌妻螺拉完婚,但卻怕被幹掉,究竟索波該如何做呢?而維迪老大是否會如此輕易地讓他離開呢?

1820年冬天,新英格蘭捕鯨船艾塞克斯號遭受無法想像的敵人攻擊,那就是一頭碩大無朋的鯨,牠似乎擁有超越人類的強大意志力和復仇決心。這件真實的海上災難後來啟發了作家赫曼梅爾維爾(Herman Melville)寫出經典名著《白鯨記》(Moby-Dick),但那只述說了一半的故事。 《白鯨傳奇:怒海之心》這部電影將會揭露這場奇遇的驚人後果,眼看艾塞克斯號的倖存船員逐漸被逼向極限,為了生存不得不做出令人難以置信的行動。這群人勇敢面對狂風暴雨、飢餓、恐慌和絕望,他們將會質疑自己內心深處的信仰,包括人生觀、價值觀和職業道德,並一路跟隨他們的船長在茫茫大海中尋找出路,而他們的大副仍然不忘設法打敗那頭巨鯨。

1993 年 10 月 15 日



2008 年 05 月 25 日

In 2000, the election of the U.S. Presidential boiled down to a few precious votes in the state of Florida — and a recount that would add "hanging chad" to every American's vocabulary.

1995 年 08 月 04 日

Grace King Bichon, who is managing her father's riding-stable, discovers that her husband Eddie is deceiving her with another woman. After confronting him in the middle of the night on the streets of their small home town, she decides to stay at her sister Emma Rae's house for a while to make up her mind. Breaking out of her everyday life, she starts to question the authority of everyone.

由HBO製作。在2000年到2010年中期,華爾街股市飛漲,分紅獎金創新高,薪水扶搖直上,房價也跟著水漲船高。但在2008年,所有市場崩盤,讓美國經濟瀕臨癱瘓。 本片敘述2008年的金融危機,以及一群知情者如何在幾週內決定世界經濟的命運。財務部長漢克波森、聯邦準備理事會總裁班伯南克、紐約分佈總裁提摩西吉斯勒分別扮演挽救全球經濟的重要角色。

1994 年 04 月 29 日

Convinced he'll graduate with honors because of his thesis paper, a stuffy Harvard student finds his paper being held hostage by a homeless man, who might be the guy to school the young man in life.

A rancher, his clairvoyant wife and their family face turbulent years in South America.

故事敘述四個長大成人的手足,各自過著焦頭爛額的糟糕生活,男主角賈德(傑森貝特曼 飾)沒了老婆、沒了房子又丟了工作之後,還要面對突如其來的父親過世,一次又一次的打擊讓賈德就快要失去面對人生的勇氣。 在母親的要求下,全家人必須為父親守喪七天,四個人回到故鄉,守在母親的身邊,賈德整整一周要與口無遮攔的母親及手足的伴侶共處一個屋簷下,回家竟然變成一件不怎麼自在的事情。他們一起面對過去與彼此親密卻又緊張的關係,最後在混亂、幽默、心痛與救贖的複雜情緒下,重新拾起可貴的親情。

2005 年 12 月 25 日

Sarah Huttinger's return home with her fiance convinces her that the sedate, proper, country-club lifestyle of her family isn't for her – and that maybe the Huttinger family isn't even hers – as she uncovers secrets that suggest the Huttingers are neither sedate nor proper.

2010 年 10 月 21 日

巴比(班艾佛列克 飾)實踐了最經典的美國夢:一份好工作、一個美麗的家庭、車庫裡安放著閃亮的保時捷。然而,當公司無情地決定裁員,巴比和同事菲爾(克里斯庫柏飾)、麥拉瑞(湯米李瓊斯 飾)頓時失去工作,原本優渥無虞的人生受到重擊。經濟崩盤後的風暴令他們必須直視人生的困窘,也迫使他們重新思考身為男性、丈夫、和父親的意義。透過幽默、悲傷、和犀利的觀察,擅長描寫美國社會角落現實的新銳名導約翰威爾斯,震撼呈現最能反映當下現況的美國夢真貌。

1993 年 11 月 05 日

Haunted by memories of his father murdering a family, Arlis Sweeney prefers to keep to himself, focusing his energy on his work. One day, the traumatic past that eats away at him returns when he meets Kay Davies, a woman connected to the bloody event. Against all odds, Arlis and Kay fall in love; however, when his father, Roy, reappears in his life -- with the coldhearted Ginnie in tow -- Arlis must deal with his past demons.

2003 年 03 月 02 日

Salem, Massachusetts. A small town—with no clear governing body—became embroiled in a scandal that forever stands as one of the darkest chapters in American history. For those accused of witchcraft by their neighbors and friends, there was little chance of clearing their names; the mass paranoia that ravaged through the community took the lives of 19 innocent men and women.

1995 年 09 月 09 日

Biographical account of America's President for the latter part of WWII. Shows Truman's rise from small-town nobody to leader of the USA, his decision to use the Atomic Bomb against Japan, and subsequent election as the US' post-war President.

1997 年 09 月 06 日

Inspired by the true story of Greg Yance. In the film, Yance (Epps) is a hood who goes to jail for possession of drugs. He is given a choice: 5 years in jail or a couple of months in boot camp. He chooses boot camp and finds out it is tougher than he thought it would be. He braves it through and comes home a better man. He then has to deal with the real world, and never gives up no matter what the odds.

1997 年 09 月 28 日

In the year 2008, a married couple is distraught over losing their 8 year old son in a boating accident. However, when the mother suddenly sees another child who looks identical to her dead child, the Mother investigates the fertility clinic who aided her with her pregnancy and discovers that they cloned her child in an experiment dubbed "Baby 2000". She also discovers that they still have the genes to develop another child for them and faces the question of whether the couple wants another identical child.

2002 年 03 月 03 日

After her son dies in a hit-and-run accident, a woman forms an unusual friendship with a convicted killer awaiting execution.

1999 年 12 月 06 日

Bah! Humbug! Susan Stone is definitely what you'd call a modern-day scrooge. She is a young, jaded book editor who is consumed with self-doubt and has lost the passion and drive that defined her childhood persona. On the verge of losing her job and being completely on the "outs" with her family, Susan has nearly given up on happiness. Out of nowhere, a cheerful, carefree seven-year-old girl named Suzie awaits Susan back at her apartment. It turns out that little Suzie is the embodiment of Susan's inner child, she is Susan as she once was years ago. Suzie has come to help the adult Susan rediscover and recapture the love of life that she's lost.



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