15. September 2012

College students from Youngstown, Ohio were planning a simple fashion blogging documentary before a zombie invasion changed their film, and their lives. Teaming up with an ex-soldier turned zombie-hunter, the co-eds face threats from the undead and their corporate overlords.

INVISIBLE SCARS is a feature documentary that explores hope, healing, and resilience through the eyes of one woman who was sexually abused by her father. Johnna is a mother, wife, student, and friend who appears strong and confident. She candidly reveals the life-long struggles she has faced from the events that have affected her since childhood. Johnna meets dedicated scholars and leading experts who discuss the topic of child sexual abuse. In addition, she comes face to face with other people who were also sexually abused. With the perspective of others, she comes to understand how her experiences have negatively impacted her life choices, self-image, and interpersonal relationships. Through this journey, Johnna is forced to face her past and learn to live in the present.

Documentary chronicling the history of the Heaven's Gate cult, including actual home video footage and interviews with surviving members.

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