9 movies

Τwo sisters from the island of Andros, dubbed Little England because of its affluence, are both in love with the same man. Set in the Greek Civil War period and ending in the 1950s, the movie is based on the homonymous novel by Ioanna Karystiani.

The execution of 200 Greek resistance fighters by the German occupiers on May 1st, 1944 in Kaisariani, as reprisal for the Greek Resistance ambush against Nazis.

decembris 18, 2008

Two brothers, the honest Michalis and the swindler Nontas, are forced to resort to bank robberies in order to pay off the latter's entanglements with the mafia. Michalis' love for a secret police officer, a strange couple of her colleagues and Nontas' greed will make things even more complicated.

After his wife died a man refuses to go out and doesn't want to talk to his only son. Life has no meaning for him. One day his son finds a baby pelican and decides to leave the bird at home. Pelican helps the boy find his father again and revive him back to life ...

decembris 29, 2009

The death of a prominent citizen reveals the corruption that festers behind closed doors on a seemingly beautiful serene Greek island of Sifnos.

Art, crime and infidelity take center stage in this hilarious madcap adventure that proves that sometimes changing your life for the better means turning it around 180 degrees.

In Nisos 2 the main actors return to the island following the rumours of a hidden treasure. During their "treasure hunt" a bunch of surprises and unexpected events await them.

Two brothers are fighting on opposite sides during the Greek Civil War.

Kleanthis is working two jobs, and saddled with debts. His boss hates him, his mother-in-law despises him. His life is going nowhere - at least till he's clearing out a room in the antiquities department where he works, and finds a magic mirror with a friendly genie that can make wishes come true. Kleanthis uses the mirror to change his life and get what he wants - but, even though his wishes are granted, something always seems to go wrong.

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