10 Filme

11. September 1987

An American journalist is set up and fed false information after the Lebanon war.

In an erotic version of famous fairy tales, Snow White (Marie Liljedahl), Sleeping Beauty (Gaby Fuchs) and Cinderella (Eva Reuber-Staier) have sexy fun.

24. Oktober 1973

The most secret agent Stanislas Dubois, tired of saving the world alone decides to retire and to start writing his memoirs. The enemies of humanity, progress and peace in the world found out about it and created an international network of espionage "13 columns". Unfortunately they platted a slot in the good old France. They should think better...

19. April 1974

Munich at night: Robert Susmeit, a 16-year-old teenager who is jealously obsessed with his mother Hilde, traces her and her latest lover at a mundane apartment building where he kills the man in the heat of the moment at a swimming pool. His fatal outburst is secretly witnessed by Moni Dingeldey, a girl of the same age as his. Fascinated by the shaken and devastated strange boy who she hopes to be a soul-mate, she hides Robert in her mother's apartment. Meanwhile, a crowd of policemen and reporters frantically comb through the building in search a murderer whose identity is known only to Robert's parents who are searching as well...

31. Juli 1970

Zbynek Brynych's forgotten masterpiece "Oh Happy Day" is best described as coming-of-age-psychedelia.

14. Januar 1965

Heinrich and his wife Sabine are happily married, until Heinrich suggests trying something new in the bedroom - the plan to meet with two other couples for a night of erotic adventures turns into total chaos.

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