8 elokuvaa

CIA:n palkkaama erikoisjoukko lähetetään Etelä-Amerikan viidakkoon vapauttamaan sissien sieppaamia panttivankeja. Mutta iskuryhmällä on vastassaan tappavampi vihollinen kuin he ikinä pystyvät edes kuvittelemaan. Vihollinen, joka ei ole tästä maailmasta. Schwarzenegger vetää joukkoja tässä toimintaklassikossa, jossa ryhmä miehiä joutuu vastakkain näkymättömän ja julman vihollisen kanssa. Uskomattomat erikoistehosteet, hengästyttävät toimintakohtaukset ja selkäpiitä karmivat tapahtumat tekevät tästä klassikosta Schwarzeneggerin ehkä jännittävimmän elokuvan.

6 marraskuu 1987

A college freshman returns to Los Angeles for Christmas at his ex-girlfriend's request, but discovers that his former best friend has an out-of-control drug habit.

6 helmikuu 1987

Federal agent Alexandra Barnes believes that Catherine Petersen is a serial killer who marries rich men and then murders them for their money. But since Catherine is seemingly a master of disguise and has multiple identities, Alexandra can't prove anything with conventional detective work. With no other option, she goes undercover, pursuing the same man as Catherine, and hoping that Catherine will slip up and reveal her true identity.

17 huhtikuu 1987

A young inductee into the military is given the task of looking after some chimpanzees used in the mysterious 'Project X'. Getting to know the chimps fairly well, he begins to suspect there is more to the secret project than he is being told.

16 joulukuu 1987

Basket-case network news producer Jane Craig falls for new reporter Tom Grunnick, a pretty boy who represents the trend towards entertainment news she despises. Aaron Altman, a talented but plain correspondent, carries an unrequited torch for Jane. Sparks fly between the three as the network prepares for big changes, and both the news and Jane must decide between style and substance.

The members of the Lambda Lambda Lambda fraternity travel to Fort Lauderdale for a fraternity conference. They'll have to beat off the attacks of their rival frat, the Alphas, if they want to maintain their self-respect -- and, of course, if they want to get anywhere with the pretty girls!

18 syyskuu 1987

A womanizer meets his match when he falls for the daughter of a gambling addict who is in debt to the mob.

11 maaliskuu 1988

McGriff and Albaby are probably doing the worst law enforcement job in the world - they are plain clothes U.S. military policemen on duty in war-time Saigon. However, their job becomes even harder when they start investigating the serial killings of local prostitutes. Their prime suspect is high ranking U.S. Army officer which brings their lives in danger.

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