34 Filme

  • Quad Productions
  • Clichy, France
  • FR
  • Webseite

A true story of two men who should never have met – a quadriplegic aristocrat who was injured in a paragliding accident and a young man from the projects.

11. August 2023

Set in a near future where AI is all the rage and nature is becoming a distant memory, Rachel and Alvy are a New York couple ready to take their relationship to the next level and start a family.

25. August 2017

Zwei junge Freunde namens Félicie und Victor im Frankreich der 1880er fliehen aus dem Waisenhaus, um sich in der Stadt der Lichter – Paris – ihre Träume zu erfüllen.

9. März 2018

Im März 1953 steht die Sowjetunion vor einem alles verändernden Ereignis, da Josef Stalin nach einem Schlaganfall im Sterben liegt. Sobald Stalins Tod eingetreten ist, wird seine Position als Generalsekretär der KPdSU frei und noch während der Diktator mit dem Tod ringt, bringen sich hinter den Kulissen seine Gefolgsleute in Stellung, darunter Nikita Chruschtschow, der Sekretär des Zentralkomitees der KPdSU, Geheimdienstchef Lawrenti Beria, Stalins Stellvertreter Georgi Malenkow und Außenminister Wjatscheslaw Molotow. Schnell versinkt das Regime und die gesamte Sowjetunion in einem unüberschaubaren Chaos, weil sich die Politiker um die Parteispitze balgen und sich auch noch Stalins Kinder Swetlana und Wassili einmischen...

24. April 2024

Two young brothers are abandoned by their mother during summer of 1948, they run into the forest and survive there for seven years.

When a deadly mist engulfs Paris, people find refuge in the upper floors of the buildings. With no information, no electricity and hardly any supplies, Mathieu, Anna and their daughter Sarah try to survive the disaster.

24. Juli 2015

Samba migrated to France 10 years ago from Senegal, and has since been plugging away at various lowly jobs. Alice is a senior executive who has recently undergone a burnout. Both struggle to get out of their dead-end lives. Samba's willing to do whatever it takes to get working papers, while Alice tries to get her life back on track until fate draws them together.

10. September 2010

Alex and his sister run a business designed to break up relationships. They are hired by a rich man to break up the wedding of his daughter. The only problem is that they only have one week to do so.

The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull causes major disruptions to travelers' plans around the world. For Alain and Valérie, it's a catastrophe. Because to make it to the small Greek village in time for their daughter's wedding, this divorced couple, whose mutual hatred knows no bounds, will be obliged to set out on the road together.

Zoe and Volta have been together since childhood. They leave their native village to study in the city. Candid and full of dreams, they befriend a group of young rebels, anti-system and determined to make it known.

Successful woman in love tries to break her family curse of every first marriage ending in divorce, by dashing to the altar with a random stranger before marrying her boyfriend.

At the beginning of the 1940s, in a France occupied by Nazi forces, lived the Jewish Joffo family. Happy and tight-knit, she sees her future darken when all members of the family are forced to wear the yellow star. Fearing the worst, the parents organized their family to flee to the free zone in the south of the country. Maurice, twelve years old, and Joseph, ten years old, will therefore leave alone in order to maximize their chances of finding their older brothers already settled in Nice. The brothers left to their own devices demonstrate an incredible amount of cleverness, courage, and ingenuity to escape the enemy invasion and to try to reunite their family once again.

Set in 1992, a manager Vincent has to run a children's holiday camp for three weeks and to face the unexpected concerning the place, his colleagues, various problems linked to children about the rooms, trips, their belongings...

Between her roles as mayor and teacher in the small village of Kerguen, Alice's days are very full. When an unexpected new student, 60-year-old Emile, finally decides to learn to read and write, her daily life threatens to become unmanageable. Especially since Alice will also have to save her village and her school...

25. Dezember 2014

One night, a burglar in a Santa Claus costume is surprised by Victor, a young boy who believes he is the real Santa Claus. Victor then follows him, and they embark on an unexpected adventure that will change their lives.

28. September 2022

Maria is a cleaning lady, who is reserved, shy and clumsy. When she is assigned to the School of Fine Arts, she meets Hubert, the school's whimsical guardian. There she discovers a fascinating place where freedom, creativity and daring reign.

Jack is encouraged to take the romantic Paris vacation he won, despite just being dumped by his girlfriend. His trip soon devolves into chaos and adventure, when his luggage is swapped for a French businesswoman's belongings who soon takes a liking to his belongings -- especially his shoes -- and sets out to find him.

Famille : Groupe de personnes réunies par des liens de parenté et un fort sentiment de solidarité morale et matérielle. Quand Alain a épousé Nathalie, il ne savait pas qu'il épouserait aussi sa famille. Ce samedi, comme toutes les semaines, ils sont invités à dîner chez son beau-frère, Jean-Pierre à Créteil. C'est vrai, Alain en a marre de ces dîners familiaux, mais il ne sait pas encore ce qui l'attend véritablement ce soir-là... Ni les jours qui suivent

An association takes in young LGBT people made homeless by their families. Behind the apparent comedy, the excesses, the desire to assert themselves, lie shattered lives. They all have this furious desire to exist, to find their place in society. Here, they have six months to find a job, a place to live and accept themselves as they are. It's a race against time, during which Noëlle, who runs the association, and Alex, who helps her in her mission, are also forced to face up to their own failings and question their motivation for helping others.

An attorney stumbles upon a suitcase filled with cocaine.

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