17 部电影

  • Feigco Entertainment
  • US
2016 年 07 月 15 日


2019 年 11 月 08 日

一事無成的凱特(艾蜜莉亞克拉克 飾)在倫敦渾渾噩噩地過日子,她做出一連串的糟糕決定導致的厄運總是伴隨著鞋子上發出的鈴聲如影隨形地跟著她,因為她只能打扮成聖誕老公公的小精靈,在一間全年無休的聖誕飾品店當店員。於是當心地善良的大帥哥湯姆(亨利高汀 飾)闖入凱特的人生,並且開始幫助她克服她人生中的許多障礙與難關,這一切都似乎美好得有點不真實。當倫敦在聖誕佳節期間轉變成一座童話般的夢幻王國,這兩個看似八竿子打不著的人應該不會結成良緣,但有時候你得順其自然、聆聽內心的聲音…而且一定要擁有信念。


2015 年 06 月 05 日

一向行事低調、在中情局擔任分析師的蘇珊(瑪莉莎麥卡錫),長久以來都待在總部的地下室擔任內勤工作,協助她的夥伴(裘德洛)執行危險的機密任務。裘德洛在一次行動中因為不明原因消失無蹤,也連帶波及另一位頂尖中情局探員(傑森史塔森)的安危。 為了找出搭檔的下落,並且拯救這個岌岌可危的世界,她自願臥底,混進史上最危險的軍火商,企圖查出真相。然在英勇救難的驚險過程中,卻引發一連串令人拍案叫絕的連環笑彈。

2017 年 05 月 12 日

由《麻辣賤諜》製作團隊超狂全力打造,《即刻救援》發行公司福斯影片年度動作喜劇鉅作。本片由美國當紅喜劇女星《姐姐愛最大》艾米舒默(Amy Schumer),以及睽違影壇15年再度重返大銀幕的喜劇天後級巨星《大老婆俱樂部》歌蒂韓(Goldie Hawn)聯手演出爆笑母女檔。劇情描述一位天真浪漫,但又成天愛做白日夢的傻大姐艾咪莉米德頓(艾米舒默 飾)在她與男友長期精心規劃的南美之旅前被狠心甩了,但她不甘這無法退費的旅遊就此泡湯,在詢問了一輪朋友沒人可以陪她去後,最後她找上她那保守到家的老媽子琳達(歌蒂韓 飾)陪同前往這趟旅程。這對個性南轅北轍的母女一到了當地便開始吵個不停,但麻煩事不僅如此,在風情萬種卻又危機四伏的異鄉,金髮碧眼的她們立刻招來地頭蛇的目光,活生生成為這些黑幫心目中的「肥」羊,她們慘遭設局並被綁架,在苦無救援的她們倆只能摒除彼此的差異,以擺脫她們這般悽慘的「肉」票厄運。這對一個身材粗壯但少根筋的女兒,以及一位成天緊張兮兮、很愛大驚小怪的老媽,究竟要如何逃出歹徒的手裡?又將鬧出什麼荒謬的笑話?還可以碰上什麼比《即刻救援》更緊張刺激的脫逃場面?

2018 年 09 月 14 日

故事描述親子部落客史蒂芬妮(安娜坎卓克 飾)和艾蜜莉(布蕾克萊芙莉 飾)因為育兒而成為閨蜜,有天艾蜜莉請史蒂芬妮幫忙接小孩下課,卻從此人間蒸發,史蒂芬妮四處尋找好友的下落,卻只找到唯一的消息──艾蜜莉的死訊,史蒂芬妮不願相信,決定找出真相,這才發現表面上的小忙隱藏著驚人的祕密,友情、愛情、失蹤竟然都不是這麼簡單……。

2019 年 04 月 19 日


2021 年 12 月 01 日

On her first holiday without her father, Zoey attempts to create a magical Christmas for her family just like the ones Mitch used to do.

2021 年 06 月 11 日

In a forgotten pocket of Southern Ohio where American manufacturing and opportunity are drying up, a determined young woman finds a ticket out when she is accepted to college. Alongside her older brother, Ruth Avery joins a dangerous scrap metal crew in order to pay her way. Together, they spend one brutal winter working the scrap yards during the day and stealing valuable metal from the once thriving factories by night. With her goal in sight, Ruth finds that the ultimate cost of an education for a girl like her may be more than she bargained for, and she soon finds herself torn between a promising future and the family she would leave behind.

The story of a tight-knit group of suburban moms whose friendship is put to the ultimate test when one of them becomes possessed by an evil spirit.

Set in a very near future where a Grand Lottery has been founded in economically struggling California. The only caveat? If you want to legitimately claim the award, you must murder the winner before sunset.

A failed double agent becomes an unlikely success.

An American woman is drawn into a world of wealth and high society when she unexpectedly falls in love during a trip to London.

Stephanie and Emily head to the beautiful island of Capri, Italy, for Emily's extravagant wedding to a rich Italian businessman.

A group of women accountants in a firm who band together against a similar male group in order to solve a fraud case that will save their jobs.

Casey Fletcher, a recently widowed actress trying to escape a streak of bad press, has retreated to the peace and quiet of her family’s lake house in Vermont. Armed with a pair of binoculars and several bottles of bourbon, she passes the time watching Tom and Katherine Royce, the glamorous couple living in the house across the lake. They make for good viewing—a tech innovator, Tom is powerful; and a former model, Katherine is gorgeous. One day on the lake, Casey saves Katherine from drowning, and the two strike up a budding friendship. But the more they get to know each other—and the longer Casey watches—it becomes clear that Katherine and Tom’s marriage isn’t as perfect as it appears. When Katherine suddenly vanishes, Casey immediately suspects Tom of foul play. What she doesn’t realize is that there’s more to the story than meets the eye—and that shocking secrets can lurk beneath the most placid of surfaces.

Plot unknown. Described as a project that will include characters from Universal’s classic monster library alongside original characters created by Feig.



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