2023 spalio 13

A daughter kidnapped. A hidden past revealed. A seemingly futile prospect of rescue. Now, Rev. Jeremiah Jacobs and his wife Martha must overcome the lies of the past to find their hope for the future.

2015 balandžio 6

A former assassin tries to redeem himself by becoming a masked highwayman in Colonial America.

2022 rugsėjo 22

Jason, a man with no parenting experience, is on an adventure to win the hearts of his fiancé's skeptical kids before they marry. The plan for them to fly to her parent's remote cabin days before she wraps up work quickly falls apart and the adventure turns to a struggle to survive before this new family can start a life together.

2008 lapkričio 1

Set in 411 AD, Pendragon tells the story of young Artos who is raised to believe that God has a purpose for each day. When his family killed and he is taken into slavery by the Saxons, Artos questions his God. Advancing through the military ranks, Artos begins to understand that his father's vision was not based on the strength of man, but on the plan of God. Further betrayal by his friends forces Artos to decide between following God's plan unto certain death or abandoning God to save his own life.

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