8 de filme artistice

14 martie 1957

Based off the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel of the same title, a movie producer is slowly working himself to death.

22 noiembrie 1956

It's not so much that Eloise is a mischievous child, but the darnedest things do happen when she's around.

12 martie 1959

During the Spanish Civil War, an American allied with the Republicans finds romance during a desperate mission to blow up a strategically important bridge.

The weakling sheriff of a small southwestern town allows a Mexican teenager to be lynched by a local mob for a crime he may not have committed.

13 februarie 1958

An airliner flying nonstop at night from Miami to New York fails to check in, then disappears from radar. We see how its disappearance affects people on the ground.

14 februarie 1957

Sammy Hogarth, a vaudeville comedian who now has his own TV show, is a ruthless egomaniac who demands instant obedience from his staff and heaps abuse on those in lesser positions than his. His most vituperative behavior, however, is reserved for his weak-willed brother, Lester, whom Sammy has hired as his assistant but whom he really uses as his whipping boy.

11 octombrie 1956

An over-the-hill heavyweight boxing champion who suffers from the ravages of years of head trauma is exploited by his manager, despite the efforts of a compassionate young woman who tries to help him recover his self-respect.

31 ianuarie 1957

When a rich woman dies without signing her new will, all kinds of problems ensue.

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