478 部电影

  • Fuji Television Network
  • Minato, Tokyo
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2023 年 11 月 22 日

《小偷家族》康城金棕櫚獎大導演是枝裕和、金牌編劇坂元裕二、殿堂級音樂大師坂本龍一,破天荒終極聯手合作!平靜的湖畔小鎮,疼愛兒子的單親媽媽早織(安藤櫻 飾)、為學生著想的爽直老師保利 (永山瑛太 飾)以及天真爛漫的孩子們本過著安穩的生活,卻因為一次校園衝突,發酵釀成軒然大波,惹起社會與媒體的關注。當事態越見嚴重,竟在一個暴風雨的清晨,兩個孩子雙雙失去了蹤影…… 強勢入圍第76屆康城影展主競賽單元,今個6月,誰是怪物?

2016 年 12 月 21 日

大劇院的負責人樹熊阿畢,想盡辦法挽救每況愈下的業績,除了出於責任,更因為自小對劇院的愛。現在到了山窮水盡的關頭,他決定盡地一煲,舉行一個能讓大劇院回復昔日輝煌的歌唱比賽。 在過程中,阿畢漸漸發現這比賽不止是拯救劇院的行動,更是盛載著無限個夢想的舞台。當中五個參賽者一鳴驚人:希望用歌聲找到自己方向的豬媽媽樂詩;歌聲迷惑心靈的小老鼠Mike爺;擁有天籟聲線,卻時常發台瘟的怕醜大象女美雅;一心希望擺脫黑幫家族生意,夢想以歌曲感染大眾的猩猩Johnny仔,及渴望離開自大男友,靠自己闖出一片天的Rock友箭豬女阿雪。在水銀燈的照耀下,每個人都能成為主角,用生命高歌屬於自己的金曲。

One peaceful day on Earth, two remnants of Frieza's army named Sorbet and Tagoma arrive searching for the Dragon Balls with the aim of reviving Frieza. They succeed, and Frieza subsequently seeks revenge on the Saiyans.

2017 年 02 月 17 日


愛情是瘋魔,也是心魔。安娜(狄高達莊遜 飾)嘗試為格雷(占美杜倫 飾)踏足自己從未預料的性愛疆界,可是格雷迷戀暴力性愛的癖好,令她疲累不已。她希望了解格雷的秘密,建立新的關係模式。當二人開始培養出信任,一切看似漸入佳境,格雷封閉的過去和深藏內心的陰影卻慢慢浮現,摧毀這對情侶一起走下去的希望…

戰雄崛起故事講述人類統治的Azeroth王國一直和平安定;而在另一個世界,原住民獸人 (Orcs) 卻要無奈逃離瀕臨滅亡的家園,去尋找新領域棲身。一道連接兩個世界的大門出現,令雙方都起了翻天覆地的變化……人類面對兇猛外敵,必須奮起保衛家園;獸人為求全族生存,不惜一切全力戰鬥。雙方領袖皆肩負著決定家人、族人和家園命運的責任!這一戰不分勝負,只決生死;一個結合勇氣、榮譽和犧牲的傳奇故事由此展開!

2022 年 11 月 04 日

《海賊王:紅》(日語:ワンピース フィルム レッド)是於2022年8月6日上映的日本動畫電影,改編自漫畫家尾田榮一郎創作的漫畫系列《ONE PIECE》,為該系列第15部劇場動畫,同時也是原作連載25周年紀念作品[2][3][4]。電影講述路飛等人與紅髮撒古斯之女美音之間交織的故事。

The events of Battle of Gods take place some years after the battle with Majin Buu, which determined the fate of the entire universe. After awakening from a long slumber, Beerus, the God of Destruction is visited by Whis, his attendant and learns that the galactic overlord Frieza has been defeated by a Super Saiyan from the North Quadrant of the universe named Goku, who is also a former student of the North Kai. Ecstatic over the new challenge, Goku ignores King Kai's advice and battles Beerus, but he is easily overwhelmed and defeated. Beerus leaves, but his eerie remark of "Is there nobody on Earth more worthy to destroy?" lingers on. Now it is up to the heroes to stop the God of Destruction before all is lost.

邪惡組織紅領巾軍曾被悟空消滅,承繼了那股邪惡意志的人們創造了終極最強人造人 — 伽瑪1號和2號。他們自稱為「超級英雄」 (SUPER HERO),更開始對笛子魔童及悟飯施以襲擊!到底這班捲土重來的新生紅領巾軍目的是什麼?危機逐漸逼近,是時候覺醒了 — 真正的「超級英雄」!

