88 部电影

  女刺客有一份特殊的礼物。 在接受需要她特殊技能的秘密任务的同时,她开始了一项非常危险的任务,迫使她遇到许多危险的敌人。

一个心理科学家送来接种色情的年轻学生团体对一个新的病毒,使一个错误的判断,导致一个不那么少的肉食僵尸问题。 现在,大多数学校和所有的教师都跑了,互相吃饭,有狂犬病的性交和玩杂耍,这是由Aki和她的新发现的盟友在女孩游泳队来照顾业务。

青春年少、阳光美丽的女孩奈美(吉沢明歩 饰),过着与同龄女孩完全不同的生活。她的父亲是一名卡车司机,当年也是名头响亮的传奇人物。奈美似乎继承了父亲的基因,为人不仅正直善良,还拥有须眉男子都无法匹及的高超车技。她个性刚强,立志在这个男性的世界里做出一番事业。某天,她结识了美丽女孩桃香(今野梨乃 饰)。桃香靠向卡车司机出卖肉体为生,奈美的出现让她找到了重新生活的希望。在此之后,桃香成为了奈美的搭档,然而这对姐妹党却卷入了一系列恶性事件之中,她们各自的人生发生了巨大改变……

2010 年 06 月 18 日



2012 年 01 月 20 日

The name of the legendary fighter 'Toshi Toshi', Mr. Yoshino Masatoshi (Ozawa Hitoshi) in the Shinjuku business center, Shinjuku Kabuki-cho, legendary fighter, was roaring. Every day a tag litter of various places attacks a lone wolf Toshi. For such Toshi, only Toryokubai group manager Tanahashi group Tadashi Bashi (Shakuya) who used Shinjuku as a root founded his eyes. Toshi, who decided to live as a chorus, decides to live as a choreographer, making a fighting partner in the Gong Faction era as a brotherly son, and expanding its power as a fighter group.

One day, Rinrei also known as the Dragon takes on a mission from three sisters who live in the old estate down the road. Their mission is to act as the bodyguard of the sisters as they take their ill father to the doctors. The reward is vast.


During Japan's feudal era, Mitsuhide Akechi worked to foil Nobunaga Oda's ambition for the unification of the entire country. To this end, Akechi had his eyes set on many of Oda's vassals, including leyasu Tokugawa. To protect Tokugawa's life, the kunoichi Kaede is sent to keep an eye on him as he travels through the mountains of Igo. Hiding in plain sight as a boxwood inn, she discovers that a skilled killer and his crew are already gathering in the area. Will a single lady ninja be able to complete her mission in the face of so many armed and dangerous men?

2010 年 08 月 20 日

《SとM 第二章》是仰木豊在2009年根据村生ミオ原作导演的日本情se电影,本片由苍井空(蒼井そら)、川村りか、小田井涼平、西本はるか、川連廣明、山本剛史等出演。上班族户田与妻儿组成了一个幸福的家庭。一天,户田任职的公司分来一位雇员沙雅奄美。沙雅奄美使用各种手段接近户田,不久两人发生了关系。事后,他们的秘密恋情逐步升级,户田的幸福之家也面临着威胁……

2008 年 12 月 02 日

专营中华料理的桃源饭店以其招牌菜桃源饺子闻名遐迩,引得四方游客竞相品尝。与此同时,城中发生数起凶杀碎尸案件,坊间传闻这些案件与桃源饺子的肉馅有关。警方派出能岛悟郎(成濑胜也 饰)及其搭档严乃(岩田雄介 饰)共同调查,却毫无进展,还遭到桃源饭店老板陈源林(山崎荣 饰)一通暴揍。   另一方面,少女林为了学习桃源饺子(みひろ 饰)不畏辛苦拜在了桃源饭店创始人周独取(寺中寿之 饰)的门下,她刻苦修炼,势要将这门技艺发扬光大。陈为了保护饭店和林,更是不惜一切代价……

As Nami (Akiho Yoshizawa) was on her usual deco-truck errand, a High School girl called Kanna shows up. She tells Nami that she is her long-lost sister since she was 5 years old, and she has run away from home after quarreling with her mother. Nami cannot recall much about her mother, Nanako but it turns out that she is Nami’s favourite radio program DJ! Can she forgive her mother for abandoning her!? What will become of the ongoing romance with Kikuo!?!? The 4th installments of the popular “Deco Truck Nami” series – More drama, more tears and simply irresistible!

