Drowned World Tour 2001 was recorded at The Palace of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, Michigan on August 26, 2001 and was originally broadcast live on HBO as Madonna Live! Drowned World Tour 2001. Drowned World Tour was the fifth concert tour by Madonna in support of her seventh and eighth studio albums Ray of Light and Music, respectively.

23. September 1988

A father disowns his daughter, Annie, because of her choice to marry a neighboring woodsman. The marriage is strong and bears four children, but Annie is determined to also include her father in her family.

1. Januar 2018

Two worlds collide when a mama's boy prepares for marriage, but cannot shake his mother's grasp

1. Januar 2016

Two best friends come upon a murder that will derail their lives forever. They keep the secret to themselves only to share it with the girl in their circle, Samantha. As life would have it, anything hidden won't stay buried forever.

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