2014 年 10 月 24 日

有沒有想過摯愛的人死後,還可以跟他們對話?蓮妮無法釋懷好友黛比離奇死亡,決定集合幾個朋友,透過有西洋碟仙之稱的「占卜板」,嘗試連接靈界與 黛比交流,為她尋冤。豈料怪事接二連三,同伴逐一遇害!究竟是黛比顯靈?還是別的鬼魂作祟?你以為只是個遊戲,卻誤惹上極惡邪靈⋯代價,你付得起嗎?

2018 年 10 月 12 日

1969年美國宇航員太空人尼爾岩士唐Neil Armstrong (賴恩高斯寧 飾)和伯茲·艾德靈Buzz Aldrin參與美國太空總署(NASA)的太陽神計劃,進行史上首個載人登陸月球的任務。在這太空科技剛起步的時代,國家不惜工本,甚至犧牲性命,誓要達成史無前例的成就;而這個人類史上最危險的任務,為岩士唐帶來怎樣的衝擊及代價?

美國一年一度的國定殺戮日,殺人等所有罪行均毋須背負刑責,所有政府緊急服務全面暫停。時值美國總統大選,曾在殺戮日有過慘痛回憶的參議員Roan(伊莉莎白米曹 飾),決定參選總統,並堅持主張廢除這個恐怖活動,但此舉令她在殺戮日當天,成為所有既得利益者的眾矢之的。跟Roan政見一致的保安主任Barnes(法蘭格里羅 飾)知道她已招來殺身之禍,他必須奮力保護她的安全。然而他們慘遭同伴出賣,頃刻落入九死一生的困境……一場總統大選引發的血雨腥風,將如何結局?

It has been thirteen years since the Androids began their killing rampage and Son Gohan is the only person fighting back. He takes Bulma's son Trunks as a student and even gives his own life to save Trunks's. Now Trunks must figure out a way to change this apocalyptic future

2015 年 12 月 04 日

When his dysfunctional family clashes over the holidays, young Max is disillusioned and turns his back on Christmas. Little does he know, this lack of festive spirit has unleashed the wrath of Krampus: a demonic force of ancient evil intent on punishing non-believers.

The glittering Gran Tesoro, a city of entertainment beyond the laws of the government, is a sanctuary for the world’s most infamous pirates, Marines, and filthy rich millionaires. Drawn by dreams of hitting the jackpot, Captain Luffy and his crew sail straight for the gold. But behind the gilded curtains lies a powerful king whose deep pockets and deeper ambitions spell disaster for the Straw Hats and the New World alike.


2019 年 05 月 31 日

Sue Ann is a loner who keeps to herself in her quiet Ohio town. One day, she is asked by Maggie, a new teenager in town, to buy some booze for her and her friends, and Sue Ann sees the chance to make some unsuspecting, if younger, friends of her own.

2016 年 02 月 18 日

住在鎌倉的香田三姊妹, 大姊幸(綾瀨遙 飾)、二姊佳乃(長澤正美 飾)與千佳(夏帆 飾),一天突然收到父親逝世的消息,但因自幼父母離異,對父親早已印象模糊,佳乃與千佳根本沒有任何難過情緒,只有大姊無法原諒被父親遺棄,仍心懷恨意。在父親葬禮上,三姊妹首次碰見同父異母的妹妹淺野鈴(廣瀨鈴 飾),當她們發現鈴的親生媽媽早已去世,而繼母亦未有善待她,三姊妹決定邀請鈴跟她們往鎌倉祖屋同住。鈴一口答應,跟三個素未謀面的姊姊展開新生活。古都鎌倉四季轉折間,四姊妹笑過痛過愛過,學習重新接納自己和對方。是枝裕和導演 繼《誰調換了我的父親》後,又一入圍康城影展作品。

While investigating the horrifying death of her boyfriend, Mai Takano learns about a videotape haunted by the spirit of a disturbing girl named Sadako, which kills anyone who watches it exactly one week later. When her boyfriend’s son, Yoichi, starts to develop the same psychic abilities as Sadako, Takano must find a way to keep the boy and herself from becoming the next victims.

2009 年 10 月 16 日

Afro Samurai avenged his father and found a life of peace. But the legendary master is forced back into the game by a beautiful and deadly woman from his past. The sparks of violence dropped along Afro’s bloody path now burn out of control – and nowhere are the flames of hatred more intense than in the eyes of Sio.

While attending a meeting as a Chief Inspector of the Public Security Bureau, Akane Tsunemori received a report that an incident had occurred on a foreign vessel , and this was the beginning of a big and unexpected case.



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