26 sarjaa

  • DC Comics
  • Burbank, California
  • US
  • Kotisivu
16 lokakuu 2001

Taivaasta satanut meteoriparvi aiheuttaa tuhoja Smallvillessä. Vielä vuosienkin päästä asukkailla on arpensa ja salaisuutensa. Amerikkalainen draamasarja Teräsmiehen nuoruusvuosista.

23 huhtikuu 2013

Teini-ikäiset supersankarit asustavat kämppiksinä ja käyttävät päivänsä pelastaen maailman mitä erilaisimmilta vitsauksilta. Mutta mitä tapahtuukaan, kun supersankareiden työpäivä päättyy ja rikosten ratkaisemisen sijaan vastassa ovat erinäiset arkielämän haasteet, jotka johtavat usein koomisiin tilanteisiin?

22 syyskuu 2014

Nuori poliisi James Gordon haluaa kostaa orpopoika Bruce Waynen vanhempien murhan ja käy päättäväisesti Gotham Cityn rikollisuutta ja korruptiota vastaan.

10 tammikuu 1999

As new villains overrun Gotham City of the future, the aging Bruce Wayne hangs up the cape of the once invincible Batman. But when troubled teenager Terry McGinnis stumbles upon the Dark Knight's secret, a new alliance is forged. And a triumphant new Batman is born.

Vowing to avenge the murder of his parents, Bruce Wayne devotes his life to wiping out crime in Gotham City as the masked vigilante "Batman".

19 heinäkuu 2003

The Teen Titans are five heroes under one roof. Robin, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy live in a large tower in the shape of a T that they call Titan Tower. No secret identities. No school. Just superheroes being superheroes. They must go up against their arch nemesis, Slade, and his evil minions. What he really plans to do is unknown but one thing's for sure... he's an evil madman.

14 marraskuu 2008

The Caped Crusader is teamed up with Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Aquaman and countless others in his quest to uphold justice.

15 helmikuu 2019

Samannimiseen sarjakuvaan perustuva DC Comicsin seikkailu jatkaa Titans-sarjan jälkeisiä tapahtumia. Sarja seuraa supersankarijoukon taistelua pahaa Mr. Nobodya vastaan tämän kidnapattua sankareiden mentorin, Chiefin. Ulkoisesti hyvin erilaisilla supersankareilla on samankaltainen tarina - jokainen sai voimansa vakavan onnettomuuden jälkeen, mutta jokaisella on myös omat heikkoutensa.

Superman, an incredibly powerful alien from the planet Krypton, defends Metropolis from supercriminals. Superman hides his identity behind the glasses of Clark Kent; a mild-mannered reporter for the newspaper the Daily Planet. At the Daily Planet Superman works with fellow reporter Lois Lane and photographer Jimmy Olsen.

9 lokakuu 2002

The series is set in New Gotham City, several years after it has been apparently abandoned by Batman. In his absence, Huntress, Oracle and Dinah are now the protectors of New Gotham: the Birds of Prey, and had taken over his war on crime. They are joined by Alfred Pennyworth, who serves Helena as she is heir to the Wayne estate; and Detective Jesse Reese, a police officer confronted with crimes and abilities he cannot explain.

A central feature of the series is the concept of metahumans: individuals born with powers that cannot be explained. No two metahumans have the same abilities (unless hereditary), and there exists a whole subculture of metahuman society that the outside world knows nothing about.

25 maaliskuu 2005

Krypto, the Superdog, chronicles the comedic canine adventures of Metropolis' day-saving superdog from Planet Krypton. Krypto jettisons to Earth after traveling across the galaxies as a test-pilot puppy aboard a malfunctioning rocket ship built by Superman's father. Landing astray on unfamiliar terrain, the fully-grown Krypto swiftly seeks out companionship on Earth and flips over Kevin Whitney, a young boy who too longs for friendship. With an amazing array of super hero powers, ranging from heat vision to super strength to flying, Krypto partners with best pal Kevin to fight evil forces that threaten the safety and well-being of the people and animals of Metropolis.

26 marraskuu 2010

Teenage superheroes strive to prove themselves as members of the Justice League.

13 syyskuu 1997

The New Batman Adventures is a continuation of the acclaimed Batman: The Animated Series. Stories in this series tend to give more focus to Batman's supporting cast, which include fellow crimefighters Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl, among others. The show also features guest stars such as Supergirl, Etrigan, and The Creeper; characters who would later appear with Batman in Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.

The origin story of Bruce Wayne's legendary butler, Alfred Pennyworth, a former British SAS soldier who forms a security company in 1960s London and goes to work with young billionaire Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha, before they become Bruce Wayne’s parents.

19 syyskuu 1952

Announcer: "The Adventures of Superman. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound!"

Voices: "Look up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman!"

Announcer: "Yes, it's Superman, strange visitor from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands; and who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way."

Animaatiosarjassa Teräsmies, Batman, Ihmenainen, Salama, Vihreä Lyhty, Metsästäjä Marsista ja Haukkatyttö taistelevat yhdessä rikollisuutta vastaan Oikeuden Puolustajina.

23 syyskuu 2006

The series centers on a young Superman's adventures in the 31st century, fighting alongside a group of futuristic superheroes known as the Legion of Super-Heroes.

11 syyskuu 2004

A young billionaire Bruce Wayne fights crime and evil as the mysterious vigilante, The Batman.

24 lokakuu 2014

A man struggling with his faith is haunted by the sins of his past but is suddenly thrust into the role of defending humanity from the gathering forces of darkness.

15 tammikuu 2010

It takes a brave, selfless man to make himself a "human target" in order to save the lives of those in danger. Based on the popular DC Comics comic book and graphic novel, Human Target is a full-throttle action drama centered on Christopher Chance, a unique private contractor/security expert/bodyguard hired to protect.

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