Nami's still the hottest trucker in Japan, but now there's a new contender for the title of Queen of the Road! Meet Ayano, the toughest highway patrol officer to ever fill out a bulletproof brassiere and Nami's former high school gang rival! However, a certain truck driving mama isn't the only target this smoking-hot smokey has in her sights. There's a deadly drug hitting the market and someone's transporting it across Japan via unwitting truckers. Does that sound like a good enough reason for two ex-delinquents to set aside their mutual differences and put a little pedal and metal up some gangster butt? Maybe, but not all road trips have happy endings, and the payoff at the end of this run could prove lethal. Expect some heavy girl-on-girl friction ahead as the brakes give out, the undercover action heats up, and a crazy string of tips, gas, and drugs paves the way for Nami's wildest ride yet!

This is a story of a woman, amid in her sorrow, seeking for vengeance...

卡车司机濑菜(原纱央莉 饰)是一个特立独行、崇尚自由的女孩,她喜欢开着暴走卡车游走日本各地,体验不同的人生。   某天,濑菜接到一项奇怪的委托,底层黑帮分子泷泽(粟岛瑞丸 饰)请求她运送失明的美丽脱衣舞娘安云(栗林里莉 饰)。原来泷泽喜欢上了这个身世不幸的女孩,于是决定去另一个城市帮她治好双眼。为了筹集手术费,泷泽不惜袭击组内干部,横夺组织的资金。准备出发的日子,泷泽遭到老大追杀,经过一番打斗,濑菜、泷泽、安云三人总算暂时逃脱黑帮的魔掌。经验丰富的濑菜想方设法躲过追踪,谁知却冤家路窄,寻找希望的路上充满艰险……

A mentally unstable young woman named Yoshie implores a gifted plastic surgeon (Yukiko Okamoto) to make her beautiful in this disturbing Japanese psychodrama directed by Katsuya Matsumura. Although the operation is successful, Yoshie becomes even more preoccupied with beauty -- and soon draws the doctor into a horrifying world of emotional agony and masochism. The film's supporting cast includes Asuka Kurosawa, Kota Kusano and Miki Asakura.

They’re beautiful, they’re exotic, and in this particular case, what’s underneath that Maid uniform may not even be human! After all, if you’re an otherworldly spirit and you’re trying to hide your existence from the world, what better way to do it than working at a restaurant where the waitresses dress as maids and pretend to cater to their customers’ every whim? Starring international AV star Maria Ozawa.

2011 年 04 月 23 日

The first 'Conqueror of Shura' film.

Kyuketsu Onsen e Yokoso (吸血温泉へようこそ kyuuketsu onsen e youkoso, translated as Welcome to the blood-sucking hot spring) alternatively known as Kyuketsu Onsen ni Yokoso (吸血温泉にようこそ kyuuketsu onsen ni youkoso) is a Japanese direct-to-video horror-erotic film released in 1997 by the Japanese studio known as Museum. It is based in an original story by Go Nagai. A little after the release of the film, a manga version was also released in the magazine Comic Bazooka by Tatsumishuppan, from May 1997 to August 1997, and later released in a single tankōbon in 1997-10-25 by Mediax in the line MD Comics. The manga was later published in the compilation tankōbon Kireta Ito: Nagai Go Jisen Sakuhin shu published by Kadokawa Shoten in 2001. The film features famous Japanese celebrity Aya Sugimoto in the role of the landlady of the onsen and the main vampire woman, ex-idol singer Yuka Onishi of Sukeban Deka III fame, and AV idol Ryo Hitomi.

In May 1936, the “Abe specific incident.” shook the entire country of Japan. It is said that Abe had a live-in maid (Yuma Asami), the owner of the restaurant’s employer Ishida (Nobuyuki Matsuda) was killed, that the cut is more localized. With respect to neither confirm nor deny the crime, frustrated by the testimony of the specific criminal Urakawa Abe (Shun Sugata). And the relentless questioning of Urakawa, we are told the circumstances leading to death and cut from the bodies of penis. Result of fierce passion between men and women debauched erratic, and saw two people … and the constant questioning after the incident, and the constant “last seven days” to depict that Katsuaki the in the here and now Abe no specific story that you have to watch it!



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