• US

首個在火星出生的人類家立,16歲回到地球後,發現一切是那麼新奇有趣,於是擅自逃離科學家及醫護人員的保護,決心去找地球上的唯一朋友杜莎 展開錯綜複雜的歷險,一起追尋自己出生之謎,一起嚐到動人初戀…

2007 年 11 月 21 日


伊雲(費迪夏摩亞飾)是一名音樂天才,可是他自小便在孤兒院渡過,他對音樂及聲音充滿了幻想和感動,把身邊的風聲、草聲、鳥叫蟲鳴都變成他心中樂章,他堅信心中響起的音樂,是他與父母的連繫;而終有一天,他會憑著音樂找到失散的父母;可是他有所不知的是,他的父母並不知道伊雲活在世界上某個角落! 直至十一歲,被音樂的指引下,逃離了孤兒院來到紐約,在街上遇到了綽號叫巫師(羅賓威廉斯飾)的街頭藝人,他收留了伊雲,並發現他的音樂天份,將他改名為奧吉斯路殊,對巫師來說,伊雲的天才為他創造新的事業,而對伊雲來說,音樂就是尋找父母的唯一途徑;他的夢想是能在紐約中央公園四萬多名觀眾面前,指揮紐約愛樂演奏他創作的“奧吉斯C大調狂想曲”,而他的父母正是台下的拉娜及路易...

2020 年 05 月 22 日

門羅家族都是檢察官、商人、政治人物,他們出身於有權有勢的上流家族。某天,大家長突然逝世,並留下鉅額遺產。然而在分配遺產時,女兒蘿倫(莉莉柯林斯 飾)卻只分到一萬美金與一個牛皮紙袋,紙袋中裝有一把鑰匙,以及父親生前所錄下的一段影片,並告訴她:「有些秘密,必須要帶入墳墓…。」在好奇心的驅使之下,蘿倫用那把鑰匙打開了庭院的鐵門。不過她萬萬沒想到,通往地下室的過程當中,竟埋藏這個家族不為人知的秘密…..

2015 年 08 月 21 日

By day, Richard Haig is a successful and well-respected English professor at renowned Trinity College in Cambridge. By night, Richard indulges his own romantic fantasies with a steady stream of beautiful undergraduates. But Richard has grown tired of the game and is looking for something more meaningful and lasting. So when Kate, Richard’s tanned, athletic, 25-year-old American girlfriend tells him that she is pregnant, Richard is thrilled. He looks forward to having a family of his own, being a father his children could be proud of, not some sex-fueled bobcat. There is only one problem. Richard’s not in love with Kate. Richard is in love with Kate’s sister, Olivia. He had been in love with her ever since he first saw her.

2021 年 04 月 02 日

A psychiatrist, whose client commits suicide, finds his family life disrupted after introducing her surviving brother to his wife and daughter.

2005 年 04 月 29 日

In the present, artist Tom Warshaw recalls his traumatic coming of age. As a 13-year-old growing up in New York City in 1973, Tom hangs out with Pappass, a mentally disabled man. With Tom's mother battling depression after the death of her husband, the young boy is left to his own devices. When Tom develops a crush on schoolmate Melissa, Pappass feels abandoned and begins behaving erratically.

A world-renowned concert pianist and composer on the verge of creating his magnum opus. When he receives a life-changing diagnosis, his estranged ex-wife takes up the cross of caring for him, and he is forced to balance reconciling his failed relationships with redefining his pursuit of greatness.

Three lifelong friends travel to Key West, Florida to be bridesmaids in the surprise wedding of their college girlfriend Marilyn. Once there, sisterhoods are rekindled, the past rises up again in all its glory, and there’s enough sparks, drinks and romance to change all their lives in ways they never expected.



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