100 elokuvaa

  • Sender Freies Berlin
  • Berlin
  • DE

Jerzy and Artur’s father dies, leaving behind a valuable stamp collection, which, they discover, is coveted by dealers of varying degrees of shadiness. The more involved the brothers get in their father’s world, the more dire and comical their situation becomes.

A father and daughter, Michał and Anka, have a unique intimacy, which the college-aged Anka is beginning to feel conflicted about. When she finds an unopened letter from her deceased mother, it seems to justify her attraction to Michał, who may not in fact be her father.

16 toukokuu 1989

Dorota Geller, a married woman, faces a dilemma involving her sick husband's prognosis. Her husband's doctor, who believes in God, sweared about it in vain.

Roman and Hanka have a loving marriage, but his impotence has led to her having an affair. The unbearable situation drives Roman to extreme measures both physically and mentally, testing their love and his own will to live.

Jacek, an angry drifter, murders a taxi driver, brutally and without motive. His case is assigned to Piotr, an idealistic young lawyer who is morally opposed to the death penalty, and their interactions take on an emotional honesty that throws into stark relief for Piotr the injustice of killing of any kind.

It’s Christmas Eve, and Ewa has plotted to pass the hours until morning with her former lover Janusz, a family man, by making him believe her husband has gone missing. During this night of recklessness and lies, the pair grapple with choices made when their affair was discovered three years ago, and with the value of their present lives.

Zofia, a professor of ethics, is visited by Elżbieta, an American researching the fate of Jews who survived World War II. A daytime classroom conversation turns into a night of confrontation, and Zofia is forced to answer for a decision she made decades ago that directly affected the course of Elżbieta’s life.

After World War I, a war hero returns to Berlin to find that there's no place for him--he has no skills other than what he learned in the army, and can only find menial, low-paying jobs. He decides to become a gigolo to lonely rich women.

16 toukokuu 1989

Krzysztof, a semantics professor and computer hobbyist, is raising his young son, Paweł, to look to science for answers, while Irena, Paweł’s aunt, lives a life rooted in faith. Over the course of one day, both adults are forced to question their belief systems.

As a high school student, Majka bore a child, Ania, whom Majka’s mother, Ewa, has been raising as her own. Now that Majka is ready for motherhood, Ewa refuses to let go, leading Majka to kidnap her own daughter, with unexpected emotional consequences.

A teenage postal worker, Tomek, routinely spies on his older neighbor Magda, a sexually liberated artist who lives in the apartment across the courtyard from his. As their private worlds merge, fascination turns to obsession, and the line between love and curiosity becomes violently blurred.

Margarethe von Trottan elokuva Sisarukset (Die Bleierne Zeit, Länsi-Saksa 1981) kertoo kahdesta siskoksesta, Julianesta ja Mariannesta. Saksalaiseen pappisperheeseen syntyneet sisarukset ovat eläneet nuoruutensa 1950-luvun tiukassa ilmapiirissä. Voimakastahtoinen Juliane ajautuu helposti ristiriitoihin, mutta sävyisä Marianne taipuu konservatiivisen perheen vaatimuksiin.Juliane liittyy naisliikkeeseen ja työskentelee toimittajana radikaalissa sanomalehdessä. Marianne ei näe muuta mahdollisuutta muuttaa maailmaa kuin liittyä väkivaltaiseen terroristijärjestöön Punaiseen armeijakuntaan.Vuosia myöhemmin kuuluisa terroristi Marianne vangitaan, ja vankilassa vierailevasta Julianesta tulee Mariannen ainoa linkki ulkomaailmaan. Elokuva perustuu osin tositapahtumiin. Marianne muistuttaa Punaisen armeijakunnan eli Baader-Meinhof-ryhmän johtohahmoa Gudrun Enssliniä, jonka sisar oli toimittaja. Myös Ensslinin isä oli pappi.

26 tammikuu 1989

In the not too distant future, in the year 1999: In Germany, payment may only be made by credit card, which leads to many people purchasing things they cannot pay for. A nasty debt collector from the almighty central bank sends out employees to take back unpaid goods from customers by force. A girl who calls herself Egon is also forced to work for this evil person. In the process, she meets nice Mike, with whom she falls in love. Soon Mike and his friend, the aging playboy Löffler, are in a turbulent adventure to free Egon from the clutches of the bank villain.

3 maaliskuu 1978

In the Second World War, spring 1944: shortly before the planned Ardennes offensive, Germans and Americans stand waiting on the German-Belgian border. The small Eifel village of Winterspelt threatens to become the scene of a bloody battle. A German officer comes up with a plan to hand over his battalion to the Americans without a fight. He finds support from three inhabitants of the small village, who help him to present his offer of surrender to the Americans, which they ultimately reject.

17 huhtikuu 1985
11 helmikuu 1988

Film version of the musical by the same name: Sunnie, a girl from the province, comes to Berlin to meet rock star Johnnie who had given her his address after a concert. On the subway to Kreuzberg, Sunnie becomes acquainted with a couple of strange people, among them "asphalt cowboy" Bambi. Bambi tells Sunnie that Johnnie’s address in Kreuzberg does not exist. Together, Sunnie and Bambi try to find the rock star in bustling metropolitan Berlin.

14 lokakuu 1997

A drama directed by Martin Buchhorn based on the novel by Günter Grass.

A strangler known as the Kenbourne Killer has been murdering streetwalkers for 25 years. The police set out to track him down.

9 tammikuu 1973

Based on Franz Xaver Kroetz's play, which is in turn based on a true story, this film by Rainer Werner Fassbinder tells the story of a very young girl who, after persuading a local boy to become her lover, induces the anger of her father, whose incestuous sexual attentions to her have grown unbearable.

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